Content Sections
- ● Magnesium essential for immune system function
- ● BPA can cross the placenta
- ● CBD companies need more toxicology studies
- ● Wearable tech and cancer
- ● EU bans antibiotic use in livestock
- ● Increased resilience improves health
- ● Nutritional supplements protect against autoimmune disease
- ● Cell phones damage sperm health
- ● Diet and cancer
Magnesium essential for immune system function
The essentiality of magnesium for robust immune system health has been highlighted again in a new mouse study published in Cell. The researchers report that T cells need a sufficient quantity of magnesium in the blood in order to work effectively to tackle pathogens and control cancer cells. Despite being a mouse study, because of what we already know about the benefits of magnesium, these findings are significant for human health and particularly for the treatment of cancer patients alongside conventional treatments. Good sources of magnesium include green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, almonds and dark chocolate,
BPA can cross the placenta
The highly toxic chemical, bisphenol A (BPA), which is now endemic in the environment, can cross the placenta, which could damage the development of a baby's brain. Using a mouse model, researchers publishing in Epigenomics found that micro mRNAs from BPA can be transmitted directly from a mother to her unborn baby. The study emphasises the importance of reducing exposure to BPA, not just for pregnant women, but in all stages of life.
CBD companies need more toxicology studies
The ongoing novel food approvals saga in the UK for CBD continues, as the Food Standards Agency (FSA) moves the goal posts again. Forty companies that produce and sell CBD products in the UK who are seeking novel food status for their product, have been told by the FSA that they haven't provided enough scientific evidence to support their applications, despite following the FSA's guidance to the letter. The FSA is now calling for these companies to provide information of toxicological studies they have undertaken or propose to undertake in order for their applications to be considered. The companies now have to consider whether or not to join a consortium in order to get their products approved or attempt to carry the costs alone.
Wearable tech and cancer
The University of Manchester has launched a trial to test the use of wearable tech to track the progress of cancer patients. The Enhanced Monitoring for Better Recovery and Cancer Experience (EMBRaCE) trial will use smart rings and watches to track the health and wellbeing of patients suffering from blood, lung and colorectal cancer in the hope that it will provide new insights into how people cope with cancer treatment and how the tech can aid their recovery.
EU bans antibiotic use in livestock
A ban on the administration of antibiotics to healthy animals in the EU came into force at the end of January. The ban means farmers will only be able to use antibiotics to treat individual sick animals rather than as a preventative across the board. The threat of antimicrobial resistance is now a serious issue leading to increasing deaths from what were previously mild illnesses and infections. Given two-thirds of antibiotic use globally is in animal production, reducing its use is seen as critical.
Increased resilience improves health
Improving your resilience can help to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Suzette Brémault-Phillips, associate professor in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta, knows only too well how key resilience is to our ability to recover and maintain robust mental and physical health and wellbeing, through her work with serving members of the military, veterans and first responders. In a recent release, she shares seven simple tips to help build your resilience. Our recent video highlights the vital importance of resilience, not only to our ability to withstand viral illness, but to help us cope better with the ‘new normals’ being promoted by governments over the past two years that have the potential to cause untold damage to individual and societal health, rights and freedoms. The importance of wellbeing to our overall health is explored in a study published in Global Advances in Health and Medicine. The paper outlines the GENIAL framework developed to help people understand and improve 'whole health'. Closer to home, our ANH-Intl Blueprint for Sustainable Health is also focused on the health of the whole person in order to 'create health' through optimising function, regeneration and resilience.
Nutritional supplements protect against autoimmune disease
Taking vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acid supplements can help reduce the risk of developing autoimmune disease. The VITAL study from the Brigham and Women's hospital published in The BMJ found that both nutrients are key in reducing inflammation in the body, a precursor for the development of autoimmune disease. Vitamin D supplementation over a five year period reduced the risk of developing autoimmune disease by 22%, while omega 3 fatty acid supplementation, with or without vitamin D, reduced the risk by 15%. Whether you have or are concerned about the possible development of autoimmune disease Meleni Aldridge's presentation from the 2020 Get Well Show offers a roadmap out of autoimmune triggers and back to vital health.
Cell phones damage sperm health
Researchers in Korea have found that men with high levels of exposure to cell phones are more likely to experience fertility issues when they want to start a family. The meta-analysis published in Environmental Research found exposure to EMFs reduced sperm motility, viability and concentration. The researchers did not find a link between the amount of time a person spent on the phone and the impact on fertility. Given many men carry their phone in their trouser pocket this a good reminder to carry it elsewhere away from the genital area to reduce the risk of damage to future fertility.
Diet and cancer
The importance of a good diet in the recovery and survival rates of people with breast and colorectal cancer is emphasised in a new meta-analysis published in Nutrients. A good diet was associated with a 23% reduction in mortality in breast cancer survivors. When combined with exercise, patients also saw an improved quality of life. Another study published in PLOS One, has found that the compound 3,3’-Diindolylmethane, also known as DIM, found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower induces cell death in cancer cells. This is yet another reason the ANH-Intl Food4Health guidelines recommend the inclusion of a wide range of colourful and diverse vegetables and fruit.
your voice counts
04 February 2022 at 11:08 am
V very interesting and supporting my own thoughts about this Covid pandemic.
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