As so many around the world find themselves locked in the grip of fear, our latest video looks at the impact that negative emotions, persistently felt, have on our physiology - and some simple solutions for getting unstuck.
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The large, highly differentiated brain of Homo sapiens sapiens sets us apart from other mammals and has been the main reason we have been able to adapt, innovate and exploit such a diverse range of environments - often to our exclusive advantage. But having such a powerhouse of a creative brain also means that our thoughts, emotions and subconscious programming exert powerful physiological effects on our bodies. We can literally change our biology by changing the way we think and by altering the focus of our consciousness.
Finding yourself being persistently driven by emotions such as fear, anxiety, worry and panic will trigger your stress axis, engage your survival strategies of fight, flight or freeze and alter your blood chemistry. All good strategies for short-term deployment in crises to aid survival, but not for prolonged periods and certainly not when you need your immune system to be working optimally. Somewhat poignant given our current situation, the biochemical messages released within us during prolonged stress suppress the immune system leaving us with a heightened risk of viral and other infections.
Our health depends on our immunological, metabolic and psychological flexibility creating an interlinking circular flow. Each system is connected and each enhances the function of the other, but given the size and power of our brains - our thoughts and creative intentions are powerful enough to impact every cell in the body. We are anything but health victims because our thoughts hold such enormous power. No one can tell us how to think - the thoughts we choose are all our own. This is how small groups of people manage to make such enormous change.
Fear renders one powerless. However, knowledge and education are empowering. Let’s all make a conscious decision to turn our thoughts in a positive direction and support ourselves and our wider community — our global family — as we return to vibrant, resilient, immunological, metabolic and physiological health.
As night turns to day, every cloud has a silver lining, every crisis brings a gift. Perhaps the gift of this pandemic is allowing us to re-think and re-create our health, our environmental impact, our single global family and the collective, connected, effort that we must all undertake to reach a post-pandemic world – whilst not forgetting to keep our wits about us and our health sovereignty, rights and freedoms intact!
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your voice counts
10 April 2020 at 1:07 pm
That is fantastic, thanks! Just some simple ideas to help relive the fear & panic around at the moment... I will pass this on and share on as this will be very helpful to many people at the moment...
10 April 2020 at 3:27 pm
Hi Lisa, it's great to hear you enjoyed the video. Meleni created it with exactly that in mind to reduce the fear & panic and bring some positivity into people's lives during a challenging time.
Warm regards
10 April 2020 at 2:46 pm
I understand the material brain - not distinct from the whole nervous system of the body as one facet of our mind - not unlike a computer only immeasurably more powerful that our binary technology.
The other facet is an electromagnetic field within an electromagnetic Universe.
The development of a self-isolated locked dawn socially distanced sense of self is the result of trauma that seeks social reinforcement for private agenda.
In short, this fear- induced dissociation denies conscious awareness of alignment, support and guidance within the field of our true being as an integral Universal Expression with and within All That Is.
This leaves a sense of fear seeking control from a sense of lack, under threat and in need of external support as a result of loss of integral connectedness or integrity.
Fear thus stands behind and beneath a cover story or mythic identification as a sense of power of loss or separation AND of control as the limiting of chaos or total loss.
A true positive is an integrative alignment and expression of true bing and not a cover story or 'virtue signalling' of a wish to offset or mitigate feared negatives that are thus glossed over, hidden and protected by narratives of a temporary sense of relief that simply does not last and cannot stand.
So a willingness to acknowledge fear is a conscious step of consciousness reclaimed from an otherwie habit of self-evasions that do not serve anything but a recycle of negative reinforcement under variations of the same shallow rooted 'positives' that lose faith and allegiance because they are not honest - however intensely asserted, and therefore not healing to the underlying condition.
The letting in of love as living qualities of being instead of the attempt to DO love from a sense of lack - is EVERYTHING.
All else will proceed in its time and timing from the willingness of releasing self-isolation to a true relationship with life, with each other and ourself.
The key being willingness - because without it - all power in Heaven and Earth cannot reach us without violating our will.
And if you see that you see the power of the will is not OVER others but is one with that of others.
Willingness to pause the reactive and fragmented mind in whatever setting is conducive or available for even an instant, in desire for peace that is not IN the world its has adapted to see and survive - and yet is in the resonant alignment of our being - always and already given.
Opening another way of looking at anything is a new place within yourself but never without real relationship - with life and world. To be a little children in a new willingness is to learn to wait on being shown or on understanding and consciousness growing in us without our attempt to posses and control, weaponise or marketise.
The dissociated mind is dead in the midst of Life - seeking in its own reflection for what can never be found and missing an infinity that is all around.
This wine cannot be bottled - but it can express through the uniqueness of you as a restored YES! to life that flows freely when our NO to relational being is recognised and released. the latter part is ours. Life moves of itself. Our NO! to the deceit of hidden purpose masked in 'positive' cover story is thus in our own unique expression of being and communicates within the truth of who we are - instead of attempts to become and defend what we are NOT. There is NO peace in trying to be who we are not. Nor in succumbing to negative self-convictions.
Peace is the quality from which love spontaneously arises to know itself in the giving.
The vibrational communication of a Universal Blessing is perfectly shared - even if - in this world, there is a lag in the willingness to accept.
There is ALWAYS an inner and an outer - to the expression of life and bringing these to balance is where synchronicity aligns in shared purpose. Despite all appearances we share one will and one life - covered in time by a broken or split mind that seeks for completion by possession and control.
I write to the intuitive recognition of the living - not to build structures of thought as if these could raise us by our bootstraps.
Joy in life is always a willing alignment in the current flow or movement of our being.
That the birds are singing now - there is no other guarantee - that singing will, ever be.
Yes. This is an Easter Message.
14 April 2020 at 2:58 pm
Thank you Brian, so well understood and beautifully crafted words that add yet more light and contrast to what I was trying to portray in the video. Fear is disempowering, disemboweling, and disenchanting. Our salvation lies in not allowing the fear to take hold, not looking for quasi parental protection from governments and authorities and for finding or restoring our enchantment and connection to nature, the Universe and within ourselves. This crisis offers a gift of revisioning our lives, the world around us, our connection to the Mystery and to open our hearts again to our larger global community. My greatest wish is that there will be a tipping point of people who will answer the deeper call and say NO! to the rest.
Warmly, with great gratitude for your contributions
Your voice counts
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