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Pop a nature ‘pill’
Spending just 20 minutes in nature can significantly lower your stress levels. That's the finding of a new study. Researchers hope their findings will encourage more healthcare practitioners to prescribe low-cost ‘nature pills’ to counter the negative effects of our indoor, sedentary, lifestyles dominated by tech and a lack of exercise. Find out more about this most underrated of 'medicines' (and watch ANH-Intl founder Rob Verkerk demonstrating hypothermic training in the woods near our office) in our recent vlog.
Can you have your cake and eat it?
The answer is a yes, according to researchers publishing in the journal Advances in Nutrition. They conclude that consumption of refined grains does not have an adverse impact on health, putting the blame fairly and squarely on red and processed meat. Unsurprisingly, at the end of the money trail you find that the research funding came from the Wheat Foods Council and the Grain Foods Foundation. Both of which have more than a vested interest in the outcome. Unfortunately, the news is likely to be well received given how people struggle with carb addiction. The study comes hot on the heels of a new report from the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia that supports the use of low carb diets in helping people overcome Type 2 diabetes. Alarmingly, new research from Bristol University has shown a high prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in young people in the UK, which is a condition linked to obesity and consumption of sweet, refined, carbs. The Advances in Nutrition paper is yet another example of bad science where corporates skew the data to suit an outcome supporting a vested interest. The result is ever more dietary confusion over what constitutes a healthy diet and an increasing burden on healthcare systems.
Sucralose – not so sweet
Sucralose is a commonly used artificial sweetener in many processed foods. At ANH we’ve long held concerns over its safety and warnings over its toxicity when heated are nothing new. However, the German Budesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR) has issued a new warning over the risk of harmful compounds created when Sucralose-containing foods are heated. At temperatures over 120oC the sweetener degrades to form compounds that have been found harmful to all forms of life and the environment. Coming from the usually very conservative, BfR, the warning further reinforces the extremely hazardous nature of such compounds increasingly being added to processed foods as part of efforts to reduce sugar levels and beat sugar taxes. Read more about ANH-Intl’s long-standing position on the use of non-nutritive sweeteners so you can make an informed choice.
Can you get all the nutrients you need from your food?
A new study suggests you can. Researchers concluded that nutrients from food are more beneficial for health than commonly used food/dietary supplements, creating more fodder for supplement bashing headlines. We completely agree that supplements are not a substitute for a nutrient rich, wholefood, minimally processed diet as recommended in our Food4Health guidelines. It should always be food first. However, we also acknowledge that modern diets are often highly deficient in the wide range of nutrients needed to keep us healthy and vital, which means that targeted supplementation with good quality supplements is a no-brainer to fill the gaps if you’re a Health Creator interested in pursuing optimal health.
your voice counts
Brian Steere
21 April 2019 at 1:52 pm
"Can you get all the nutrients you need from your food?"
I've spent a few years looking at all sorts of angles in this, and feel that while I join with food based natural living as a baseline from which deviation brings deficits, I see that we also receive sustenance through other means than our current belief system, model, narrative identity or worldview allow.
So while noting that such belief is INVISIBLE to its believer because it is 'reality' rather than seen as a filtering lens through which we see a 'reduced or reductionist' distortion of Reality, and the add-on beliefs are generally wishful or fearful attempts to mitigate or hide what we actually and fearfully believe, I see a wider range of sustenance - and therefore healing - than is conventionally accepted. Thus anomalies to the currently accepted 'physic' are ignored, ridiculed, airbrushed, smeared, attacked and denied.
I read recently of 'Life from Light - by Michael Werner' - which posits 'Light' as more than what we see with the eye. Not because i want to give up food but more to reopen a quality of light that is lost to a 'reductionism' that can be seen as defining for the purpose of prediction and control (fear and lack directed mind).
Gerald Pollack has opened a door with his discovery and proofs of structured and charged water as being ubiquitous not only to physics but to Life (biology). Radiant energy is a source of electrical energy and therefore function particularly in this respect at the infra red range - which is not just in Sunlight (though is about 40%) but in the Earth and from every object that receives and thus transmits - as well as heat generating bodies such as our own.
However I feel that what we call light is in some sense a symbolic reflection or imaging of an inner light - in the sense of Reality being and Implicate Order of Explicate Expression. And that in truth we live on life-light no matter the belief-systems or permission slip by which we 'let life in'. IE: the idea of killing life to survive is part of the sense of self-separateness - which at root is a belief or indeed a wish-believed and defended against fear of loss.
'Whacky' ideas - that are out of whack with the common sense of common sense include Wim Hoff's scientifically verified demonstrations - but also gentler modes such as receiving nutrients from Sun gazing at Sun-rise and Sun-set - which brings an obvious qualification here because merely mimicking the form of ANY mode or method of healing or functional expansion and integration is to invite a negative outcome.
If we override our fears we initiate a conflict with what we still actually believe and protect as our self - and the new informational integration of an opening to healing or understanding in wholeness.
So any process has to discern the nature of the individual situation instead of a top-down system, algorithm or ideological belief system.
The nature in information extends far beyond our binary bits or narrative control and is that which in-forms. There are energetic 'patterns and pathways' prior to the laying down of the mechanical biology - and in some cases the mechanics are simply a model of projected 'self' onto cells - such that the plethora of 'pumps' are merely stories for innate functions that are discovered by slow in acceptance or actively denied and rejected.
Innate function leads me to question the explicate machinery of outsourced intelligence to externals and to fixate 'out there' in presumed search for causes or patentable and controllable vectors for conflict management. ('Cure' is a Felt Relational release of a negative condition in restoration to Life and has no place in a modern world excepting as PR for pipeline 'cures' for conditions promoted and protected as incurable or inevitable and innate).
So what's my point?
Looking within to uncover an integrity of being (which can be covered or denied but is integral TO being) as part of looking without and within at the same time. Because even in the world we are always looking though the filtering of our mind - and therefore looking on what our current thought of definition or belief bring us as experience.
One of the 'secret Gospels' had the quote (from memory): "When thine eye is single, thy whole being is full of light".
The willingness to look within as part of conscious contextual guidance for our relationship with our world is the condition in which 'synchronicity' occurs - which is a temporary shift from a temporal framework that realigns with wholeness of being because we are no longer actively but unconsciously generating obstructions or blocks to healing - as a result of conditional demands that effectively set us in futility - even if that can be spun as a more comfortable or privileged place in a 'life' and world framed in death, conflict, sickness and war.
Easter's Message isn't a proprietary system of mind-control - but of awakening within and prior to the 'world' of a mind of spin - doctored fig-leaves. This 'mind' is of a different Purpose than define, predict and control, as the undoing or error to the reintegration of a mind that is 'legion' or fragmented and polarised - as the sharing of life (living) in unified purpose of true desire.
Against which stands every guilt, hate and grievance of unforgiveness which - truly - never does go out from us into others or 'world' but remains within but 'hidden' from healing.
the 'evils' that we meet in the course of our day are the 'synchronicities' of conditions coming up to be acknowledged, addressed (or truly located) and re-visioned or integrated - as our conscious appreciation of who we are - even when the 'old mind' habits shout or drown the voice for peace - in which truth reveals itself by nature to who has ears to hear.
Brian Steere
21 April 2019 at 1:58 pm
Another facet to this is that those who would control life rather than listen within and share in the recognition of life, are setting ever tighter controls and ever more toxic conditions, and ever more legal or financial obstructions - including a 'media' and an effectively controlled asset to such agenda, we have to 'dig deeper' than anything we currently presume to know - IF we are to hold our Spirit or purpose in Life - rather than in "Life-Control, Upgrade and Replace Systems inc!
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