With veiled threats of a second lockdown being mooted globally to deal with a second wave of coronavirus, we take a look at some of the more devastating, even irreversible, effects of the first one. Whether the threats are solely to ensure a compliant population or intended, can we really sustain the social and economic impacts of another one?

It would seem the answer to that question is a resounding NO! from a growing number of citizens globally.

Around the world this past weekend citizens have been protesting against the loss of personal freedoms, rights and economic pain as a result of draconian coronavirus restrictions. In Berlin an estimated (by the organisers) 800,000 to 1.3 million people joined forces to challenge the German Government’s restrictions with many chanting ‘We are free people’. Although the mainstream media is claiming only 17 - 20K, which amounts to around a 50-fold variance.

Thousands of protesters in London chanted ‘Freedom’ as they came together for a 14th protest. Further protests are being organised around the UK by StandUpX who describe themselves as "A community of people protesting and standing up for our rights across England!". In Serbia people gathered for the fifth night in a row to protest against measures brought in to contain covid-19. Past protests have also taken place across the US, Canada, Israel and Australia as citizens seek to reclaim their civil liberties and shrug off the mantel of state control that has descended on the so-called free and democratic world during the past 5 months.

Interestingly, in the UK there has been very little coverage by the mainstream media on the protests in London or Berlin on Saturday, so we've included live stream footage from personal Facebook pages in the video below.

>>> Given how widespread the censorship is now, we ask you to please share this video on your social media feeds.

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