Denis Vaughan, 82, is an orchestral conductor with a deep passion for the arts. He's worked with the likes of the London Philharmonic and is a recognised world authority on the scores of Verdi, Puccini and Dvorák. He is also a well connected man with friends in high places. Some, like the philanthropist J Paul Getty II are now dead. Having himself been diagnosed with prostate cancer around 12 years ago, Vaughan's survival was threatened when his prostate specific antigen (PSA) count started rising. Rather than undergoing surgery, radiotherapy or chemo, Vaughan opted for high dose intravenous vitamin C injections.

The treatment is regarded as unorthodox simply because it's not yet recognised by the orthodox medical establishment. Alternative cancer practitioners have long known its benefits.

Vaughan, also the mastermind of the UK's National Lottery, has long been a supporter of natural health. After 7 weeks of weekly intravenous treatment using around 75 g of vitamin C a day, equating to around 1250 times the appallingly low 60 mg Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), Vaughan's prostate specific antigen (PSA) level had been reversed. Vaughan's turnaround has put him back to leisurely 'watchful waiting':  His oncologist has told him that, given the encouraging results, he doesn't need to be seen for another year.

Read Jerome Burne's full story reported in the Daily Mail


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