Last weekend, 12-13 February, was the second of two weekends of the 'Your Life and Cancer 2022' event convened by the UK-based Yes To Life integrative cancer charity.
The event brought together a remarkable online programme of international speakers with huge experience and great insights into the benefits of integrating lifestyle, complementary and holistic approaches alongside conventional (allopathic) approaches to aid treatment and recovery, and enhance quality of life.
Among these experts was one of the pioneers of intravenous vitamin C for cancer, Dr Jeanne Drisko, currently professor emeritus at Kansas University Medical Center. Jeanne is also chair and medical director of our sister organisation, ANH-USA, so we've had the privilege of knowing Jeanne for over 15 years, as both friend and colleague.
Last Saturday, as part of the programme, our founder Rob Verkerk PhD (who is also scientific director of ANH-USA) interviewed Jeanne. The goal was to explore some of the pearls that have emerged during her more than 3 decades of clinical and research work in the field of vitamin C and cancer.
A recording of the interview is available below.
Please share widely among those who might find this life saving information of benefit.
Link to purchase the recordings from both weekend events -
Fiind out more about the powerful role vitamin C plays in supporting our health and wellbeing
Proudly affiliated with: Enough Movement Coalition partner of: World Council for Health
your voice counts
09 July 2022 at 5:13 pm
I am living proof high dose IV vitamin C works. In 2012 had stage 3 ovarian cancer; did the gold standard treatment PLUS the IV vitamin C 3x per week. My cancer never returned and I have been cancer free for 10 years and many more to go. I owe Dr Jeanne my life, she is the best. I was very saddened by the closing of the integrative medical unit at KU, it is a shame that more patients can not benefit from this proven treatment.
Your voice counts
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