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This year, 2020 has been an extraordinary year for many reasons. The pandemic which has dominated so much of our lives, as well as governments, health authorities and politicians, has brought about circumstances that have profoundly changed our lives. It is no understatement to say that life is unlikely to return to the way it was in 2019. The consequences of the human reaction to the pandemic are far reaching and likely to be long lasting. With economies having been brought to their knees, school children having missed out on the education they expected and deserved, and with millions having lost their livelihoods, it's sometimes hard to think what the upsides might be for most of us. One that comes to mind, is the bringing together of those of us with a common interest.
In this light, we'd like to share briefly with you three of the collaborations with which we're involved that have emerged from the circumstances we've found ourselves in during 2020.
International vitamin C campaign
Monday 7th December saw the launch of a new campaign calling for the use of vitamin C both as part of a preventative protocol and as a treatment for covid-19. The launch was timed to coincide with the publication of the latest review paper in the journal Nutrients on the science of vitamin C for both the prevention and treatment of covid-19.
We've joined forces with friend, colleague and nutritionist Patrick Holford to get the word out about the importance of vitamin C — why governments and health authorities should be pushing vitamin C, why critical care facilities should be using vitamin C as an adjunct therapy and why members of the public should be taking vitamin C in divided doses on a daily basis to protect themselves against covid-19 and other respiratory diseases.
But we’re going to need to push hard to get the word out!
Sign the petition, whether you're a health professional or concerned citizen, to show your support.
Medical Freedom International
The ANH is a collaborating organisation with Medical Freedom International (MFI). The newly formed MFI is an international alliance headed by UK doctor Anna Forbes that brings together professional organisations from around the world in support of medical freedom. It includes medical professionals, scientists and lawyers from a wide array of countries, and its inspiration comes from a recognition that our governments’ responses to covid-19 have been misguided, create unnecessary harms, and are not based on the best available scientific evidence.
Check out the introductory video below and the new MFI website.
The Mirror Project
The Mirror Project is a new platform for all those who believe that we are under attack from a new form of tyranny. It is a place to collect and present evidence, give whistleblowers a voice, organise resistance, and educate others.
Along with ourselves, the Mirror Project, called attention to the UK Government's plans to change the Human Medicines Regulations earlier this year. Our calls resulted in the government receiving over 188,000 responses to the consultation, which it chose to ignore. We now have a a paper trail that could pay dividends in the event of potential future legal actions.
We're collaborating to encourage UK citizens to respond to a call for evidence for an inquiry being conducted by the Joint Committe on Human Rights, which is examining the impact of lockdown restrictions on human rights.
>>> Find out more at ANH-Intl Covid-19 Adapt Don’t Fight campaign page
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your voice counts
12 December 2020 at 12:56 pm
Most uplifting to see all these much-needed initiatives being taken by well-informed, responsible, thinking and principled people/groups.
Your voice counts
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