Power and money. Two major drivers in life that can be used to create good or mayhem. If you’re still sitting on the fence upon which side the corporatocracy is choosing, this article may well give you a clarifying shiver down the spine. It’s interesting that 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, which illustrated what the world would be like if we lost the freedom to think for ourselves.
In case you’ve not read the book. The central tenets in Orwell’s fiction to ensure the survival of the 3 'States', included the State subduing its citizens into a mindless mass which executed the will of ‘Big Brother’; the State fuelling the hatred of citizens against its enemy(s); the State having the capacity to destroy other States to avoid war and that the States should periodically change alliances to prevent the potential for a destructive union. Are you starting to feel that shiver yet?
The Internet has opened up information and communication portals the likes of which the world has never seen before. With it has come an increased level of citizen empowerment because knowledge is power. And with that power comes enhanced freedom of choice, information sharing, gathering of like minds and stronger grassroots movements. We have also seen the growth and expansion of Big Corporate, the corporatocracy, who wield significant power through profits, reach and all too often, political manipulation. It’s not so much Big Government that we need to fear, but the even bigger companies behind them, with Big Tech sitting right in the driver’s seat because it controls the Internet.
We wrote about the mass censorship of natural health portals on social media on 17th July. Since then, damning evidence revealing the extent and reach of Big Tech’s biggest fish, Google’s, active censorship has been exposed by former employee, turned whistleblower, Zachary Vorhies. Documents shared with Project Veritas provide clear evidence that Google knowingly adjusts its algorithms in order to influence the way people think and act. That sounds very much like Google-controlled thought programming to us.
Whilst not blocking access (yet), in doing this, Google is actively removing our freedoms - choice and health being just two of them. Google’s June 2019 update shifted algorithms to make it extremely difficult for individuals to find natural health information in organic searches. Instead, Google prefers mainstream, conventional (approved!) information and places these links in the top ranked search pages. Unless you already know of a site and go directly there to search within it, you are now unlikely to see information from such well known hubs as Mercola, GreenMed Info and a host of others, coming up in organic searches. We appear to have been hit by the March update and have since seen a significant drop off in organic traffic despite having an exemplary track record in publishing factual, credible information fully referenced to original sources.
Human ‘quality’ raters decide who is and isn’t an acceptable arbiter of information. Pages that are considered to potentially impact the “future happiness, health, financial stability, or safety of users” are referred to as “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL) pages. Those YMYL pages deemed to be of low quality are downrated and pushed into the shadows. How’s that spine tingle now?
Screenshot taken from Project Veritas video quoting from Google documents
In the past year Facebook has quadrupled its number of ‘fact-checking’ partners. Their job? To rate posts. If deemed false (by what criteria?), a post is demoted in news feeds and a fact check notice added. Anyone who tries to share a flagged post will be told it has been debunked. Websites such as Full Fact provide the sanitised facts, which are unsurprisingly the same as the mainstream view, to 're-educate' the searcher and create a smokescreen of credibility.
Throughout the ages the ruling elite have sought to silence dissenting voices. The Internet has created a space for everyone to air opinion regardless of its validity, which has certainly brought challenge, but has also created an enhanced need to think for oneself and make more discerning judgements which are good life skills. As the volume of the voices challenging the corporatocracy and its cronies in government, has grown louder and stronger, their only answer seems to be radical censorship. This action begs the question, if there’s nothing to hide why censor?
In the long run, history tells us that censorship never works. Citizens don’t willingly accept suppression and control, but whilst we’re in the grip of this information blackout, active sharing of information is the only way to go. It’s our continued mission to bring you high quality, referenced information based on ANH’s guiding principles of ‘Good Science and Good Law’.
Below are our top 6 articles from the first half of 2019. Thank for your support and please keep sharing our articles on your social media feeds and networks.
This year has seen the scramble to bring 5G to the masses escalate exponentially. We sifted through the marketing rhetoric and available science to highlight the potential for health harms from this untested technology and give you the information you need to become a 5G activist. Below you’ll find some highlights from both articles plus links to allow you to read the full article if you’ve not already done so or just refresh yourself.
5G – a public health tragedy in the making?
Despite more and more citizens and politicians waking up to the potential for harm posed by 5G and becoming aware of the absence of any safety studies, roll-out continues. Concerned that more needs to be done to inform consumers over the potential for harm with 5G, proactive broadcaster, Mitchell Rabin from A Better World Radio in New York, invited Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge to a round table discussion on air last week. Read more…
The 5G disconnect – the biggest next gen uncontrolled experiment?
5G refers to ‘5th Generation’ wireless technology. New standards for 5G were agreed in 2017. While the standard will continue to rely on existing technology, especially 4G networks, it provides for new frequencies that utilise shorter wavelengths, so-called millimeter wave frequencies that were born out of military use. Very little information is known about how humans or wildlife might react to the predicted increase in exposure, especially to these new frequencies. Read more…
In March ANH founder, executive and scientific director Rob Verkerk PhD attended the inauguration of the new Institute of Scientific Freedom at an international symposium.
The scientific community was rocked last September by the acrimonious expulsion of Dr Peter Gøtzsche, one of the founding members of Cochrane, from the international network of scientists that aims to help clinicians make evidence-based decisions about drugs, surgery and other interventions. Read more…
The effect of childhood trauma on future health is still little known. ANH-Intl executive coordinator Meleni Aldridge gave an insight into an up and coming area of health research.
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study that appeared in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in 1998 was groundbreaking. Prior to it, there wasn’t much connection being made between childhood trauma and chronically sick adults. The ACE study only covered 10 types of childhood trauma and there are many more e.g. racism, bullying, seeing others being abused, grief, homelessness, loneliness, foster care etc. However, it succeeded in linking adverse childhood experiences to chronic stress, ill health and social problems in adulthood and opened the door to vital support for many more people. Read more…
Rob Verkerk PhD countered a new study promoting the health benefits of fibre, which has been used to push consumption of whole grains and cereals. As part of the article we showed just how easy it is to get the recommended amount of fibre in our diet from a grain-free diet.
The story that made headlines around the world about fibre (see The Guardian) and at the end of last week isn’t going to be a flash in the pan. On the back of it, you can be sure it will be used by governments and the food industry to get us back onto the bread and cereals wagon. Read more…
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed without drug use. The ANH team explored the evidence and options to allow individuals to take back control of their health.
Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) have become the scourge of worldwide healthcare systems. According to figures from the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) diabetes affected approximately 425 million people worldwide in 2017. Numbers are predicted to rise to 629 million by 2045. Everyday, millions of patients with this potentially life-threatening condition are faced with a lifetime of drug therapy and associated health issues with little or no option for reversing the condition, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Read more…
your voice counts
21 August 2019 at 10:14 pm
I use the duckduckgo search engine, and have done for many years, and would encourage everyone (who uses the google search engine) to download duckduckgo and make it their default search engine. Do some research on it if you want to and check out some reviews, but I highly recommend it.
21 August 2019 at 11:40 pm
I join with you (all) in vigilance against deceit - and a willingness to give and live a true wit-ness (or as I like to also say with-ness). Relational truth is the underlying structure of communication as honouring, extending respect and growing trust in a dance of opening mutual or common benefits.
Those who are founded on deceit in place of honest accountability and transparency (willingness to communicate) are set against the Human Good - regardless the guises and 'incentives' applied. Thanks - but no thanks!
Orwell intended the book to be called 1948. The publishers wouldn't have it.
The nature of our times is of deceits coming into awareness as the unveiling of the Wizard of Oz - excepting he was open to communication once released of his inflated persona.
The establishment of possession of wealth, status and control is protective against loss but yet is susceptible to deceits of self-inflation by which then to be undermined or made dependent. There is nothing new in self-illusion and the extension of this in manipulative behaviour - but technologism that plays first to those who fund or control it - has extended the reach and pervasiveness such as to generate an overlay of illusory judgements or framing that substitutes for real relationships. Of course technology CAN serve us rather than capture us into ever more dependency - but the underlying beliefs and self definitions - re possession and control or 'weaponising and marketising' - operate as the denial and distortion of the being that we are - beneath the invested identities in reactive alignment with believed power against perceived threat.
Aligning in truth or self-honesty may at some point mean stepping out of the comfort zone of officially supported 'identity' - perhaps by simply being unwilling to adopt the politically or 'medically correct' doublespeak.
While people believe it is protection they will defend it against change. While they are kept unsettled, fearful and divided they will generally grasp more tightly to anything protective. This means we have to become able to address fears and look at them even while they are being incited.
Risk is everywhere and yet so is Life - and very few have a sense of proportional risks relative to benefits. A re-education in health and wholeness rises FROM the recognition of deceits as false - because if that narrative belief is not - and never was true then the field is open for the rediscovery of what is - and that is a freedom of the journey of our own resonances and recognitions.
Fake news narrative or fake food and medical intervention or dietary advice - makes it challenging to discern where to go and what to do and yet honesty starts here - in our heart and not as the divine right of any specialisation of expertise to dictate. Of course freedom is also freedom to learn by mistakes. Protection from mistakes is a very Big Mistake. But an educative culture of support minimises harm while maximising lessons learned. Support for freedom to make real choices as practical steps and not a 'support' that grows dependency under a false sense of dependency or protection.
22 August 2019 at 8:48 am
Actually Pinterest banned them a year ago, so some lawyer probably had a panic attack at Google too. I don't agree with it, nor do I agree that it promotes self harm. I think it causes a false equivalence to call it promotion of self harm because that phrase refers to a mental illness sometimes called "cutting." People taking unusual methods toward health aren't self harming. Usually they've exhausted the usual methods and for some reason those didn't work for them. A person who self harms is doing it to deal with emotions they can't control, it has nothing to do with wanting to be healthy. What a pathetic world we live in that megacorporations have to limit human knowledge in order to ensure another 2% profit margin. Mainstream medicine works for most people. And if it doesn't work for someone, isn't it cruel to limit their choices? Even oncologists give up on some patients. Don't those patients have a right to seek help, if their own doctor isn't helping? The urge for survival is perfectly natural. Why prevent someone from surviving despite the odds? It's inhuman.
22 August 2019 at 12:18 pm
I picked up on this phrase:
"megacorporations have to limit human knowledge in order to ensure another 2% profit margin".
I believe this survival instinct, invoked by corrupt power, is behind the co-opting of 'sustainability'.
The undermining of a natural way of being or health was rightly seen as unsustainable - but the opposite is not an imposed technocratic system of 'sustainability' but aligning or re-aligning in natural health - which is Alive - even though we tend to research biology in systemic terms under problem-driven (and problem nurturing) technologism rather than in terms of resonance, resilience, balance and wholeness.
The reversal of thought that operates problem centric evasions of true cause, rather than recognition of symptom as messenger of a call to expand perspective is recognisable by its signature accusation of ITSELF in 'other'.
As an oppositional definition it has to project opposition and attack it to seem real.
This operates though the distortion of communication that extends through PR and propaganda to social engineering and the psyop.
Hence I find the UK stats on causes of death lists 'vaccine preventable diseases'.
I was at the time seeking to verify the claim that medical treatments are the third leading cause of (premature?) death in US and UK. But if heart disease and cancer deaths are also bumped up in severity and incidence by the treatments and procedures touted as their treatment or intervention in hope of protecting life - the medical model as a whole could be THE most prevalent vector of fatality - and of course suffering under disease.
I realise that death is not really something that can fit into a stat sheet for many factors all play into what then results - even in what may seem a clear cut case. But my general point is that the reversal of thinking - propagated by a false framing establishment and its captive invested identities - runs beneath our surface awareness as if to render assumptions or assertions into invisible unchallengeable fact. (aka reality).
BTW Limiting consciousness as a strategy of survival is a variation on hiding or denying what we are not willing or able to face, own or know, so as to 'survive in part - at expense of wholeness. This has been a long way down... How far down into such 'over-control' of fearful and tyrannous systemic entanglement in paralysis can we tolerate?
Pain is a threshhold that may be suppressed, covered over, blocked and denied, redefined and made virtuous or gratifying as a self-judging dessert - but operates at all levels of our being - including meaninglessness or indeed loss of joy in life. While torture can 'break' its victim, it can also call EVERYTHING into question - and I feel this reveals something of the nature of a most fundamental Choice. To 'break' is to succumb to a kind of death in terms of losing our connection of inspiration (despair) and aligning in the 'abuse' as our accepted reality.
However Life is still in us - but now has to be kept down or out by actively aligning in a version of the Stockholm syndrome - in which captivity is aligned in as the only remaining freedom and behaving so as NOT to be hit or hurt is interpreted as being loved. While this is pathetic in the true sense of the word, it is also testimony to that we cannot live without love - and that no matter WHAT we assign love to, we are still being of love - but through a thought reversal.
(‘Freedom is slavery’ - Orwell's Big Brother 'protective' doublethink that MUST be complied and conformed to avoid the torture of Room 101 or indeed survival in any sense). However Room 101 is the targeted fears particular to the psycic-emotional conditioning and make up of the individual. All tyranny rests on fear of pain of loss and rises from it. They are two sides of one.
Talking down a 'mad' or dissociated hostage situation has to seek to open communication with the one who is acting from a denied and desperate sense of betrayal. They have no basis to open to or trust anything 'incoming' except it meets their demands. But being seen, listened to and not judged is a deeper communication that any manipulative strategy. Expanding communication to open new possibilities that are win-win relative to an impossible impasse is the work of humanity now. With us - as among us.
Unowned or unhealed fears polarise to mind control in place of the heart's decision. Whatever the complexities of unhealed issues in our self, family, life and world, a decision of reintegrative alignment sets the context and purpose for all else. Or ...persist in systemic evasions that may be ‘sustainable’ ...at a price that becomes increasingly stark. I am not saying we should do this or that - but that a fundamental self-honesty naturally aligns in resonant outcomes - while fears block or filters and distorts such transparency of communication. In which case temporary blocks may serve an ongoing process of re-education or rehabilitation. We cannot force health but we can learn to hold the conditions in which blocks to health or communication are revealed as just that - and undone of the power to deceive or pass off as meaningful or true.
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