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A life well lived - Martin J Walker - 1947-2024

The freedom movement has lost a dedicated veteran activist who worked tirelessly to expose the inequities and injustices imposed on those who dared to challenge the status quo. Martin J Walker was indeed a warrior of our time. As an activist, investigator, political poster artist and writer he notably followed and wrote about the persecution of Dr Andrew Wakefield by the British General Medical Council (GMC), attending every day of his sham three year trial. In his own words, "I began attending originally because I intended to write a book about the‘Wakefield Affair’, but ended up writing reports for the parents of vaccine damaged children who found it difficult to get to the hearing." His reports triggered the ire of gutter journalist, Brian Deer, whose 'investigation' fuelled the global persecution of Wakefield that, ironically, turned him into the activist he is today (Wakefield's new film, Protocol7 is just out).

In 2013, Martin Walker described a court case brought against Dr Jayne Donegan by the GMC as, “A calculated attack on the right of defendants to bring independent expert evidence to court”.

His most recent book, Dirty Medicine: The Handbook is the twenty year follow up to his book Dirty Medicine: Science, big business and the assault on natural health care. In it he gives a full and detailed picture of the vested interests, their personalities, organisations and ideas that have shaped the ongoing attack on natural health alternatives to mainstream medicine. 

He also conducted an immense amount of research on the skeptic movement. His book, “Cultural Dwarfs and Junk Journalism: Ben Goldacre, Quackbusting and Corporate Science” can be downloaded for free here. His other books and articles are recommended reading if you want to delve into the murky underworld of the skeptics and global medical science run by a corporate agenda.

Martin's work as a lifelong activist committed to changing the prison system is not well known, but he highlighted issues during the Troubles in Northern Ireland and also exposed the toxic world of vivisection (animal testing). Martin was also an accomplished artist with some of his political posters displayed in the Victoria and Albert museum in London.

Sadly, Martin has died all but penniless and his family don't have the means to have him cremated as he wishes. A Go Fund Me was set up to raise money to help him and his wife in his last weeks, the funds from which will now be used to pay for his cremation. You can donate here.

>>> ANH review of Dirty Medicine: The Handbook

Natural News

  • BREAKING NEWS! US Senator, Cory Booker (D-NJ), has introduced a new Bill, known as the Safe School Meals Act (SSMA), to protect children from harmful toxins in school meals. If passed (and, yes, it's a big if), the bill will place limits on heavy metals, ban certain pesticide residues, trigger the safety reassessment of food additives including artificial food dyes that have been linked with health harms and ban the use of PFAS, phthalates, and bisphenols in school meal food packaging. The bill would also increase the funding available for schools to purchase safe school meals. In 2022, US advocacy group, Moms Across America, tested school lunches from 15 states for harmful toxins, setting the stage for the new legislation to be introduced. They found 95% of the items tested were positive for glyphosate, while 74% contained at least one other pesticide and 100% contained heavy metals

  • The majority of people over the age of 70 should be taking statins according to a new modelling study published in Heart. The new study is in direct contrast to a 2018 study which found that statins don’t reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke in over 75s
  • A new mouse study, published in Nature, has sparked headlines calling for children to be given statins to prevent future heart disease when proper nutrition and lifestyle advice will more than suffice. As with all pharmaceutical drugs, statins come with a range of unpleasant adverse reactions and unknown long-term negative effects, particularly in children who are still developing.

>>> Statin prophylaxis for the over-75s?

>>> How does a society drugged up on statins clean up?

  • There are also moves to get 'skinny' jabs approved for use in children as young as 6 to help them lose weight following publication of a study on Novo Nordisk's original weight loss jab, Saxenda, in the New England Journal of Medicine. Unfortunately, as soon as the jabs were stopped, the children started putting the weight back on. The children also suffered far more adverse reactions to the jabs than adults. Do we really want to pathologise children to this extent rather than focusing on changes to what, when and how they eat and move as well as reducing toxic load and managing stress?
  • The UK government is pressing ahead with further restrictions on the advertising of food products high in fat, salt or sugar due to be introduced in October 2025 as it tries to stem increasing levels of obesity in the UK. Such restrictions are likely to push food companies to just reformulate products to reduce levels of fat, sugar and salt using many new to nature additives and non-nutritive sweeteners that bring with them their own set of health issues.

>>> Why artificial sweeteners are part of the obesity problem not the solution

>>> The ANH International Food4Kids guidelines offers a wealth of advice to protect and promote healthy, resilient and robust health in childhood and beyond

  • Sustainable agri-food systems, including organic agriculture, are essential to the future of farming and food production in Europe according to a new report, ‘Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture’, published by the European Commission
  • However, the report also promotes the need to reduce livestock farming and increase plant-based proteins, in order to meet climate targets
  • An Open Letter is calling for rigorous and transparent labelling of organisms created through new genomic techniques (NGTs) in the EU. The letter, Food Industry for Freedom of Choice, has been signed by 347 food busineses from 16 EU countries
  • Companies creating plant-based proteins are already involved in ‘bloody’ battles over their products. Motif Foodworks, described as one of the best funded ‘precision fermentation’ companies is closing down following a bitter dispute with Impossible Foods over its use of synthetic heme. However, continued rejection of such products by consumers is also casting a wide shadow over the precision fermentation sector. GMWatch has more
  • A new study published in Frontiers in Nutrition suggests Omega-3 fatty acids can promote healthy ageing and improve quality of life as people get older
  • Young girls exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which mimic, block and interfere with our natural hormones, are at risk of going through puberty early. One of the compounds, musk ambrette, found in many personal care products and detergents, was flagged as being of particular concern by researchers publishing in Endocrinology. A recent study published in JAMA Network Open highlights the dangers of exposure to EDCs by babies before they’re born. The dangers to children from EDCs leaching from plastic drinking bottles (article in Dutch), is brought to the fore by a new study lead by the Tegengif Foundation in the Netherlands, in collaboration with five European NGOs.

>>> Is your little girl an early starter?

  • Finally, the healing powers of being in nature has been given the thumbs up by a major UK project, which has found that ‘green social prescribing’, which helps to reconnect individuals with nature, improves people’s mental health and overall wellbeing far more effectively than any medications can.

>>> Find out more about Nature's potent healing power

ANH-USA update

  • Cutting edge anti-ageing compounds are in the US Food & Drug Agency’s (FDA) crosshairs to be banned. Certain peptides that have been found to extend lifespan in animals by up to 40%, have neuroprotective, immune-modulating, anti-cancer and an ability to heal injuries with no adverse effects. Instead of welcoming these life-giving compounds, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is moving ever closer to banning the use of certain peptides in compounded peptide products. Help save compounded peptides!
  • Rob Verkerk PhD and Jonathan Emord took to the stage at RAADFest, the biggest anti-ageing event in the USA, recently. Together Dr Verkerk and Jonathan Emord explained the threats to natural health products and how ANH defends against such threats. Separately, Dr Verkerk discussed the incredible power of natural peptide bioregulators for healing, regeneration and disease prevention. Donate to support ANH-USA’s legal actions.
  • Following the submission of a Citizen’s Petition by ANH-USA and the Natural Products Association (NPA), the NPA has moved forward to sue the FDA over its decision to ban NMN as a supplement in order to allow Big Pharma to take advantage of its ability to promote healthy longevity. Help protect access to a key anti-ageing supplement.

Covid related Update

  • Free Humanity has published an Open Letter and are inviting you to take a stand against against the UN's global overreach as it prepares to agree a Pact for the Future, which will essentially pave the way to global governance, putting our freedom and autonomy at risk. Sign the Open Letter here to reject the UN's grab for global power and defend freedom, sovereignty, and democracy against overreach. Together, we can ensure that the future is shaped by the people, for the people
  • The fight against ‘misinformation’ has ratcheted up a notch as G20 ministers agreed to combine their efforts to fight mis- and disinformation at the current meeting in Brazil. The decision is somewhat ironic, given Brazil’s recent attacks on the platform X and its owner, Elon Musk
  • A new report from the World Economic Forum places tackling mis- and disinformation front and centre as WEF Chairman, Klaus Schwab, echoes the G20 calls for global collaboration to tackle misinformation
  • Contamination of Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna covid 'vaccines' with synthetic plasmid DNA (a key starting material for creating mRNA covid vaccines and a contaminant), up to seven to 145 times the allowable limit, has been confirmed by a new report from Dr David J Speicher. The new study confirms data from Canada, the US and Germany showing how widespread the issue is. Australian regulators continue to deny such contamination is real. Rebekah Barnett has more
  • Yet more documents have been obtained by a Freedom of Information request, made by America First Legal (AFL), revealing the cosy collaborations between UK ‘disinformation’ experts and representatives of the US government in 2021. Reclaim the Net has the full story
  • In an effort to force the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Pandemic Agreement through the ratification process, a new 'lite' version of the agreement has been published. Conveniently, it leaves lots of blanks to be negotiated after the Agreement has been passed
  • A group of Japanese doctors and university professors have raised serious concerns about the release of the Replicon sa-mRNA covid vaccine, a self-amplifying, gene engineered vaccine, scheduled for October (approved in November 2023). Dr Miki Gibo explains some of the concerns in a video shared on X. James Corbett has more
  • The New Civil Liberties Alliance has filed an amended complaint in a vaccine injury lawsuit against the US government. The amended complaint challenges the government’s collusion with social media companies to censor vaccine damaged people
  • Orwellian style proposals included in a new Public Health Bill in Northern Ireland are being opposed by political parties on both sides of the border, including Aontú in the South and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) in the North. The new proposed new Bill, which includes provisions that would allow authorities to forcibly detain individuals and submit to medical treatments, such as vaccination, against their will, is out for consultation until October 14th
  • A new report from Swiss Re acknowledges high levels of excess mortality due to the covid ‘pandemic’, which it suggests, could last through to the 2030’s. The report drops the blame fairly and squarely on covid infections only mentioning covid shots as part of measures to reduce mortality.


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