With the mass vaccination program now in full swing, we are hearing of more and more reports suggesting this fundamental right and legal requirement is not being respected. The vast majority of people are simply not being given the opportunity to exercise this right that is a foundational principle of medical ethics and central to the concept of patient autonomy. Most people likely don't even know what information they should be able to receive prior to vaccination.
Check out our video below (under 8 minutes in length), presented by Rob Verkerk PhD, including inputs from dentist, Dr Zac Cox, from the World Doctors Alliance and integrative doctor, Dr Anna Forbes, founder and director of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance.
You don’t need to sign something to give consent – baring your arm is sufficient.
In the case of vaccination, this is, in essence, your gesture that gives the vaccinator permission to touch you and inject you Failure to seek your permission would typically be regarded, legally, as assault or battery.
The real problem therefore isn’t with the consent itself, but with the information that should precede the issue of consent.
The 3 pre-requisites for informed consent
For consent to be valid you need 3 things:
- It must be given voluntarily – without coercion or deceit.
- It must be given by an individual who has mental capacity, and
- BEFORE giving consent, a person needs to have been fully informed about the issue. That includes being informed about what the risks and benefits of the treatment or vaccination are, as well as the risks and benefits of going without the treatment or vaccination, and what alternate options might be available.
>>> Ministry of Ethics - Main principles of consent
Do health authority vaccine claims constitute deceit?
Health authorities around the world continue to claim that covid-19 vaccines are 'safe'. However, according to the Collins dictionary, this means that:
“Something that is safe does not cause physical harm or danger.”
'Safe' claims are are routinely made by organisations like the UK NHS, the Centers for Disease Control in the USA and the World Health Organization.
A search we carried out earlier today of the VAERS database in the USA shows that nearly 8,000 adverse events have been reported so far (note: as many as 90% of adverse reactions often go unreported), and over 1.5% of these involved death. It is then arguably deceitful to refer to these experimental vaccines as "safe".
Information chasm
Even if can be argued that the existing safety claims, advertising campaigns or pressure from some sectors of the health professions are neither coercive nor deceitful, it is this last pre-requisite concerning the provision of information where mass vaccination programs typically fall short.
Given the lack of vaccine transparency, vaccinators themselves are not properly informed so are generally not in any position to offer accurate information that might be available in the public domain, but is generally not well known.
Information that should be freely communicated includes the fact that the vaccines are experimental and unproven. Those considering giving consent should be told about the vaccines' reliance on synthetic biology that has never been tested at scale. But it also includes information on known risks and benefits from Phase 3 trials, and that these trials are still under way and some won’t be complete for over 18 months (e.g. January 31, 2023, for Pfizer mRNA vaccine).
Put simply – without vaccine transparency, informed consent is just not possible.
The very least we should expect is that every person gets to read the product information leaflet agreed between vaccine makers and regulators – before giving their consent. Even this isn’t happening. Where the information is being given – it’s often being handed to people as a passing gesture – a formality – after vaccination.
>>> Pfizer information leaflet, UK: Pfizer PIL
>>> Pfizer fact sheet for recipients and caregivers, USA
>>> Pfizer fact sheet for healthcare providers administering the vaccine, USA
>>> AstraZeneca information leaflet, UK
>>> Moderna fact sheet for healthcare providers administering the vaccine, USA
>>> Moderna information leaflet, EU
>>> Moderna information leaflet
It’s time that those in charge of the vaccination programs begin to respect informed consent. And while they're at it, recognise that they better change how they're approaching informed consent because many are likely breaking the law by not allowing that right to be exercised.
The law on informed consent – present in nearly all jurisdictions – forms one of the central planks of medical ethics that’s the bedrock for the practice of ‘good medicine’ in civilised, democratised societies. Let's not throw that to the wind.
Find out more
ANH-Intl vaccine transparency tool.
Download the UK Medical Freedom Alliance informed consent form.
ANH-Intl Covid Adapt Don't Fight campaign
your voice counts
28 January 2021 at 7:18 am
Language and semantics. Media reporting on death statistics relating to Covid needs to be challenged on their use of the prepositions "with" versus "of". . Many deaths are from other causes but accompanied by a Covid infection. This is a loophole for skewing statistics in favour of sensationalism and fear generation.
It is good that ANH have highlighted the differences in UK population levels when comparing 1918 Spanish flu figures with current numbers. It is this sort of out of context reporting along with clever use of language, as aforementioned, that can lead to conveying a less than accurate, but wholly believable, version of reality.
29 January 2021 at 12:21 pm
Indeed, Lorna. This is a travesty of science, honesty, integrity - and many other things. People deserve accurate facts - and without these informed decisions are not possible. Current UK excess deaths in England are around 30% up on 5-year averages - not close to 220% peak in first wave (https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/static-reports/mortality-surveillance/excess-mortality-in-england-latest.html). Much of this could be down to abnormal function of healthcare services for nearly a year, stress, social isolation, etc.
28 January 2021 at 10:19 am
This may seem hard but I calculated what the percentage of Covid deaths were in comparison to the population size and it came out as 0.14%. As much as each death is a tragic event for each family the quantities in comparison are small.
29 January 2021 at 12:41 pm
Yes - it's around 0.15% - but the 103,324 who have sadly died "with" covid so far should also be seen in the context of how many people would be expected to die anyway. In 2019 around 605,000 UK people died = around 0.89% of the UK population. That's why we often come back to a view that excess deaths gives you the most realistic view. The Sky News data team has looked at mortality in various ways to give different perspectives: https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-how-mortality-rates-in-2020-compare-with-past-decades-and-centuries-12185275 Best, Rob
28 January 2021 at 5:46 pm
I should like to clarify the death figure of 100.000 mentioned by the Prime Minister's during his sanctimonious performance in front of the cameras. In the Irish Republic the number of deaths associated with Covid amounts to some 2000 according to the official figures. In contrast to the UK the Irish government has stated that some 1900 of these deaths were caused by lethal underlying conditions though Covid was also present. This, obviously, means that only some 100 people actually died from of of Covid and most of these could have been saved if properly treated. This also means that according to the official figures merely 5% of the people with Covid actually died from it. There is no reason to assume that the ratio in the UK is any different (Why should it be?). Consequently, the number of deaths from Covid in the UK amounts to a mere 5,000 and in all these cases proper treatment would probably also have saved most of the unfortunate victims. The official as well as the media reporting in conjunction with this so-called pandemic is completely mendacious and so is every single statement made by our Prime Minister.
PS. There also seem to be no longer any deaths from flu. What has happened to them?
29 January 2021 at 12:47 pm
Hi Werner - you are of course right -that the official figures are themselves concealing so many layers of other data, some of which the UK government know, some they probably don't know because of the way they have allowed or encouraged the data to be collected. The Irish results may not apply in exactly those proportions in the UK but almost certainly the same principle will apply that only a minority of deaths are primarily caused by covid - especially during this second wave. Very disturbing is that both Covid-related deaths and non-covid deaths are increasing because of the actions governments have taken. Best, Rob
28 January 2021 at 7:05 pm
Such flagrant violations only happen wherever there is "Legal" immunity. Given accountability under the law, entities and individuals will act with far more caution and responsibility. We as a society, fearing stepping on toes, keep silent in the face of wrongs. Then the pendulum swings wider and wider, and finally now, we have world dictatorship under guise of "Protection", fear mongering, discounted deaths and severe adverse events, and uninformed "Consent".
I have a few questions:
A) Dear ANH, I know you are so wonderful with your litigation. Thank you!!! My question is: Is it possible for the gag orders (don't sue BigPharma, keep silent) be gone up against and successfully toppled?
B) I followed the link to the article "ANH Feature: Searching for answers in the brave new world of covid vaccines" the deaths and adverse events rolling in by the day, quite literally took my breath away. I wanted to respond, and couldn't until sleeping it off, just too stunned. This would never happen with natural medicine! My question is, are the VAERS reported deaths and adverse events, inclusive of those that BigPharma automatically discounts, saying "it is not clear that there is a connection to the vaccine" ? If this is Not inclusive of those, in your estimate what are the percentages of the listed deaths/adverse events vs those that are discounted and swept under the rug?
C) Isn't it common knowledge and written into books about immunity, that wherever a foreign substance or infection binds with a cell, especially internally, that the immune system regards the cell as "non-self" and goes on the autoimmune attack mode? Regardless of lipids masking the injected RNA materials in the mRNA vaccine, wouldn't it be common knowledge that such an action would automatically create severe and life-long, unresolvable autoimmune attack, as Professor Dolores Cahill forwarned and you at the ANH have been so good about alerting us to? If that is the case, and if this is indeed common knowledge, I hereby assert that either the alleged Dr Anthony Fauci is so incompetent that he must go home, or he is willfullly committing violent crime of a heinous level and global proportions. He must be jailed, either way. He must be held accountable for his actions, ignorant (I doubt it) or willfull, either way.
I mean what I say. Those posing harm to others, must be safely locked away. Sorry and I wish it on nobody, but it may be alas, a necessary thing to do . Please know I don't like it either and i do not invoke this lightly.
D) Last but not least, during this interval I believe it is more critical than ever before, to consult political strategists how to break through the media blackout and the collective fear/denial mechanism. A hard task, but there must be strategic ways?
Thank you for all you do dear ANH. Please feel and know our true appreciation! You are heros fighting for the light and the truth. Gratitude!
29 January 2021 at 12:47 pm
‘The end of the world begins when people remain silent about the things that matter’ MLK
Thank you to everyone who is shouting from the roof tops!
29 January 2021 at 1:41 pm
Here, here!!
29 January 2021 at 1:15 pm
Dear Dr Brooke. Thank you for your considered comments. I will do my best to try to answer each of your Qs.
A. We are working with lawyers in the USA and Europe and considering various legal avenues with a view to taking decisive actions that aim to ensure that governments and vaccine makers do not continue to mislead or misinform the public. We will publicise more information on this when we can.
B. The VAERS data have been shown to typically include significant under-reporting some of which can derive from healthcare professionals discounting the possibility that a given vaccine was the trigger for an effect. Underreporting likely accounts for the much lower number of AERS on VAERS compared with Phase 1-3 trials. But neither will pick up more complex, subtle effects like autoimmune reactions - which will be the subject of analysis we will be releasing next week.
C) In the view of most researchers and clinicians overseeing vaccine effectiveness, the antigen I the vaccine (AstraZeneca, Novavax, etc) or that produced by the body (Moderna, Pfizer) is identical to that form the spike protein of the real virus. Therefore they assume there can be no difference I the immunological response to the antigen, the advantage of the vaccine being that there is no whole virus to start replicating in the body and so causing disease. But this fails to take into account what might happen when you expose the body to synthetic genetics material or you force the body to create copies of the spike protein from synthetic mRNA. Additionally, as Dr Yehuda Schoenfeld (acknowledged global expert on auto-immunity) has shown, autoimmunity can in any event be triggered by vaccines in a proportion of the population. It is impossible for this to be able to be predicted from Phase 3 trials or post-marketing surveillance so far. Time will tell and this could be a ticking time bomb, as could antibody-dependent enhancement of disease for those who acquire disease following vaccination.
D) Creating awareness of accurate information is the bedrock to all strategies - and this needs to find its way to politicians, businesses and the grassroots. Targeted legal actions are also likely to be needed to ensure that governments don't overreach their powers.
Many thanks for your kind comments. Best, Rob
28 January 2021 at 7:15 pm
One more comment, important. If BigPharma and politicians say, submit to the vaccine needle or else, and side effects be damned, or if employers/airlines say the same, then they are committing violent crime, wherever side effects are known even as a mere possibility. To say that this is violence, may be no exaggeration at all. https://www.bitchute.com/video/G4clrGsuKW4e/ This needs to be punished under the law, with longterm imprisonment. And wherever vaccinators and BigPharma itself, do so in absence of leaflets with full disclosure (I noted that polyethylene glycol was not mentioned as one of the ingredients, isn't this in the Moderna vaccine? What about mercury, formaldehyde and other toxic possible ingredients?) then violence is once again afoot, above and beyond mere Un-informed consent. As before I do not relish or enjoy the assertion that some individuals have to be jailed. This is not my joy, but is hereby regarded as a literally, vital necessity. Sorry.
29 January 2021 at 1:34 pm
There are many medical interventions that cause harm - but that harm is generally weighed up against known benefits fo the treatment. If covid-19 disease is considered a very dangerous and highly risky disease but only for a small part of the sub-population (something that is agreed now widely by those at the sharp end of this crisis), - i.e. those with multiple underlying conditions, severely overweight/obese, T2D, other metabolic diseases, lung disease, etc. If vaccines had been demonstrated to be 100% safe (which they haven't been) - it might make perfect sense to vaccinate the whole population to reduce the risk among the minority, especially if it was confirmed that vaccination stopped transmission (which it hasn't). But these experimental vaccines are not 100% safe, they have not (yet) been demonstrated to stop transmission and there are increasing equations marks over long-term safety. There are also multiple other ways in which those who are susceptible can be protected by prophylaxis or treated more effectively when they have disease. These factors dramatically change any risk/benefit assessment. The reality is people should be able to choose; autonomy in healthcare is incredibly important feature of any advanced health system - and that means being able to choose vaccine versus other prophylaxis (including which brand of vaccine someone might prefer), no treatment, nutrient prophylaxis or treatment, etc. In 2019, we thought self-care and autonomy were gathering pace - this totalitarian approach to healthcare we're not experiencing seems to have set things back decades. Best, Rob
29 January 2021 at 12:26 pm
Thank you ANH for yet another informative post!
Is anyone else feeling, as I am, that the UK is one big ‘guinea pig farm’?
We seem to have every vaccine that is being produced by every pharmaceutical company as a trial here! As we will not know until the trials are complete in 2023 how many fatalities, injuries and genetic mutations will result from this vaccine frenzy!
We don’t even know if it is effective in stopping the spread of this virus, stopping individuals from getting it themselves or even passing it on, or even more alarming, whether the vaccines themselves are going to spread the virus, the unknowns are endless at the moment.
The ‘experts’ are telling us that splicing a genetically modified gene protein into our DNA helix is not going to alter our DNA - how can it not?
At 73, I had parents who were not vaccinated against anything, my mother died at the age of nearly 80, going through the Land Army in WW1, without even an anti tetanus jab, my father died of cancer, totally unrelated to vaccines.
The mainstream media and the Government are turning us all into terrified, blindfolded zombies, queueing up to be the next part of this massive, Bill Gates instigated global experiment and we in the UK are the Petri dish!
How have we come this far so quickly? I find it quite terrifying!
29 January 2021 at 1:41 pm
We understand your concerns, Pauline. But try to avoid feeling fearful about what's happening! If enough people come together to help create a better world out of all of this - it will have all been for a reason. Take care in the meantime.
29 January 2021 at 5:00 pm
...hello, Pauline. whenever I commented (subtly, I like to think) on my local (Sussex) community chat service I was repeatedly warned 'facts are facts, please modify your post' re the virus. It appears I must only post in line with W.H.O. and N.H.S. official 'guidlines'. I do not post anymore as the forum is littered with 'can't wait to get my jab' writings since the local jabbing centers opened. b.b.c. and i.t.v. have, sadly, done a very good job. I ...though not terrified.. ( I so hope this particular emotion leaves you soon) last year felt the future as now portrayed is not for me; in particular a future devoid of the opportunities afforded the fledgling me, yet to be denied the generations to come. Thank you A.N.H. for giving us ... to borrow a phrase from msm...a light at the end of the tunnel.
01 February 2021 at 11:43 am
In the UK , about 20% are still against taking the trick shots - on a promise from those not fit to be trusted, atm.
Let's hope this stands up well during the stampede to 'stay safe'!
25 February 2021 at 8:12 pm
In USA, 1949 Truman created article 50 which clearly states the government may experiment on all citizens without their knowledge or consent.
This law has never been contested
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