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Disease reducing bacteria
Akkermansia muciniphila is thought to be one of the most important bacterial species found in our gut. High levels of Akkermansia have been shown to reduce inflammation and the onset of chronic disease along with helping to reduce weight gain. It’s therefore of no surprise that such an important and versatile organism is attracting much attention due to its potential for treating various diseases. However, it’s unlikely to be the panacea that’s expected. Simply supplementing Akkermansia is likely to have limited effect without making significant changes to dietary habits including the reduction of ultra-processed foods, not eating late at night and increasing levels of dietary fibre to feed the organisms living in our gut that we rely on for our health.
Statins double risk of type 2 diabetes
Pouring yet more fuel on the statin debate fire a new study adds to the long list of evidence pointing to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) when using statins. Analysing data from the health records of US patients in a private health plan, researchers found statin users had more than double the risk of developing T2D than those who didn’t take them. Taking statins for more than two years increased the risk three fold. In trying to mitigate adverse effects, other recent research advocates the use of a more aggressive treatment in the form of a twice-monthly injection of a PCSK9 inhibitor in addition to using cholesterol-lowering medication in those who have already been diagnosed with T2D. However, of concern, is this research showing a significantly increased risk of haemorrhagic stroke in those with low levels (under 70 mg/dL / 1.8 mmol/L) of LDL cholesterol. Despite the now widespread knowledge that T2D and heart disease are largely preventable and reversible (if caught early) using non-drug therapies, Bad Pharma and its advocates continue to maintain that statins are safe and effective which does little but line its pockets at the expense of citizens’ health.
UK lags behind on child health
The first international analysis of child health has found the UK lagging behind the 14 other OECD countries studied. The UK had the fourth highest infant mortality risk, and improvements in life expectancy have stalled in recent years. Rates of breastfeeding in the UK are amongst the lowest in the world and levels of childhood obesity are amongst the highest in high-income countries. With an estimated 6.1% of boys and 29.2% of girls aged 2 to 19 affected. Nearly a quarter of those affected were of reception age (4-5y). The message is clear: we have to prioritise the health of our children and young people before we have such a sick society that’s unable to function.
Baby food marketing slammed
A damning new report from Public Health England (PHE) has revealed the shocking extent to which parents’ food choices for their children are being influenced by Big Food’s marketing tactics. Concern is expressed over the exponential growth of ultra-processed foods aimed at babies and young children and the encouragement of sweet snacking. PHE said it found “clear inconsistencies between national infant feeding advice and how some commercial baby food and drink products are presented”. Particular criticism was levelled at companies using ‘health’ based marketing terms. Given the current obesity crisis, what we feed our children is even more crucial to their future health and wellbeing. ANH-Intl’s Food4Kids guidelines can help your kids avoid the dangers of junk foods and their consequences.
Triclosan use linked to osteoporosis
Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent that’s widely used in a multitude of personal care products such as hand cleansers, toothpaste and cosmetics. It’s also a known endocrine disruptor that’s been linked to an increased risk of women developing osteoporosis and reduced bone mineral density. Researchers say this is the first such study to find this connection. Triclosan has also been associated with a range of negative health impacts such as increased colon inflammation along with its contribution to rising levels of antibiotic resistance. You can protect yourself and take a stand against the damage being caused by the continued use of triclosan by changing the products you buy to those that don’t contain these harmful chemicals.
Parkinson’s Disease’s starts in the gut
Evidence pointing to the gut as the the possible starting point for the development of Parkinson's disease continues to mount. New research in mice describes how damaged alpha-synuclein can travel from the gut via the vagus nerve to the brain. Like any chronic disease, there is much that can be done to prevent the onset of Parkinson’s disease, particularly when action is taken early.
your voice counts
04 July 2019 at 11:22 am
Akkermansia now available as a commercial supplement? I’d be interested to know where. I personally have no Akkermansia in my gut (got it tested by Viome). I can only seem to find a prebiotic that feeds Akkermansia already in the gut. Incidentally, it’s Akkermansia muciniphila, because it feeds on our mucin layer in the gut. I made this mistake myself in the past, misreading it as municiphila (similar to ‘municipal’). You might like to correct the typo.
04 July 2019 at 4:11 pm
Hi Isabella, Akkermansia isn't yet available as a supplement, but researchers are working on bringing it to market. Thanks for pointing out the typo, which has now been corrected.
Warm Regards
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