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your voice counts
24 July 2020 at 9:45 pm
Thank you ANH for another great video. I have to say I look forward to your weekly injections of sanity in a mad world.
I have wondered if there might be a placebo and nocibo effect of face masks too? Some people I talk to feel comforted by it and perhaps this in turn actually helps them, for me, I know it instills fear which is not good for my immune system! And thank you for raising the Environmental impact, not just the vast volumes of gloves and masks but also coffee shops that back to disposable (non recyclable) cups and refusing to use containers you take yourself, just as we had got to a really great place of reducing this unnecessary waste earlier this year.
25 July 2020 at 12:55 pm
I sincerely wish people were educated in school rather than conditioned to give the desired reaction and response.
Did anyone pay attention in biology? Did anyone pay attention in physics class and learn that vapour is not the same as liquid droplets? N95 masks are designed to stop 95% of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2-4 micrometers in length and 0.2-0.5 um in width. SARS-CoV-2 virion is approximately 50–200 nanometres in diameter.
A micrometre is one millionth of a metre. A nanometre is is one-billionth of a metre. A um is micron or micrometre so ask yourself a question, if you have a screen designed to stop 95% of buses how many ping pong balls will it stop?
So next time you put on your fabric mask, maybe you should tuck it under your arm and suck your thumb. This is scientific because nasal breathing produces less water vapour than mouth breathing.
25 July 2020 at 4:04 pm
Thank you Peter Lane for some sanity in this mad, mad world!!
The government say they are following the science, but who are these scientists and why do they keep changing their minds?
Thank you also Robert and to the ANH team for giving us a platform and all the information to make informed choices.
25 July 2020 at 5:09 pm
Excellent video. One aspect of the use of masks and gloves is particularly ironic. This pandemic was caused by the biome producing a genetic expression (i.e. the so-called virus) in response to stresses placed by us on the environment by the use of toxins, chemicals, glyphosate, herbicides, pesticides, harmful radiation etc. and - wait for it - plastics. And now we have decided to increase the latter by some 129 billion masks and 65 billion gloves every month. In other words, the purported preventive or remedial actions taken actually exerbate the origial cause of the pandemic. It seems that the inmates are in charge of the asylum.
26 July 2020 at 3:41 pm
Before smoking was banned inside buildings I decided to measure the levels of contaminants in a large hotel reception area. I was evaluating a digital particle counter and placed it in the far corner of the room and recorded the density of airborne particles as a control. Then a person smoking a cigarette entered the room more than 30 feet away from the particle counter. Within 30 seconds, the reading on the particle counter shot up and went off the scale, I had to re-calibrate the unit so I could work out the massive increase in particle density due to the cigarette smoke emanating from the other end of the room. I understand that some virus particles are of a similar size and weight to cigarette smoke. As there are many variables indoors and outdoors like humidity and air currents I concluded that virus particles can travel long distances under certain conditions - much further than 2 or 3 metres!
26 July 2020 at 5:01 pm
Hi Rob and team, thanks again for another very informative newsletter. I had already listened to you and Melini discussing mask-wearing on your podcasts in June.
I reside here in Barcelona where the horrible threat of another lockdown looms over us as second waves are rolling in. It's 30oC presently in Barcelona and I am incoming increasingly hot and bothered and worried about the effects of wearing masks, especially for people working in shops and bars and restaurants were it's already mandatory to wear face coverings. Myself and my wife spent the day outside Barcelona, the city we were visiting was empty mainly due to it Spanish culture and lots of businesses being closed on Saturday afternoon. We wandered around the mostly empty city but found it ridiculous that even with this weather we felt compelled to wear them and even if off for a second got dirty looks. I'm 49 years old and I myself have heart disease and therefore high risk and have been wearing a mask from day 1, because we were told to do so, i.e. droplets from an infected person can enter through the mouth, the nose or the eyes (I found it strange that nobody and I really mean nobody is talking people glasses: you had actually asked Meleni in that same podcast in June to comment on glasses but she didn't get around to it) I also wear glasses as much as possible. I've been maintaining social distancing, not going indoors to bars or restaurants and have barely hugged anyone apart from my wife and one or two mates. I'm in very good physical condition. My diet is plant-based. I'd also add that I'm a Health and Nutrition Coach, i.e. I know how to look after myself. So as far as I'm concerned, I've been protecting myself as much as possible from getting infected and that did includes a mask, or I would have thought so....before watching you video. So my question is what is the alternative then for people like me, or people who are overweight, with Diabetes2, COPD, the old, i.e the high-risk people? What is our best defense then? Stay inoors. It's all well and good saying that masks might be even more dangerous to wear than not, but that's a realy hard sell and pease don't get me wrong, I'm against wearing them, I hate the damn things. I think people who are exercising wearing them is potentially dangerous. But in your video, Professor Denis Rancourt who is a researcher mentions trials that were done finding no significant advantage to wearing a mask, where is his evidence to support this? Are there links to these studeies that we can see? And then what the evidence to support wearing a mask? What about this ( from the University Of California, San Francisco? Where in one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight-tested negative for COVID-19. In another case (, in late May, two hairstylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive.
I was very much a believer in lockdowns, social distancing, and masks but from listening to your shows and of others, have very much had a complete turnaround in my opinion especially as I can see the detrimental effect that social distancing (mask wearing included) can have on mental health not only in adults but in children too. I'm very much against them all now! But I would very much like to hear what you think when you and your great team have some time. Thank you so much again for your dedication and another great video.
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