Vitamin C has been making quite a comeback recently. For a humble water-soluble vitamin that many associate with oranges and pretty much take for granted, it’s certainly attracting new interest. And for very good reason. Far from being a one trick pony, vitamin C, like so many nutrients, is multi-action and punches well above its humble weight in terms of health benefits. While it's essential so is needed for our survival, its relevance with the current Covid-19 epidemic gives it hero status amongst vitamins!
We humans have lost the ability to make vitamin C in our bodies in an evolutionary mutation to ensure our survival. It’s thought that as vitamin C is able to block the fat-storing metabolic effects of fructose and also lower uric acid (which is also a powerful extracellular antioxidant), the genetic mutations in L-gulono lactone oxidase and uricase gave us a survival advantage.
However, as our early diets contained large amounts of vitamin C there was no concern for health even though our ancestors had to deal with life-threatening infectious disease assaults. Today is a different story in terms of our vitamin C status. Vitamin C is so vital to the body that we can recycle and concentrate the amount needed in particular parts of the body. This really becomes important when dealing with acute infection or sepsis.
Too many people today are existing in a very vitamin C depleted state, then suffering low-grade systemic inflammation arising from metabolic dysfunction (like most people with underlying diseases). It’s particularly important now to recognise the importance of this situation as it’s linked to a greater risk of severe Covid symptoms. If you are low in vitamin C and you've got low-grade systemic inflammation (i.e. you're chronically diseased like most over-65s), you’ve got a big disadvantage before you even start. If you are then low in vitamin D and A and minerals like zinc, magnesium and selenium, your immune system is even further handicapped.
The good news is there are now a number of promising trials being conducted using vitamin C, including one big multi-centre trial. The REMAP-CAP trial features some big name doctors and scientists who might give some real traction to increased use of intravenous vitamin C in critical care facilities assuming positive results.
Making sure you have enough vitamin C in your diet and through oral supplementation is very important. Not just to prevent scurvy, but to ensure that you can power your immune cells (like natural killer cells, macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes), but also to make enough nitric oxide to keep your blood flowing, your blood pressure normal and preventing clotting. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is also needed to make glutathione, one of our most important antioxidants, critical for immune function, which in turn is needed to make lymphocytes. When you don’t have enough glutathione in the body your numbers of lymphocytes can drop dramatically in a matter of days.
Based on the work on vitamin C and sepsis by Professor Paul Marik and others, and supported by the increasing body of encouraging work coming out of the early trials on vitamin C and Covid, there’s now a really good reason to take vitamin C very seriously as both a preventative and a therapeutic agent to protect us from the new coronavirus.
This week we bring you two videos
The first is an interview by ANH's Mel Aldridge with renowned British health journalist and author, Jerome Burne, talking about why you should have two C’s on your mind at the moment - vitamin C and the coronavirus. You can also read Jerome Burne's latest blog, 'Big Vote of Confidence in Vitamin C as Viral Fighter. Now Being Tested' (5 May 2020) on his blog site, Health Insights UK.
And the second is a short video looking at vitamin C’s multi-action mechanism and why you want to make sure you have sufficient levels, particularly at this time.
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your voice counts
07 May 2020 at 9:34 pm
I have been waiting for the opportunity to comment of the current interest in Vit C. At last the genius and prescience of Linus Pauling is being recognized, if not acknowledged! The double Nobel laureate, unique in itself, has been castigated, vilified, mocked, but worst of all ignored in his early efforts to publicize and promote Orthomolecular Therapy using IV V It C.
But better late than never I suppose!
07 May 2020 at 10:59 pm
How heartening to hear that Vitamin C is now being researched specifically in connection with the coronavirus, and that we can have a response to the foul play of the media which is coming up against Vit C during a declared world pandemic. It is only one more sign that the most adamant efforts of the other side to squelch the natural health industry and choke the free flow of information, has failed, even when coordinating with the mainstream media. Fabulous!
I ask, dear ANH International and USA too, to please to issue an action alert to all members, linking the science for us that we can present to the hospitals. Legal talking points would be great too. It would be so great if people all work together to get IV Vitamin C into the hospitals, world wide. Thank you so much, and please accept our admiration and our gratitude for all that you so bravely do and so beautifully too.
08 May 2020 at 10:59 am
Get @drchattergeeuk on board. GP with natural integrated approach and huge media reach.
08 May 2020 at 4:13 pm
An interesting history
10 May 2020 at 9:21 am
Yet another eye-opening article from ANH. Pity the medical establishment and government bodies have their eyes so firmly shut.
And a thanks to Will also for posting this information. Fascinating, and so tragic that this information about the humble but incredible power of Vitamin C has been withheld for so long.
09 May 2020 at 9:10 am
I would really like to also see some mention of liposomal vitamin C and it’s higher absorbability. Great article as always.
11 May 2020 at 10:37 am
Both Vit C and Cortisone are to quote Jerome "cheap as chips", why do you think this area is being ignored and Bill Gates (he who had parents who promoted "planned parenthood" theories and who has doubled his money since leaving Microsoft, and who owns eight (8) Vaccine companies, is telling the World that they must have, largely properly unproven Vaccines to return us ":to a normal World".
Jerome, Cortisone can be used for years in physiological dosing amounts, and then stopped without damage, and health greatly enhanced with this help if needed, too much to write here about all this and references
Its not INFANTALISING, in Australia we have called it "dumbing down" for years now.
I have for years, been a huge fan of Buffered Vit C in the daily water bottle. It is a vital medicine.
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