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By Rob Verkerk PhD, founder, executive & scientific director, ANH-Intl
Like many parts of the world, South Africa seems to be emerging well from the grip of SARS-CoV-2 and its associated disease, covid-19. But last night, President Ramaphosa announced a plan that ensures the footprint of this likely-lab-created pathogen stays with the South African people for years to come. A plan that discriminates against those that don’t play according to the game plan set by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, USAID, Johnson & Johnson, the UN Population Fund – and others.
South Africa’s covid status
According to data from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, omicron peaked at the end of January with over 23 million weekly cases, more than in any of the previous three waves of more virulent strains like delta. But this was accompanied by only a marginal increase in deaths such is the mildness of omicron compared with delta and other strains.
Meanwhile, hospital admissions associated with positive tests of covid-19 – an approximate indirect marker for severe covid-19 disease – have fallen to almost zero, contrasting with data from the UK data, for example, where admissions are increasing following (but not necessarily caused by) the relaxation of measures (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Comparison of hospital admissions linked to covid-19 in South Africa, UK, USA and Italy (Source: Our World in Data)
The official figures mesh well with the experiences reported by the dozens of South African clinicians with whom we have strong connections through our work with the World Council for Health. These include doctors, like my co-chair of the Health & Humanities Committee, Dr Naseeba Kathrada, who’ve been consistently in the frontlines of the South African struggle against a virus, jab injuries and a government that, like so many, seems to follow anything but the science.
What next?
It was with great trepidation that many South Africans awaited President Ramaphosa’s much anticipated speech last night – one that was promoted by official sources as an announcement of a major relaxation of covid-19 restrictions.
Bear in mind, South Africans have suffered extreme restrictions since the early stages of the pandemic. Prior to the easing of measures on New Year’s Eve, South Africans had experienced a 21-month-long nightly curfew that prevented them travelling by road overnight or attending parties at night. In the first lockdown, there were bans on dog walking and any sales of alcohol and cigarettes.
Subsequently, they had very narrow windows of time in which alcohol could be sold and consumed and numbers allowed in indoor or outdoor gatherings were severely limited.
In Ramaphosa’s address last night (see excerpts below), the President indicated his intention to see the state of disaster regulations lifted pending comments from the South Africans that must be submitted prior to 16 April 2022. He said that while the national state of disaster was now over, that didn’t mean the pandemic was over. In effect then, the disaster regulations would be replaced by health regulations.
He claimed – with no supporting evidence – that the most important tools in fighting the disease have been vaccination, then masks. The implication was that this was the reason they would remain. He highlighted that only 35% of people in the age group 18 to 35 had been vaccinated and that it was “vitally important” that many more in this age group were vaccinated. He also made a strong plea to those who were already ‘vaccinated’ to go get their boosters. Masks would also remain compulsory indoors, including in all factories, workplaces, and malls – but not in schools.
While trying to give the view that the address was all about the proposed new regulations easing restrictions, Ramaphosa also emphasised the areas where restrictions would still apply, such as in relation to masks and surveillance. This is a far cry compared with the greater relaxation happening in parts of Europe that have been more severely affected by the virus in terms of hospitalisations and deaths, and have also witnessed higher rates of ‘vaccine’ coverage.
The President said that indoor and outdoor gatherings will be able to take up to 50% of their capacity as long as proof of vaccination or a covid test not older than 72h was provided.
Without proof of vaccination or a covid test, the current upper limit would remain 1000 people indoors, and 2000 outdoors. He stressed the importance of the need to encourage more 18- to 35-year-olds to roll up their sleeves for covid ‘vaccines’ – despite there being increasing evidence that the risk/benefit equation weighs in favour of risk, especially for younger age groups.
That means that only the vaccinated or those who have recently tested negative can go about normal activities such as attending sports stadium, live music events, theatre or other social or cultural events.
The key here is that people who want to ‘play normal’ in society will be surveilled one way or another – with their data being held on a government-controlled digital record. This hangover could easily have been dropped if the concern was solely protecting the population from covid-19. But it looks set to stay. That’s assuming there isn’t a big and successful push against the government’s plan.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. People who don’t want to ‘play normal’ will be just as easy to identify as those who comply with the edicts. As their compliance won’t be recorded on any digital record of their covid vaccination or testing status, any tracking of electoral records will expose them like sore thumbs. The model is undoubtedly quite simple: all you need is majority compliance to easily identify (or expose) the minority.
For those who still think the last two years has been all about a virus, now is the time to think again. It was always a means to an end – and people’s inherent fear of an existential threat such as a virus – or indeed a war or nuclear bomb – is the perfect natural or human-induced disaster to bring in population surveillance.
Look how desirous President Ramaphosa appears to be in subjecting the relatively non-compliant and covid-immune 18- to 35-year-old South African population to covid jabs. I bet he’d be happy with 70% compliance or more, making the remaining 30% or fewer much easier to identify. He also said that travellers who are not yet covid-injected will be offered jabs on entry. Show us the science on this, Mr Ramaphosa.
Why it’s not really about health
‘Covid myopia’ as we termed it back in October 2020 is killing people. Many of us have long argued that given the manipulation behind covid-related death and hospitalisation statistics, the better metric for the pandemic’s impact on mortality is changes in expected all-cause mortality – or excess mortality (the deviation from expected death rates usually based on the last 5 years’ average).
Here we see South Africans are suffering, with the cumulative numbers still increasing as they are in some countries, such as the USA and Italy, but not in others, like the UK, Germany and Canada (Figure 2). If President Ramaphosa was really concerned about the health and welfare of his people, this trajectory is one he’d be drawing public attention to in his address to the nation. We can see South Africans are not dying of covid, but they are dying more quickly than expected for reasons other than covid because the normal processes of healthcare, including access to clinical care and diagnostics that allow opportunities for early treatment, are failing.
Figure 2. Comparing excess mortality in South Africa with some other countries. Source: Our World in Data.
What’s more, based on anecdotes from personal communications with our connections in the medical community in South Africa, covid-19 injection side effects that include increased rates of ischemic events and cancers, may be contributing to this excess mortality.
What’s the end game
There are two main threads here. One relates to digital surveillance, the other to the globalists’ plans for South Africa as a vaccine manufacturing hub. Both lead to transhumanism.
Mass surveillance
Let’s start on the surveillance side. If your plan is to control people, life of course gets much easier if you can use a device to facilitate your digital surveillance system. What better than using the mobile cell phone that the vast majority of people outside a subsistence existence have now become dependent on: the smartphone? By 2021, there were an estimated 6.4 billion smartphone subscriptions worldwide and a global population of around 7.8 billion. That makes 78% of the world’s population. In South Africa, the proportion is a little lower, around 63%.
Look no further than Gustav Praekelt – the founder of – the non-profit behind the roll-out of the covid tracking and information system in South Africa, continental Africa, and beyond.
The website boldly claims:
“The potential to reach 2 billion people globallyWith countries experiencing a massive need for direct communication about COVID-19, (using has developed a pro bono solution to empower citizens with the right information and support the national response of the health systems that serve them.”
This is odd on a continent that has largely escaped the covid-19 pandemic – but has the lowest vaccination rate in the world; roughly half the global average and less than one-third of most industrialised countries (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Vaccination rates in South Africa, versus Africa and the World as a whole, and various continents and regions. Source: Our World in Data
The initiative is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clintons, J&J – see Fig. 4 below.
Figure 4. Stated funders of
>>> Listen to Aid, Evolved podcast with serial entrepreneur turned non-profit founder, Gustav Praekelt of, recorded June 15, 2021
>>> Watch a video of Gustav Praekelt talking about his ambitious, large-scale mobile projects in Africa from 2011
The Praekelt COVID-19 Connect app is deeply integrated into the machinations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the South African National Department of Health (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Interconnected – Praekelt’s COVID-19 Connect and WHO’s HealthAlert. Source”
It’s all about surveillance – clearly not a virus that has made a particularly poor showing on a continent that has one of the youngest age distributions and the greatest projected population growth rate (Fig. 6). It’s also no doubt why the UN Population Fund is also involved with the Praekelt app.
Figure 6. Projected percentage population growth rate in 2020. Source: Our World in Data.
South Africa: the BRICS ‘vaccine’ manufacturing hub for Africa
The final piece to this puzzle is the plan to establish South Africa as the bastion of manufacture for covid-19 and other next generation genetic ‘vaccines’ destined for the people of Africa. That’s why J&J is in. That’s why the Chinese Sinopharm ‘vaccine’ has already been registered in South Africa, among people 18 years and older.
That’s why the South African government has agreed to plans to let a new consortium linked to the WHO establish South Africa as a tech hub for mRNA vaccines, “that will allow for greater and more diversified vaccines manufacturing capability, strengthen African regional health security and respond more equitably to the current COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics”.
This has been part of a long-term plan to establish BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) as hubs for global vaccine manufacture.
South Africa is the springboard to the rest of Africa. If they won’t be ‘vaccine-first’, they are at least ‘mobile-first’. But no doubt doubling down on removing privileges and rights from those who don’t play the covid ‘vaccination’ or testing game, will force many to succumb – despite there being no apparent health benefits.
Eyes, ears and mouths – wide open
The sooner more people wake up to the fact that global public health policy has been manipulated by a small group of people – those associated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation being the common denominator almost without exception – the sooner we, the people, can take back natural and unalienable rights and live as free and sovereign people.
It won’t be easy – but the more of us who see what’s coming and where’s it’s coming from, the greater our chances for future generations.
For this reason, we must keep a very careful eye on what happens next in South Africa and do what we can to support the small band of doctors, practitioners and awakened activists that are trying to derail the government’s attempts to control a population through outside pressure and funding.
It may seem like a David and Goliath battle, but let us not forget that the population of South Africa is among the most enlightened when it comes to appreciating the travesties and true costs of population control through discrimination.
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Proudly affiliated with: Enough Movement Coalition partner of: World Council for Health
your voice counts
05 May 2022 at 2:18 pm
Billy-Boy Gates has already hinted? that the next Virus shall be the Marburg virus.
Pigs can be infected by this virus.
The Avian Flu excuse in the USA at present, with Chickens and other similar Farmed animals being massacred.
Another excuse to destroy farmers & live animals in USA - as Marburg-infected pigs would be added to the numbers to be destroyed.
Maybe? all part of the 2020 - 2030 AGENDA, the never ending Viruses as forecast by Gates/Fauci, in tandem with the United Nations program and other ilk.
Your voice counts
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