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With the world focus directed to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it's easy to forget that covid related matters are still on our doorstep. On the contrary, it's usually at times like this that new legislation is passed quietly into law whilst people's attention is elsewhere.
This week there's plenty of positive news to be had and more revelations that are tearing apart the carefully (or not so carefully) constructed narratives of the past two years.
Many countries are relaxing and rolling back restrictions, although some are still persisting in the persecution of those who remain jab-free despite significant coercion. We invite you to dive in...
Pushbacks & positives!
- BREAKING NEWS! France has just announced it will lift mask mandates and the use of vaccine passports (apart from to access care homes) from March 14th
- The owner of Romania's most well-known football club, Steaua Bucharest, has announced a ban on jabbed players in the team. The ban comes as Mr Becali recognises the problems being caused in top level players following covid injections. His comments have, unsurprisingly, attracted sharp criticism by the Romanian government which is insisting covid jabs are beneficial to players and can improve performance
- Top flight Australian Football League (AFL) player Jack Darling has been sidelined due to his refusal to be covid jabbed. Despite the team struggling with injuries, the West Eagles management has not yet made a decision whether to sack him, continue to sideline him or allow him back into the team
- Google has lifted its jab mandates and requirement to wear masks in its offices for employees
- Ryanair has announced it's dropping the requirement to wear masks on its flights
- Following its recent consultation, the UK government has announced it will revoke jab mandates for healthcare workers on the 15th March. The response to the consultation was overwhelmingly in favour of dropping the mandates. A motion has been filed in Parliament calling for those who lost jobs because they refused to jabbed to be reinstated. However, we remain to be convinced that mandates won't be forced on the UK's health care workers via backdoor mechanisms as the government maintains its support for all workers being jabbed
- Parents in Hollywood have held a rally to protest against the continued mandating of mask wearing for children in school due to the harms caused by continued wearing of masks
- The owner of a card shop in the UK who refused to close during lockdown, and was subsequently prosecuted and fined £35,000, has won his appeal. Summing up after he quashed the conviction, the judge said the lockdowns were 'difficult times' and coronavirus rules 'open to interpretation'
- The New Zealand government has announced a further relaxation of border restrictions due to the number of omicron cases now across the country. If someone is jabbed they will no longer have to quarantine, however quarantine regulations remain for those who are jab-free
- In Czechoslovakia a court has found that the Czech Parliament acted illegally when it did not allow a candidate who had not been jabbed to enter a committee meeting in December 2021
- Amazon will no longer require warehouse employees in the US to wear masks at work regardless of whether or they’re jabbed
- New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, has announced jab mandates will be lifted on the 7th March. School masks mandates will also be lifted
- UK Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, has said the emergency powers granted to the government under the Coronavirus Act will expire in March 2022 and he does not see the Act ever being brought back into use
- Governor of Florida, Ron de Santis, has signed a new bill into law that will protect doctors that use non CDC approved treatments for covid. However, it has caused controversy as it will also protect those medical facilities that stick to CDC guidelines. It will also remove mask mandates for employees and reduce the covid quarantine period to 5 days
- US and Olympic wrestling champion, Kyle Dake, saw red when told he had to be covid jabbed in order to continue his training so he decided to fight back by founding Athletes for Medical Freedom. Kyle recently discussed his decision to stand against the coercion and mandates with Robert F Kennedy Jr on his podcast
- The global pandemic has been declared ‘over’ by an international alliance of more than 17,000 physicians and medical scientists. They have concluded that covid no longer requires national emergency status and will be better treated through natural immunity and proven treatments
- A Canadian prisoner is reported to have been denied bail, despite being eligible because he is jab-free. The halfway house where he would stay has a requirement for residents to be jabbed and has refused to take him unless he submits to the jab. His case is being taken up by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF)
- Multiple trucking companies in Canada have effectively been shut down by the Ontario Ministry of Transport for taking part in the Freedom protests
- Concerns about whether or not doctors should be allowed to decide who gets treatment based on jab status have been raised after a 3-year-old boy from Cyprus was refused treatment for a heart condition by hospitals in the UK, Germany and Israel. All because his parents are jab-free. His parents have now reportedly, been jabbed but because his operation is urgently required he will be treated in Greece
- Police from around the country in New Zealand have entered the Freedom camp mob handed to dismantle the camp and disperse the protestors on the grounds that they might turn violent. The peaceful protest saw some incidents as Police tore down tents and pushed protestors away from the camp using pepper spray and riot equipment.
Vaccine passports
- Rather oddly, given the rollback of many covid restrictions including the use of jab passports, the World Health Organization has appointed German company, T-systems (a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom), to develop a global system to verify covid jab status. The system will also be used for other jabs such as polio and yellow fever
- States across the US are quietly rolling out the SMART health card to give people digital access to prove their jab status even though many states are now rescinding covid restrictions
- Around 3.5 million French citizens will have their covid passes deactivated because they’ve not had a booster shot meaning they will no longer be able to access a wide range of venues
- While countries around the globe relax coronavirus restrictions, Hong Kong is tightening its covid measures. On the 24th February it rolled out a jab passport for anyone aged over 12 to access a range of venues including supermarkets, that requires people to have had at least one covid jab.
- A group of industrial hygiene experts have sent a letter to the Directors of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Sen Ron Johnson, OSHA and the President’s office asking for immediate corrections to be made to the CDC’s guidance on the use of masks and respirators. The authors express their concerns over the “…inaccurate and misleading guidance…” being provided by the CDC saying it’s “…overly broad, inaccurate and especially inappropriate for children and the general public.”
- The issue of what level of protection masks give against covid is now mainstream as it's acknowledged that cloth masks allow 90% of particles through making them near useless against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. For those who've been following all the science over the past two years this is in now way new news as we reported in June 2020.
- Canadian organisation Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) is suing the Canadian federal government on behalf of four Canadian citizens over its use of the Emergencies Act (EA) to break the Freedom protests. They will argue that the EA was “unconstitutional and an excessive use of Executive Power, not authorized by the law in the circumstance”. One of the organisers of the Freedom Convoy and subsequent protests, Tamara Lich, has been denied bail by a court in Ottawa because they deem there is a substantial risk she will reoffend if released
- The High Court in New Zealand has ruled that jab mandates for the Police and New Zealand defence force make little sense and should be removed, recognising that the arrival of omicron levelled the playing field in terms of infection and transmission whether jabbed or jab-free. The judge said that the requirement for employees to present a jab passport or lose their jobs was not a 'reasonably justified' violation of the Bill of Rights
- A federal court judge in Tampa, USA has ruled that the military cannot penalise two officers who have refused to be covid jabbed on religious grounds after their request for a religious exemption was denied.
- Researchers publishing in Frontiers in Virology are claiming that part of the code of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is identical to that of a gene patented by Moderna in 2016 adding further evidence to theory that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a lab. Grilled recently on Fox Business about the claims, the Moderna President carefully avoided answering the questions thrown at him. Claims that the virus originated in the Wuhan wet market continue to be made by two new studies (here and here). It’s of no surprise to find both studies share authors and funding sources including the US National Institutes of Health.
- Confirmation that Google is actively censoring websites deemed to be promoting misinformation has been shared by American's Frontline Doctors after it received an email from Google saying it does not allow medical information that contradicts mainstream consensus
A recent report published by US organisation the de Beaumont Foundation titled 'Disinformation Doctors: Licensed to Mislead' calls on state medical boards across the country to take “proactive action” to stop medical doctors from spreading COVID disinformation
- Kids in the US will be taught how to “…navigate a sea of online disinformation", after the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) signed a deal to partner with self-styled online custodians and for-profit ‘fact-checking’ company, NewsGuard. The deal will see the AFT's members, the millions of children they teach and their families given a free copy of NewsGuard's web browser extension. Read more about this assault on the ability of children to learn to think critically from Children’s Health Defense
- Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have admitted to withholding large swathes covid data over fears it would be 'misinterpreted' as showing covid jabs are ineffective and be misused by ‘anti-vaxxers’ to fuel jab hesitancy
- The World Health Organization (WHO) and National Academy of Medicine (NAM) are encouraging the continued censorship of health related information by calling on social media companies to adopt a set of global principles proposed by NAM in 2021.
- New information obtained through a Freedom of Information request by The Telegraph has revealed that UK scientists did not have accurate data when they predicted half a million people could die if the UK didn’t take radical action and lockdown during the initial covid wave in March 2020
- Sweden’s Coronavirus Commission has issued a new report concluding the Swedish government was fundamentally correct in not implementing lockdowns as it preserved citizen’s freedoms, but states that tougher measures should have been implemented earlier.
- Imunocompromised children and young people are not at increased risk of becomingly severely ill from covid according to a new paper published in the Journal of Infection. Only 4 out of 38 covid patients included in the analysis with confirmed covid were hospitalised. None developed severe covid illness or died.
Covid injections
- Further analysis of adverse event data from Israel has been published by Josh Guetzkow on his Substack. The data comes from a survey of 2,049 people following administration of a booster shot 3-4 weeks earlier. The results make for shocking reading with 66% of those surveyed reporting at least one adverse reaction. The results also reveal a significant under reporting of actual adverse reactions and hospitalisations
- A new study published in Current issues in molecular biology has increased concerns that the spike protein, introduced by mRNA jab, could be integrated into the human genome. Researchers using human liver cells in a lab to study the Pfizer/BioNTech jab found that the mRNA from the jabs can be reverse transcribed into DNA and enter the nucleus of cells. Something the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, amongst others, continues to deny
- The Moderna covid jab has been approved for use in Australian children aged 6 and over even though it’s use has been stopped for those under the age of 30 in several European countries
- A board member of German insurance company BKK, Andreas Schöfbeck, has sent a letter to the Paul Ehrlich Institute raising serious concerns over the number of people experiencing adverse reactions following covid jabs. The letter reports on claims for the first half of 2021 and extrapolates that up to 3 million German people may have experienced harms. It's now being reported that Herr Schöfbeck has been fired without notice by BKK before he could attend a meeting with the Paul Ehrlich Institute to discuss his concerns
- French tennis star, Gael Monfils, has blamed his withdrawal from recent tournaments on an adverse reaction following covid injection
- Whether you've been jabbed or had covid previously you have virtually no protection from omicron according to a research letter published in Allergy by researchers from the University of Vienna
- A global survey of around 10,000 people across 21 countries has found jabbed people are highly prejudiced against those who've chosen not to be injected. Conversely those who are jab-free were not found to harbour negative feelings towards those who have been jabbed
- When Dr Ros Jones and two colleagues attempted to hand deliver a letter to the offices of the UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) they found the building in lockdown, despite having phoned ahead to say they would be delivering the letter. It appears that the staff were told there was a protest outside (3 women plus someone with a camera) and ordered to shut down access. Dr Jones was also part of a panel, arranged by the Children's Covid Vaccine Advisory Group. to discuss new safety signals in regard to covid injections and children
- A new preprint study based on data from New York state in the US has found that the Pfizer covid jab is significantly less effective in children aged 5-11 years than older children. Effectiveness was found to drop to 12% after 4-5 weeks. The problem is being blamed on the use of a lower dose in younger children. Hot on its heels follows a study released by the CDC finding that although the jabs do little to prevent infection in children they do prevent against severe illness and there is no waning in effectiveness
- Sweden has decided not to recommend covid jabs for children aged 5-11 years
- A UK judge has decreed a highly vulnerable adult who lacks capacity to make a decision about covid jabs has ruled he must be jabbed against his parents’ wishes. Whilst in Ontario a judge has ruled a mother has the right to decide whether or not her children should be jabbed after her decision was challenged by the children’s father
- Children are at risk of developing multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) following covid jabs according to a new study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. The number of incidents of MIS-C reported in the study are low compared to the number of jabs administered. However, the supplementary data identifies a number of incidences of myocarditis and the COI section makes interesting reading
- Covid jabs are more dangerous to those under the age of 80 than covid itself according to a recent cost-benefit analysis, from researchers Stephanie Seneff and Kathy Dopp. They conclude that for younger adults and children there’s no benefit to be had from covid jabs, only risk
- The UK government is looking at a bill of millions of pounds as people who’ve been left with life-changing injuries by covid jabs begin making applications for compensation. It’s believed at least 920 applications have been received to date, although that number is likely to rise significantly as more people realise their health issues may be related to the jabs.
Other News
- The next release of Pfizer documents used by the US Federal Drugs Agency as part of its approval process for the Pfizer/BioNTech covid jab has been made. The documents can be found on the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) website
- Analysis by the HART Group raises significant concerns over the increase in cardiac events attended by emergency crews in England in 2021 compared to previous years. Not only has the number of cardiac events attended by ambulance crews increased significantly there has also been a rise in the number of expected events, which is, as yet, unexplained
- An interesting read co-authored by Senator Ron Johnson, a rare politician who sees through the charade of the past two years and isn’t afraid to call it as it is, in collaboration with Robert Malone MD discusses how the American public has been manipulated and turned against each other during the coronavirus crisis.
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your voice counts
05 March 2022 at 12:45 pm
Andreas Schöfbeck had analyzed the health insurance claims from almost 11 million members of the BKK group. The diagnosis codes, when coupled with vaccination information, provides a much more accurate statistical basis for determining the types of adverse reactions experienced than VAERS.
This method had been used to estimate the average number of sick leave days due to stress-related conditions, as these diagnosis codes are also noted on the sick leave certificates issued by doctors. Health insurance carriers sometimes write articles on the importance of stress reduction on the job in their newsletters.
Mr. Schöfbeck had subsequently requested that other health insurance carriers do the same analysis work in order to get a better picture of the level of underreporting of adverse reactions. Well, before he could discuss his findings with the Paul Ehrlich Institut he was quickly "eliminated."
06 March 2022 at 5:22 pm
Thanks for providing more detail on this particular issue Arno. It will be interesting to see if Mr Schöfbeck will now be more determined to speak out about his findings now he has been dismissed and his concerns effectively quashed.
Warm wishes
Your voice counts
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