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US government sued over outdated EMR regulations
In December 2019 the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) reiterated its 1996 wireless radiation exposure safety guidelines, refusing to take account of non-industry sponsored science pointing to harms to human health. In response the Children’s Health Defense has filed a petition against the FCC to overturn the guidelines arguing that they’re inadequate to protect public health from the ever-increasing levels of radiation from wireless technology, such as 5G.
Pasta is now a vegetable in the US
The US Department of Agriculture has further dumbed down US school meal guidelines, in its continued efforts to reverse the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (introduced by Michelle Obama) designed to promote healthy food consumption in schools. The latest proposals will see pasta, made from starchy, vegetable-based flour, being counted as a vegetable, processed foods such as pizza, burgers and chips being included on school menus along with potatoes and other starchy foods being considered a portion of fruit and vegetable. The agency sought to justify the watering down of the guidelines by stating they’re giving kids what they want in order to reduce food waste. Given the rising rates of childhood obesity in the US, the proposed guidelines look to be a complete set back for children’s current and future health, leaving parents to step in and take more responsibility. However, this will unfairly disadvantage children from households lacking in education about nutrition and its impact on health.
Sweeteners - not so sweet for babies
More and more food products are being reformulated with artificial, non-nutritive sweeteners as the war against sugar continues. A new animal study published in Gut sounds a warning over their impact on babies and young children. In the animal study, those consuming artificial sweeteners while pregnant, had babies with higher levels of body fat and damaged gut microbiomes, putting them a higher risk of developing metabolic disease in later life. Consumers need to be educated that if they consume sweet-tasting foods, it is better to do it in ways that minimise blood sugar spikes and subsequent insulin responses. For instance, by eating sweet foods immediately after balanced meals, with adequate protein and healthy fats, rather than consuming them as snacks between meals on an empty stomach.
EPA declares glyphosate is safe
Wrapping up its recent review of glyphosate as a cancer causing chemical, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concluded that glyphosate does not pose a risk to human health, demonstrating a wilful dismissal of independent peer-reviewed science that suggests otherwise. The move once again highlights the revolving doors between industry and regulatory agencies. Unsurprisingly the news has been welcomed by Bayer given the decision is likely to give a huge boost to its efforts to negotiate out of court settlements in the thousands of cases currently being brought against them. The EPA’s decision will likely once again ignite the fierce debate over the potential role of glyphosate in the development in cancer.
AHA advisory recommends healthy lifestyle to stay healthy longer
A new American Heart Association (AHA) advisory advocates diet and lifestyle changes to improve the number of years we remain healthy as we get older. Publication of the The American Heart Association 2030 Impact Goal: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association in Circulation follows the release of the AHA’s latest heart disease and stroke statistics showing that more people are living in poor health, from an ever younger age. The new Advisory aims to “help all people live healthier for more years of their life”. As part of its 2030 Impact Goals the AHA is aiming to increase worldwide healthy life expectancy (HALE) by 3 years by 2030 and 2 years in the US. It remains to be seen whether the AHA continues to push the current model of disease detection and management or if it will take the opportunity to promote interventions that will truly increase healthy ageing well into later life.
your voice counts
Brian Steere
08 February 2020 at 7:31 pm
The lie has the leverage of Trillion dollar finance and the protection or neutralising and evasion of the law.
The father of it is the wish to sustain - and further consolidate such power and possession.
This is the underlying commonality in the anti-life agenda being pushed as 'feeding the world', eradicating poverty or any other Orwellian doublespeak for 'the opposite of what is promised, as the result of hidden premise.
Deceit puts us out of alignment and accord and communication with truth.
But until recognised we run FROM it as if a self-evident reality.
There isn't a level playing field or freedom of communication, information and ability to hold to account, but if we WANT one, we have to be willing to be that unto ourselves and from that, with others.
RFK jr's association and service to the CDC expresses the willingness and the means to use the Law to hold to account, where it still has the means.
The corruption of the Law as a weapon of private agenda along with that of the financial system sets the framework for the control of necessities such as food, energy and medical help.
Your voice counts
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