Health Hack Video #3: Fat lover or avoider?
- Date:
- 26 June 2019
- Comments:
- 7
We right some wrongs against fats with our latest Health Hacks video
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your voice counts
26 June 2019 at 9:25 pm
Just watched "Eat Well for Less" on BBC TV this evening. They are still demonising saturated fat and promoting skimmed milk. Oh well...
27 June 2019 at 8:52 am
Yes, we saw that as well, sigh! We'll keep using the science to reinforce the message that fats are essential for our wellbeing. Eventually governments will listen.
Warm Regards
27 June 2019 at 12:46 pm
Political power is with the Corporate and higher financial sectors and they don't care who screams or how loudly while they can contain and direct the narrative. Vast resources persistently push big lies regardless of truth or consequence. A post truth politic/society is whatever a 'top down' astroturfing decides to push. By the time the errors are admitted, new and similar or worse deceits will be sown.
What we give unto systemic corporate tyranny (even running a 'soft' PR or mind capture) we take from the Living.
Give unto a blind systemic order what is due unto it - and give unto the Living its due. Your heart's allegiance can be tricked by a mind in its own confusion. And a mind in polarised identity conflict can be effectively denied its true power and freedom. That's how it 'works'.
If the mainstream channels persist in lies whether for pieces of silver or the save themselves under fear of threat - give them no allegiance. It is extremely difficult to persist in hateful and destructive acts when its narrative justifications are no longer supported. In fact I would call it unsustainable - and this btw includes hating attacking and deriding them. Don't FEED the 'troll' of a negatively self-reinforcing habit or identity - in self or other. And in self as in other. Making 'enemies' so as to have a target for the hateful to express is not just bogeymen - but also Natural fats - initially perhaps to destroy the rival to the new BigAg mineral (marge) and seed oils.
26 June 2019 at 10:23 pm
Great; concise and to the point. Finally getting the truth out there regarding the maligned fats.
27 June 2019 at 8:53 am
Thanks for your feedback Helena. It's much appreciated and great to know our Health Hacks are helpful. Keep watching as we have plenty more to come!
Warm Regards
27 June 2019 at 7:02 am
Why isn't butter isn't mentioned? Is it bad or good? The correct answer is the.. more the better. Artery-clogging high blood homocysteine is lowered with the B vitamins B12, B6 and folates. Butter and cream synthesize all the B vitamins in the gut with the help of the 'friendly bacteria'. In along term, large scale study.. two groups were geographically separated by their work. They were of the same genetic origin, the same age group and the same activity level. Those that ended up in the North cooked all their food in butter and ate plenty of animal fat and meat. They smoked more than the Southern group. The Southern group had a pure vegetarian diet. YET… the Southerners had 15X (fifteen times) the heart disease incidence of the northerners. Butter also contains vitamin K2.. that directs calcium to hard tissues, bones, and away from soft tissues, arteries! (Malhotra S L, Dr. 1974- Published 11X in The Lancet UK Med. Journal).
Butter is high in... Vitamins A and D, omega fatty acids are in perfect proportion:: arichidonic acid, short and medium chain fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid; iodine, selenium, manganese, zinc, chromium, and lecithin.. in a form easily utilized by the body;
27 June 2019 at 10:58 am
Thanks for mentioning butter Thomas. We completely agree and are great fans of butter as a source of healthy fat - although we suggest going for organic butter where possible. Of course, if you're intolerant to dairy or a vegan, then butter is off the menu and there are plenty of other healthy fats to choose instead. In the interest of keeping this video short we just wanted to get the message out that fats are essential and there's no need to fear them. We'll build on this and be putting out more videos on healthy fats, where butter will definitely be mentioned.
Best wishes
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