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By Rob Verkerk PhD, founder, executive & scientific director
Our species and societies have arrived at a crossroad – one that we’ve reached much more quickly courtesy of the new virus that has come to dominate so many of our lives.
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Power and control shift
What we haven’t considered until now is how the unfolding Covid-19 pandemic is causing a seismic and very rapid change to our locus of control. This is a concept developed originally in psychology that talks to the extent to which we feel we have control over our lives. New bills are being developed and proposed by governments and elected representatives around the world to help deal with the new circumstances. Their intention is to provide a legislative structure that not only supports, but often also helps to enforce, changes to our lives that governments believe are necessary, based on the scientific advice they’ve received. The end game of these bills seems to be primarily to stop acute care facilities in hospitals being overrun by slowing transmission rates in communities. It’s less about actually stopping people dying. The public is being conditioned to believe this won’t happen until one or more approved drugs or vaccines are available.
These bills have so far had little pushback. There are probably several reasons for this. One, is that what is front and centre in the minds of so many, is our safety and health – and a common desire to prevent as many people becoming seriously ill or dying from Covid-19. There’s also the fact that communications are being removed from websites and social media sites if they’re critical or at odds with government policies. This has been particularly apparent when posts have suggested lockdowns aren’t necessary and natural immune enhancement combined with more testing (of virus presence and antibodies post-infection) might have sufficed.
The almost overnight arrival or unlocking of emergency government powers creates a sudden transition in our ability to self-determine our health journey. One in which many feel they have no option but to follow government policy. Non-compliance can put you at risk of being detained or prosecuted. The rationale is of course not hard to appreciate given the seriousness of the disease that can result in a small proportion of people infected.
What’s harder to understand is that these changes were rolled out so quickly amidst considerable scientific uncertainty about the virus and how it behaves when it interacts with our species, but also around the containment and mitigation strategies with which we’re now engaged.
While we know it’s not quite Russian roulette, we still have relatively little understanding how and why SARS-CoV-2 affects different people so differently, how many people have been infected (including those with very mild or no symptoms), or how long antibodies triggered by infection will remain effective against re-infection. We also have never had experience of a full blown global response like this so we don’t know how different societies can tolerate or comply with lockdowns, what the indirect impacts of social distancing strategies will be to different groups of people, or what the indirect consequences will be of diverting so much of the global healthcare resource to a single infectious disease.
Dodgy data and power consolidation
These and many aspects of our interactions with the virus are under continuous and ongoing study. More data are emerging every day but because academic peer-review has been shelved given the crisis, quality of studies isn’t always high. One of the world’s most prominent scientists and doctors, Stanford University’s John Ioannidis gives examples of fake news in the mainstream media, withdrawn papers being used as the basis of fact, and exaggerated pandemic estimates, case rate fatalities and community spread data. He’s gone on to not only suggest that lockdown policies are not evidence-based, but that there has been insufficient effort to consider the collateral damage to society and even health as a result of the myopic focus on Covid-19.
Kenneth Roth, head of Human Rights Watch says, “For authoritarian-minded leaders, the coronavirus crisis is offering a convenient pretext to silence critics and consolidate power.”
He wasn’t only referring to China. He goes on to say:
“Recognizing that the public is more willing to accept government power grabs in times of crisis, some leaders see the coronavirus as an opportunity not only to censor criticism but also to undermine checks and balances on their power. Much as the “war on terrorism” was used to justify certain long-lasting restrictions on civil liberties, so the fight against the coronavirus threatens longer-term damage to democratic rule.”
Covid-mediated legislative change
Recommendations and guidance are one thing. Laws are another. Legal changes are being made in many countries and the crisis means that normal democratic vigilance has in many cases been put on the backburner. Interestingly, most countries already have legal provisions that can be used in the event that a national emergency has been declared.
For example, the US Congress is thought to have around a hundred laws that are unlocked once the President declares a state of emergency, as did Donald Trump on Friday 13 March.
A search of the independent US website using ‘coronavirus’ as a keyword revealed 99 bills currently under consideration in Congress.
Some relevant bills or laws that have been, or are the process of being, enacted in other parts of the world include:
United Kingdom:
The 348-page Coronavirus Act 2020, that revokes the Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020, was passed in the UK Parliament in just 4 days. Most of the detail is contained in the 29 schedules to the Act. Not all provisions apply equally in the different regions (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).
Its key features include:
- A legal basis for the current ‘lockdown’ of citizens and businesses
- Management of food supply chain during the crisis
- Management of the deceased
- Suspension of the requirement to hold inquests
- Extension of time limits for which fingerprints and DNA profiles can be maintained by authorities
- Provisions for vaccination “of persons against any disease” (Scotland only)
- Detention of those who are infected or deemed likely to be infected
- Technical amendments needed to loosen up requirements and obligations around issues such as authorisations, vetting, home schooling
- Measures to facilitate boosting staff numbers for healthcare and social services
- Provisions for workers’ rights and entitlements
- Powers to enforce social distancing
- Powers to facilitate remote operation of the court system
- Provisions for the emergency financial support measures
- Provisions for local authorities and in relation to business and residential tenancies.
The new Decree 2020-290 ensures the following:
- Restriction or prohibition of the movement of people or vehicles
- Stopping people leaving their homes unless strictly necessary for family or health needs
- Imposing quarantine on infected or likely-to-be-infected people
- Moving and/or isolating infected people
- Ordering the temporary closure of establishments open to the public, including meeting places, except those that offer essential goods and services
- Limiting or banning public gatherings and meetings
- Ordering the requisitioning of goods necessary to fight the virus
- Taking temporary measures to control the prices of some necessary products
- Taking any measure necessary to provide medicine and drugs to treat the virus
- Taking by decree any other measure that would restrict commercial freedom
- Enabling police, guards and officers to record and punish infractions.
The Health (preservation and Protection and other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) Act 2020, with many similar provisions, has been enacted in law in Ireland.
Unlocking emergency powers
The declared state of emergency has unlocked emergency powers in many other countries including Italy, Spain, Hungary, Australia, Thailand, and the Philippines.
What this means to us
Many people appear to accept the need for our current circumstances. However, with the censorship on free expression on the subject, it could equally be argued that the majority do not have available to them all the facts on which to draw balanced and informed views.
This is why we have seen fit to provide you with links to some of the emergency powers and new legislation that has been enacted so that you are in a better position to make up your own mind.
What is sure, however, is that while the state of the emergency exists, society has passed the baton to our authorities in terms of our locus of our control. Not only for our health, but also in relation to our employment, our freedom of movement, and the education of our children. In so-called democratic free countries, all of these rights and privileges have been hard won over centuries.
It is surely of utmost importance to all of us that one new disease, that has ostensibly so far killed less than 100,000 people (= less than 7% of annual deaths from tuberculosis), creates such radical changes to our fundamental freedoms in under two months?
We have attempted to describe this transition in a diagram (below). It tries to show schematically the shift in our locus of control since the Covid-19 phenomenon emerged in January.
The shifting locus of control. Where point A represents a pre-Covid scenario in which healthiness among populations is considered best achieved by allowing individuals in society to self-determine their healthcare choices within partially regulated free market economies. Point B represents a hypothetical post-Covid scenario where it has been determined that the State should be primarily responsible for determining how citizens achieve high health status.
Everything is changing at such a rapid rate, one week seems a long time in our Covid-afflicted new world.
I won’t therefore waste either your or my time trying to speculate what might happen in the future. And let us not disregard the fact that the enforced global pause may provide citizens, businesses, political leaders and others with a rare opportunity to proactively and positively rethink how we interact with both people and planet.
But I do think we need to be eyes wide open. Very wide open. This pandemic opens a unique opportunity for the collection of data on our DNA and our movements. We can be detained on a whim. It has the ability to decimate lives through the global economic recession that is now guaranteed. In countries with democratically elected governments, we have accepted a transfer of powers from the individual to the State with barely a look-in.
Time to smell that coffee, green tea or whatever other plant-based pick-up you might fancy. But, please, let’s stay alert. There is just too much at stake.
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your voice counts
09 April 2020 at 10:13 pm
Thank you for so clearly articulating what is blatantly unfolding at breakneck speed: the destruction of our civil liberties and our right to choose and self-determine our healthcare and our way of living.
What I find most disconcerting is the total acquiescence of the public and the lack of questioning all driven by mass fear and the desire to hand over control to 'authority' (designated caretaker) as a result.
The disinformation that is also being publicly disseminated by the MSM is also horrifying and the total takeover of our airwaves (radio/internet/tv) with perpetual doomsday broadcasting, informing us of how much worse it will get if we don't 'obey' the rules.
Apparently our only saviour being Big Pharma!
Unsurprisingly, no information is provided to encourage preventative natural health measures and no other way to control the situation offered other than the mandatory lockdown and/or drugs/vaccinations and all social behaviour directed under the threat of police enforcement for non-compliance.
It's like stepping out of one world one day and landing in George Orwell 1984 or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World the next. Dystopia posing as our new normal!
I sincerely hope more people will be waking up ASAP to shift the balance of power back into the hands of the people. It appears things are shifting in that direction in the USA, as rumblings are beginning to occur as a result of their enforced lockdown.
10 April 2020 at 1:30 pm
We are moving into very scary times! This is true 1984 and we reaching the stage where unless we are vaccinated by the state, we will be unable to send our children to school, go to work or indeed have any presence in our community with out a 'passport' to say that we are compliant. The next stage will be barcoded from birth.
It is absolutely amazing that it has taken only three weeks for it to get this far and the sad thing is that the population are welcoming this with open arms! This has been predicted for the last twenty years by a popular author who uses the 'problem, reaction, solution' analogy to make his point.
It makes no difference whether this virus is a natural happening or helped on its way by GE, the result is the same, the globalists are using it as the next stage of total global control and the removal of our freedom.
I hope people can wake up to the speed and severity of these control mechanisms before it is too late, we are very close to it now!
11 April 2020 at 3:17 pm
The prevailing beliefs operate the basis for the justification of our identified response or reaction. Both your contestants reinforce germ theory as the active and powerful pathogen over and against which We - the field and expression of Life - are made weak, susceptible and in need of magical powers or at the least external permission to BE even a little part of who we are in terms of potentials brought into expression, together.
So does it make a difference if we are - perhaps - assigning to the virus, the attributes of the toxicity that is afflicting the cells that make it? While then undermining a collective immune response by attacking and blocking it under fear that moves us - for example - to choosing invasive intubation of ventilators that have their own set of mortality stats - instead of non invasive oxygen therapies BECAUSE fear of contagion locks down the mind into social isolation in place of real nursing?
The ability to exercise power over the unwilling is short lived and costly.
Hence the strategies of deceit by which to use people's own wealth and power as a means to disinherit them.
Perhaps 'waking up' has to be more than just from a managed dream into a nightmare - because most warnings seem to condition us to expect and acquiesce to such conditions while thinking we are more awake than we actually are as a result of an understanding about tyranny.
I see Orwell's 1984 as being a modern version of the Crucifixion WITHOUT the Resurrection. You are left to find the path to redemption from a Wasteland that sees none.
So in all that we think and do - how much in in a sense hosting a parasitic or life-undermining narrative set in wishful thinking against a backdrop of complex entanglement that allows no real movement or shift of perspective - because fear sets the frame or mind in which we think?
I can and do notice the problem, reaction, solution pattern as already running the mind. The the uncovering of awareness of this opens the temptation to use it against or over others, is the underlying theme of being delivered NOT into temptation. For as we uncover hidden fears, and move through them to a greater participance in life, we will also meet the patterns of separate self-seeking that interject to marketise or weaponise insight under the illusion that we are now empowered - and perhaps called to right the wrongs of others or the world - and this blindspot of moral assertion runs as a mis-taken divine inheritance. But the test of integrity is peace of being and alignment of purpose in a compassionate understanding of errors that demonstrate correction at the level it is needed - without instigating a battle of wills or asserting dominance over another - excepting in refusing or releasing or what has no rightful belonging in our self.
So getting the 'virus' may be a relevant communication that upgrades your genetic adaptation to rebalance within a changing set of challenges in terms of malnutrition, toxicity and other adverse exposures or negative psycic-emotional contexts.
Is your post an appropriate 'viral' message to imbibe and propagate for me? Thanks - but no thanks!
Perhaps because you live in hope rather than lockdown in despair, there will be those who pick up on something in it and move with you in learning together. But Orwell originally intended the title as 1948 - to depict what he was already aware of running as a result of looking under the lid.
The corruption of problem, reaction solution, is that it works dishonestly in framing the problem in such a way as to protect it from being addressed where it is. Thus a falsely flagged cause that fits the diversionary tactic, pays the price or takes the blame (psychic-emotional redistribution of energy) in order that the dishonesty can persist without meeting its consequence - or at least flattening the curve against an outbreak of free awareness that calls to true account, so as to establish a narrative for sustaining the unsustainable under novel prextext.
It is so that the rich and powerful have the means to maintain the status quo in terms of managing change so as to keep control by means of imposed scarcities. It is also so that the poor are so afraid of losing the little they have that they align in supporting 'the devil they know' rather than lose everything they have.
I see the problem of fear and control as being the mind of dissociation from the heart. Taking identity in fixed structures is like living in sandcastles, a bit at a time. But a true continuity of being aligns in love as the basis of what we are - NOT as a commodity that we make, or DO - or fail to do from a sense of lack and insufficiency that has it roots in birth or separation trauma... lidded over and projected AWAY onto Others and World.
If genetic variations are cultivated in vitro and injected or infected into the living - will they 'take'?
Perhaps if the state of the subjects can be brought into resonance with the intention of the intent to control, yes.
Fear and control are two sides of one thing - BOTH running to deny free awareness of aligning in conscious decision - or true willing. In absence of true willing, is the conflicted mind set in some kind of paralysis or self cancelling busy-ness.
Where is our true desire?
Is is often so hidden by substitution that we don't know what we want - or are afraid of opening to fear of rejection and betrayal again? An armoured heart is self-isolated and locked down and must then wish to be seen valid by adopting the forms or appearances of social acceptance. Of the qualities of Life lost we each have different configurations. But in general seeking to possess externals puts us under their possession, and seeking to control or dominate others hollows us to loveless and inhuman judgements and agenda.
As I write (easter Sunday) I am stunned at the lack of Christian witness for the spirit of humankind. Not Christian virtue signalling, or wishful platitudes - but true with-ness.
Note that the lockdown to self isolates runs exactly counter to 'Where two or more are gathered in my Name, there I Am'. And Name cannot be mouthed without the nature and aligning of purpose but that it teaches a masking hypocrisy.
Love doesn't need our names to be recognised as our true nature.
10 April 2020 at 9:41 pm
A phrase that comes up for me is a 'walk-in', because there was absolutely no resistance, challenge or even real questioning of the nature of the event in its asserted narrative, in its modelling and forecast, and in a media blitzkrieg that is a akin to shouting 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre.
This is because 'lockstep is already significantly in place as the capture of regulators or institutional checks to corporate monopolistic power that is globalism only in the sense of possession and control, masked in every kind of fronting organisation.
The shift from covert power to overt power is using a medical trojan horse by which to both terrify, and enlist the sympathy of the people enough, to offset or undermine public challenge. In fact it is running exactly as a war and using the same devices, and to the same ends. The real damage is not in the inflated numbers of 'died with' or died and was ascribed to' cvd19 - which even so are well within normal figures for the 'flu season - and to a very great a similar demographic. The cost has yet to dawn on us and may be beyond our imagination even if there were not wide sweeping plans to reshape human society on earth from a global blueprint that puts control in place of dialogue and relationship.
And operates a top down canopy class over all who are now being actively denied freedom.
The pattern is nothing new, but the scale is, as is the global and granular means of surveillance and control.
We lost control to the corporate sector - not least the corporate financial sector, a long time back.
people with disproportionate means and the will to use it to reshape the world to fit their agenda have been effectively outside the reach of the law for a long while and can generally reshape laws to protect them against accountability.
So in terms of conventional politicking - there is a checkmate.
But the key to not being seen as an occupying power or parasite, is in setting up narratives of pseudo freedoms and pseudo independence that may indulge all kinds of 'identity explorations, as long as they do not challenge or question the system by which they are managed. This may include helicopter money, and other ways to buy off discontent, and draw more deeply into state dependence. However, from the point of view of the controllers, there are too many useless eaters - and they have instilled this view into many via the Green movement with human guilt depicted as the human virus on the Planet .
This will medically translate to 'infected' and unvaccinated status in a similar way to HIV - where NO clinical symptoms are needed to operate a 'risk-factor' to the 'greater good' meriting mandatory treatment that will no doubt bring on the clinical conditions and 'prove' the diagnosis.
The whole thing works a tyranny that enlists and manipulates sympathies and antipathies extremely cleverly.
In what way is this not a 'globalist pandemic'?
There have been many drills before that seemed to come to naught or even be found fraudulent - but on this one all the stops have been pulled out and by whatever means. No need to predict onerous or dispiriting consequences - almost any once wild imagining can be found to have actual potential.
So its all winding up... but to what?
While I live I stay open to life as being fundamentally the measure of my giving - and I still hold the vision of Life on Earth as a shared and cooperative flowering of humanity. But this cannot occur while the fear and control mind usurps the heart's intelligence - and so it is all coming up to awareness - and is an extreme challenge to balance within and navigate with true discernment.
A virus is an information packet. The idea that it MUST be accepted and the MUST run is false. You can recognise what is not applicable and leave it unopened, or even recognise the information once parsed as irrelevant - or perhaps use the information for a detoxification and support yourself in this process instead of projecting fear onto it, or running uncooperatively to its passage. Yielding to our being is not a method or a struggle, but a deep and true acceptance of ourselves where we are - and thus a willingness to be transformed or shifted to a ore aligned state.
Most of us seek permission slips as intermediaries, but there is a direct relationship we each have to our Source and Nature that in a sense we open by 'dying to our story' - in terms of releasing the 'narrative controller'.
How do we say 'no!' to what is not true of us?
Any way at all - and so in any and all ways that life moves us in the moment at hand.
But there is the truth that what we resist, persists, and so I prefer to coin it as 'Thanks - but no thanks!' so as not to negatively charge what I do NOT want and thus attract it into my field of manifestation.
Any one who CAN process the release of grievance and hate - lightens the load for all.
It is not a basis to set up a new world order.
11 April 2020 at 6:43 pm
Three excellent contributions with which I fully agree. The developments that have occurred and are likely to occur in the future are all described in "The Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed published in 1978. This book constitutes essential fact-based reading for anybody wishing to know what has occurred, why it has occurred and what will almost certainly occur in future.
14 April 2020 at 10:52 am
As regards the COVID 19 situation and its sinister developments. A few doctors and other healthcare staff have spoken out that in many instances Death Certificates are being made out to say that patients died from COVID 19, when in fact they had died from other causes. Thereby inflating the COVID fatality figures. Then, with the help of the mass media, promoting yet more fear and panic in the populations across the globe when in truth, the fatality figures are not more - they have fraudulently re-classified the cause of death.
Also, the RTPCR test is NOT a test to indicate disease or how much virus there is in the body. They are removing genetic material from a person and depending on how the test is processed, it will pick up on ANY virus/infection in the body - so that MOST people, if tested in this way, will test Positive! Even the inventor of the test stated that it was NOT to be used for diagnosing disease! There was also similar efforts to panic the public with the so called "HIV test". It would show a false positive if someone had just had the flu or were pregnant. There is also concern that the Coch protocol for isolating and testing for an infectious virus has NEVER been carried out. This is just what the power structure has designed to enable them to totally control populations, collapse the world economy and bring in digital currency, a cashless society, total surveillance, deployment of 5G whilst everyone is out of the way, mass forced vaccination (preferably embedded within the vaccine digital ID for everyone on the planet) - the "Quantum Tattoo" that Bill Gates has wanted all along. All we are seeing now is preparation for the New World Order government which has been planned for hundreds of years.
There also appears to be a definite link between 5G deployment and the cases of COVID19. I looked at the countries across the world and where 5G was installed. The country in Europe with the highest cases of COVID 19 is Switzerland (which we always used to think had a healthy population). According to data, Switzerland has 682 5G installations! The highest in Europe and following them comes Italy and Spain. 5G at 60 GHz causes oxygen to be taken out of the atmosphere and cell poisoning (to name but a few of a very long list of detrimental health effects). One young ICU doctor in New York pointed out in a video last week, that what he was seeing in patients was not a virus causing pneumonia for which a ventilator would normally be employed but the condition of the patients pointed to High Altitude Sickness and oxygen starvation. The treatment protocol of using a ventilator was actually causing too much pressure on the lungs and was doing more harm than good but the medical profession were adverse to changing the treatment protocol! Apparently, ALL hospitals in the country were supposed use this treatment as decreed by those at the top. Why, aren't individual doctors able to use their own knowledge and medical experience to decide how to treat individual patients? By having to use one protocol (one size fits all), we can see why so many people who are hospitalized and put on ventilators are dying! He also stated that normally patients needing a ventilator are too tired to breathe themselves and have weak muscles. The muscles of the so called "COVID19" patients are fine - but they are extremely oxygen starved! Yet, no one seems to be looking at what is going on here.
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