In Brief (click on the links to read more)

Natural News

  • The harms of pesticides in US school lunches has been brought to the fore in the US by recent research, inspired by Moms Across America’s School Lunch Testing Program, revealing the presence of heavy metals, pesticides and veterinary drugs in school lunches. Senator Cory Brooker has recently introduced a new Bill, known as the Safe School Meals Act (SSMA), to protect children from harmful toxins in school meals
  • A new study published in Frontiers in Toxicology, underpins the dangers posed by food packaging as it connects the development of breast cancer with chemicals found in foods, which have migrated from food packaging
  • A major new investigation, by non-profit newsroom, Lighthouse Reports, has uncovered a US government-funded ‘private social network’ containing a wide-range of personal information used to attack pesticide critics. It’s no surprise to find an ex-Monsanto employee, Jay Byrne, at its heart
  • Yet more harms associated to pesticide exposure have been revealed in an investigative article (behind a paywall) published in the New York Times by journalist, Greg Donahue. Donahue shows how an entire community of brain disease patients in Canada have been abandoned by the authorities as they seek to cover up the links between heavy pesticide use in the area and high levels of dementia in young people. Beyond Pesticides has more
  • As the new UK Government comes under intense pressure to approve ‘precision bred’ organisms it’s announced the introduction of secondary legislation to push through the approval of ‘precision breeding technologies’ (or new genomic techniques (NGTs). The announcement is peppered with platitudes and promises that such technologies will save pollinators, the environment, and feed us all in the face of climate change, parroting the green-washed marketing slogans of the Big Ag companies
  • UK non-profit, GM Freeze, has sent a parliamentary briefing to the UK government setting out recommendations for regulation NGTs and urging caution over the wholesale approval of them. GM Freeze has also released a new report warning of the associated risks of these technologies. We call for extreme caution before diving into these particular very deep and murky waters that have the potential to damage the planet even further.

>>> GMOs – human saviour or nature’s enemy?

  • Intermittent fasting could transform the health and wellbeing of obese teenagers according to a small, year-long, dietician-supported study published in JAMA Pediatrics. During the initial phase, participants followed a very low-calorie plan using Opifast products, after which they were switched to plans using either intermittent energy restriction (IER) or continuous energy restriction.

>>> Why you should try intermittent fasting

  • 'Human' lactoferrin (produced in breast milk) is one of the latest precision-fermented products to receive huge sums of funding in a push to upscale its production. Clever marketing from startup, Helaina, tells us that yeast is ‘taught’ to produce the lactoferrin and that the ‘finished product’ isn’t GM. However, the marketeers appear to gloss over the rather important fact, that in order to produce the lactoferrin the yeast has to be genetically modified. It's also yeast-produced, rather than human lactoferrin
  • The more ultra processed foods (UPFs) you include in your diet, the higher your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D). A long-term study published in THE LANCET Regional Health Europe, found replacing UPFs with minimally processed foods reduced the risk of developing T2D. The biggest dangers were from highly processed carbs and plant-based meat alternatives
  • Pharma companies are lining up to develop weight loss drugs as they recognise the financial opportunities presented by the spiralling obesity crisis.

>>> Struggling with weightloss: Is your fat trapped?

Free speech controls

  • Journalist, C J Hopkins, is now a “hate-speech” criminal according to a German Court after his original acquittal was overturned. His crime? Tweeting a barely visible image of a swastika overlaid on a mask on the cover of his latest book. Hopkins remains defiant of the Court process, calling the German authorities totalitarian, as he awaits his sentence
  • In a major victory for free speech advocates, proposed amendments to Ireland’s existing hate speech laws have been scrapped due to the massive pushback against the amendments, along with a lack of support for the proposals. However, the Irish government has signalled its plans to move forward with new hate speech laws without the proposed amendments
  • The full extent to which Facebook cooperated with US government officials to censor content, has been revealed in documents obtained by America First Legal through a freedom of information request. The documents show how Facebook went the extra mile to assist censorship efforts by creating a fast track portal to help government officials manage and track censorship requests
  • In a sobering Substack, Jame Lyons-Weiler PhD warns us not to believe anything online, as he discusses real-time reality editing, which can alter and manipulate live or recorded content. Ultimately we need to remain alert and aware and always be sceptical and check content
  • The US state of New Jersey is planning to crack down on doctors and healthcare workers who refuse to toe the party line and spread ‘misinformation’ by speaking out against mainstream narratives. Reclaim the Net has more.

ANH-USA update

  • One of the single most damaging changes in our diet during the last century is the development of seed oils to replace natural fats, which is considered to be a leading cause driving the chronic disease epidemic. Highly processed seed oils create an imbalance in our omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, which leads to chronic inflammation. Find out why seed oils pose such a threat to our health and how you can restore your omega 3/omega 6 ratio to a healthy level.

Covid related Update

  • A US court has dismissed a case brought by the family of a man in conjunction with Children’s Health Defense, against the US Department of Defense, who died due to myocarditis after he got a mandated covid shot. In his ruling the judge ignored what attorneys deemed “substantial evidence” of wilful misconduct as he upheld the “sovereign immunity” protecting the government and federal agencies against being sued. The Defender has the full story
  • Introduced on 25 September 2024, US Bill HR 9828, known as the ‘End the Vaccine Carveout Act’ seeks to change the 1986 Act, which prevents Americans from suing vaccine manufacturers in the case of adverse reactions. So far, the Bill is being supported by 30 Senators. Stand for Health Freedom has all the details on how you can support the Bill and get your representative to add their name to support its introduction
  • Covid vaccines have been linked to a more than 20% increase of heavy menstrual bleeding up to 3 months following vaccination, by a new French study published in Vaccines.


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