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Should we be worried about ‘immune escape’ variants?
We interviewed vaccine scientist Geert Vanden Bossche PhD DVM in March – following some serious questions we had about his concerns.
Central to these was the notion that mass vaccination with the current crop of highly-specific, spike protein-targeted, experimental vaccines, might place an extreme form of selection pressure on the evolving virus. This could in turn accelerate the generation of ‘variants of concern’ or even produce a ‘super-variant’ that is both more dangerous and vaccine resistant. Dr Vanden Bossche’s cry was that all of this could lead to a scenario that might make what we’ve seen to-date look like a walk in the park.
At the end of March, we expressed the view that we should be cautious – on the basis of available science – in dismissing Dr Vanden Bossche’s potentially alarmist concerns.
Three months have now elapsed – and a tidal wave of infections and associated deaths has yet to manifest. Does this mean Dr Vanden Bossche got it wrong? Or is there another explanation?
Our second interview with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche
We decided it was time to ‘speak naturally’ to Geert van den Bossche again. Our video recording of the interview with our founder Rob Verkerk PhD follows.
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The bottom line
Some of the key points to emerge from the interview were as follows:
- Dr Vanden Bossche argues that we are seeing ever more variants associated with the global mass vaccination program
- These are applying ever more selection pressure on a very specific area (the receptor binding domain) of the spike protein
- This evolution of immune escape variants causes incomplete sterilisation of the virus in infected people, offering ever greater opportunities for evolution under this highly specific immune pressure
- The consequence, as articulated by molecular epidemiologists, could be ever more variants (a ‘pandemic of variants’ – with a risk that more lethal, more transmissible and vaccine resistant variants will emerge). There’s already ample evidence from the latest Public Health England data that ever younger populations are being affected and that transmissibility is increasing despite the northern summer conditions. Fortunately mortality so far associated with the delta variant (B.1.617.2 ) appears considerably less than the alpha variant (B.1.1.7 [‘UK’]) There’s also an increased risk that mutants might emerge that enlarge the non-human host range
- Dr Vanden Bossche argues we’re now in the ‘calm before the storm’ – all the signals that suggest the next wave in the autumn will present a greater risk are already in preprint scientific publications
- He believes mass vaccination should be stopped with immediate effect and he supports early treatment of symptomatic covid-19 patients with ivermectin and nutrients, as the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), the BIRD Group, ourselves and numerous others have proposed for months
- He also advocates the avoidance of mass gatherings and need for entirely different vaccine technologies that reduce selection pressure and the risk of immune escape variants
- You can find out more about the views of Dr Vanden Bossche via his website.
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It's your Right to kNOw about the risks of covid vaccines for autoimmune patients
your voice counts
02 July 2021 at 6:59 am
Just Curious..... Has anybody noticed that this man is a raving rambling lunatic?
02 July 2021 at 10:22 am
Has anybody noticed the astonishing eloquency and penetrating argumentation with which Donald Campbell puts forward his conviction. Thanks to this little condensed piece of glorious work we are all now so much more enlightened and knowledgeable.
02 July 2021 at 10:07 am
Regarding Rob´s comment on that people of today generally prefer to listen over reading information on the internet, I believe this is to a large degree due to the fact that it is relatively uncomfortable for the eyes and for the brain to read from a screen. Also, it is of course practical to be able to transport yourself from one place to another and to work with your hands to get practical things done while listening.
02 July 2021 at 12:06 pm
My head is spinning! What I draw from this verbiage is that we are much better off relying on our own immune systems. Mass gatherings of the unvaccinated since last summer have not brought 'surges' amongst those attending - all ages, shapes and sizes.
MHRA should now withdraw emergency approval and halt the jab carnage immediately. Our unjabbed bodies can get on with what they are equipped for and have done for thousands of years, naturally.
02 July 2021 at 1:03 pm
We have lived with bacteria, viruses, moulds since the creation of time (or whatever you believe). We evolved brilliantly for thousands/millions of years. History illustrates (because history always has a bias), that may so called "epidemics" can be associated with human filth and being herded into cramped environments, human inventions where the end results were hardly ever considered (chemical agriculture, GM seeds/plants/foods/EMFs, toxic environmental and personal load, damage to both etc). Still people do not want to see how we, as electrical beings are being influenced by EMFs or how these have been used in warfare and population control...
02 July 2021 at 1:22 pm
Re comment - Video v written information.
Many people have been "trained" to put plugs in their ears and listen, also trained to watch "talking heads" on TV for their quick "grab" information intake, as they wander about their other daily activities. In ly lifetime I have never seen so many people educated and who are so dumb-ed down. Especially in the last 35+ years.
MANY other people have high visual intelligence and prefer to effectively SCAN an article, assimilate and see which words are used, the placement of them, especially in this age of PR "GAB" that is not only the way of the "ELITE" criminal class's main mode of communication in their videos, but of Governments' and BIg Business. the Public misses out on vital information because of this selected mash of the English language, and USA is top of the list.
There is one benefit to video, IF its not censored, we can observe the person/s and also hear those insightful comments that have been deleted automatically in Newspaper Articles, a standard action by Journalists, long before this PLandemic occurred.
Other people prefer to re-read/refer back to certain parts of an Article in printed form. Others have varying degrees of AUTISM and its very difficult for them to intake information from a "talking head" video.
Printed matter is a far more informative way than having a make-up/dressed presenter that are trained to SELL a message.. One can keep a single article(s) and read/refer to it later without the time wasting effort of finding the Newsletter, then locate the video and painfully have to listen to parts that are of no interest.
Doing other jobs while walking round listening to the video, and an external factor may catch ones attention, thereby one misses a vital point(S), and analysing the deeper meaning/putting the true jigsaw together.
People do not have the have acute and analytical listening skills, nor conversing capacities as they did years ago, and this is another reason to provide written information.
Regarding the virus, Nature does its job most effectively and this has been proven for millions of years. The virus survives in a host, it mutates to survive. Man has introduced a new form of a previous virus - mutation? Flu virus flourishes in Winter and especially with people who are older and more often than not these days, have existing illnesses, often caused by man/science. Why do you think the elderly were targeted/prioritised to recieve the Jab? and a truly experimental jab. Of course there shall be far more mutation by the virus, and especially as stress is the main precipitator of dis-ease, and we certainly have plenty of that manufactured by man because of this PLandemic
03 July 2021 at 9:15 am
The virus as a model for diagnosing and treating disease is not millions of years old. but a little over a century and even in this passing through very different stages.
But while a belief wags the mind that think it, the ability to question it - or even a willingness to do so, may be impossible because of the cultural and corporate invested identity in its story, as a bulwark to its parentage of scientific enlightenment or rather the assertion of such without the basis of creative integrity endeavour that soon concretised to a marketisable and weaponisable technologism.
The same criticism can be levelled at gene theory. That it 'hit a wall' when it didn't work as planned led to a re-route to cancer therapy and then as the 'vaccine' 2.0 against endemic respiratory seasonality framed as novel, virulent and deadly in a bought Media if not in Gov small print. The genetic fiasco can yet be saved by setting a novel variant of its story as the basis for social control - which is needed to protect a lie by which vast losses and toxic consequence is to be pharmed out to the population so as to protect the shareholders in Corruption Incorporated.
Bossche seeks to anchor the biotech in service of 'immunity' as his core payload.
The actual payload of the biotech injections that goes far beyond adverse issues of synthetic proteins is that of nanoparticulates supposedly used as adjuvant and to help 'transport or deliver' across protective barriers that otherwise limit drugs in the body/brain, but offering a range of surveillance and control technologies. Graphene oxide is a particular case as it becomes highly magnetic in biological context.
The nature of deceit is ingenuity that masks within masks to protect a core investment. Establishment thinking CANNOT question the basis of its own survival and security. But a willingness to establish what is true MUST recognise and release such identities that are otherwise covert to the mask of a paramount concern in surviving threat to self-as-currently defined, accepted and asserted or fronted out.
I am in and of the Spirit of life that cannot be marketised, weaponised and made identity of without exchanging felt truth for narrative leverage and bias of 'augmented reality'. Just because Bossche offers opposition to the Bad Cop of an inhuman agenda does not mean I am more disposed to believe what the Good Cop says. Ingenuity of forward panning will hedge all bets and use our minds and emotions to find the means to get us to consent to eat the repackaged sin rather than detoxify to a truly felt connection and balance of heart and mind in Life. But it does so as a blind survival drive in the terms it has set.
The meanings I give and receive are in Life, not under fear's compulsion, drive or tyranny.
I look to what serves the whole - that of course is one with the truth of my own participation.
04 July 2021 at 4:00 am
Oh, that's so sweet..... I'm going to copy and paste on my Flacebook.
Apparently, you are ALL rambling raving lunatics.....
07 July 2021 at 11:11 am
Another astonishingly eloquent and penetrating argumentation from Donald Campbell. Hurrah for Donald!
07 July 2021 at 5:29 pm
He seems very sane to me
08 July 2021 at 12:25 pm
He seems very sane and sound to me too. Thank you for giving us your valuable insights to consider Geert.
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