Content Sections
- ● No evidence anyone has died from the coronavirus
- ● Google funds WHO ads to combat ‘misinformation’
- ● UK lockdown legal challenge fails
- ● The blue blood of ancient crabs and vaccines
- ● Poor metabolic health increases covid-19 risk in BAME community
- ● Low-fat diets don’t lower cholesterol in those with familial hypercholesterolemia
- ● UK vaginal mesh scandal
No evidence anyone has died from the coronavirus
Following his participation in an international webinar organised by the European Society of Pathology, Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association stated in an interview with Dr Stoycho Katsarov, chair of the Centre of protection of citizens’ rights, that, “No one has died from the coronavirus. People are dying with coronavirus, not from”. It’s the comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease that are killing people. He was clear that a pandemic should never have been declared and that in his opinion, covid-19 is nowhere near as dangerous as it’s been made out to be. In the interview, which has been translated, he also said that autopsies of covid patients have not identified a specific antibody that can be used to identify the presence of the coronavirus. Criticising the WHO’s handling of the situation, Dr Alexov said it has manipulated and misrepresented information and is “creating worldwide chaos, with no real facts”. One thing he was certain about is it won’t be possible to create a vaccine to tackle the virus, despite the assertions of Bill Gates.
Google funds WHO ads to combat ‘misinformation’
The World Health Organization is being aided and funded by Google to counter so-called ‘misinformation’. In a recent press conference Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the WHO said, "This support enables us to catch trending falsehoods early, respond to them quickly, and give people better access to lifesaving information when they need it most”. However, in most instances this amounts to blatant censorship of free speech and also of health information that may save many more lives than it puts at risk. During the pandemic health professionals suggesting natural approaches to support immunity and for treating covid-19 have been actively gagged. In the US, medical doctors who dare to share protocols that involve natural therapeutics demonstrated to be successful in combating the coronavirus have had the might of the FTC brought down upon them. This leaves the general public continuing to live in ignorance that you can actually take active steps to support your immune system, fearing a virus that many healthy people have barely noticed they’ve had and believing that only a vaccine will save them. Yet, many doctors have kept scores of people out of hospital and off ventilators using protocols to both reduce risk and treat the virus.
UK lockdown legal challenge fails
A UK businessman’s battle against the UK government’s coronavirus lockdown has been blocked by the High Court. Citing the huge economic damage that would result from lockdown and the contravention of basic Human Rights under English Law, Simon Dolan’s campaign sought a judicial review of the restrictions imposed on UK citizens in the wake of covid-19. Simon Dolan expressed his frustration at the news in a Tweet. The team are now considering an appeal. With the onset of the pandemic and lockdown, draconian legislation in the form of the Coronavirus Act was introduced giving the government sweeping new powers to restrict citizens’ civil liberties. Although the Act has built-in reviews, there’s no guarantee such powers will be rescinded any time soon. I.IBERTY is calling on UK citizens to join together and let the Government know that now is the time to “end the lockdown on our liberties” and repeal the Coronavirus Act. While such legislation continues to exist, there is little to prevent governments from removing citizens’ freedoms and longstanding, hard-fought and hard-won civil liberties on the flimsiest of pretexts, using very poor, or non-existent, ‘science’ to justify their policies. If this resonates with you, join your voice with others by signing the petition and bringing People Power to bear on the UK Government.
The blue blood of ancient crabs and vaccines
There are many things we’re not told about the development and manufacture of vaccines. One such omission is the use of horseshoe crab blood to detect contaminants. Their milky-blue blood contains the only natural source of a substance called limulus amebocyte lysate, which is used to detect endotoxins in vaccines and other pharmaceuticals. Every year half a million of these ancient arthropods are harvested by pharmaceutical companies who strap them to benches alive and milk their blood. The crabs are then returned to the ocean where many will die. Once abundant, such horrific practices have decimated populations in the mid-Atlantic region of the US in recent decades. The EU now allows the use of recombinant factor C, a synthetic alternative. But, its use is yet to be officially sanctioned in the US thus maintaining the use of live crabs. With a viable alternative available can we really continue to justify the barbaric treatment and decimation of such gentle, ancient creatures on the pretext of creating a treatment that may well not live up to expectations on the pretext of protecting human life - and pharma profits?
Poor metabolic health increases covid-19 risk in BAME community
A new paper states that the metabolic health of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) populations is not being assessed under current NHS risk assessment criteria for covid-19. Writing in The Physician, the authors spell out the risk of those from BAME backgrounds developing chronic disease at much lower levels of body fat than those typically experienced by white populations. Applying standard body mass index (BMI) figures based largely on Caucasian patients creates a racial bias and illusion of protection as patients are told they’re not at risk due to lower BMI measurements. The paper also highlights the increased risk of the BAME population from vitamin D deficiency. Drs Malhotra, Kamepalli and Bamrah are calling on the medical profession, NHS England and NICE to urgently update their risk assessment tools to take account of these differences and encourage them to tackle these risks through the use of appropriate diet and lifestyle changes. In a video posted on his Facebook page, Dr Aseem Malhotra, consultant cardiologist, said: “The evidence is clear, time for action on metabolic health is long overdue. Otherwise there will be even more misery and devastation when the next pandemic comes round.” The arguments presented in this paper underscore the urgent need for changes in healthcare systems globally to prevent further increases in preventable, lifestyle-mediated diseases — a prime focus of the ANH-Intl blueprint for health system sustainability.
Low-fat diets don’t lower cholesterol in those with familial hypercholesterolemia
For decades, people diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) have been told to minimise their consumption of saturated fats to lower cholesterol and reduce their risk of heart disease. A new study published in the prestigious journal, BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, has found no evidence to support those claims. The researchers challenge the now firmly embedded ‘diet-heart hypothesis’ concluding there’s no justification for the recommendations to follow a low-saturated fat diet to reduce cholesterol. Instead, they say a heart healthy diet is one that’s low in sugar not fat. Summarising existing evidence, the researchers found that FH individuals are more prone to developing metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance and that they should eliminate carbohydrates, NOT saturated fat to reduce heart disease risk. Government reviews continue to ignore the entirely different effects large and small dense LDL particles have on our body, especially in the face of oxidative stress caused by a lack of plant foods in our diet. At the Get Well Show at Olympia, London in February, Rob Verkerk PhD’s presentation highlighted ANH’s Food4Health guide that’s both low-carb and designed to restore and maintain your metabolic flexibility, which reduces the risk of developing chronic disease in the long term.
UK vaginal mesh scandal
The UK Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review has published its report “First Do No Harm” following a two-year review of “...harrowing patient testimony” into the scandal around three medical treatments – pelvic mesh, sodium valproate and primodos. It provides a damning assessment of a medical system that continuously failed to acknowledge problems and safety concerns over the three treatments which led to the wholly avoidable harm of many patients. In many cases related to the use of pelvic mesh, women were routinely told their symptoms were due to psychological issues or 'that time of life'. The review was ordered by Jeremy Hunt in 2018 initially to tackle serious concerns around vaginal mesh operations to combat urinary stress and prolapse, often following childbirth, that left many women permanently damaged and traumatised from the surgery. Chair of the review, Baroness Julia Cumberlege, said: “Much of this suffering was entirely avoidable, caused and compounded by failings in the health system itself.” Kath Sansom of the campaign group Sling the Mesh welcomed the findings saying, “The report is hard hitting, harrowing and recognises the total failure in patient safety, regulation and oversight in the UK”.
your voice counts
13 July 2020 at 10:49 am
Glad to see you reporting on the simple fact that covid-19 - such as can be factually determined or indicated - is not in and of itself killing people. Whereas “creating worldwide chaos, with no real facts” is setting up the conditions for the breakdown of life support for all, just to shoehorn a dream of a new world control system.
Simon Dolan and team are raising funding support to appeal.
The denial of life under false pretext is the result of deeply laid deceit, which is our responsibility to uncover and withdraw allegiance from - though while it runs as if true, we will protect the deceit - and so willingness to question needs to be in the heart of self-honest curiosity - and not in the labyrinth of smoke and mirrors set over difficult or dreadful emotional 'territory'.
Mind-capture is always emotionally reactive - even as a psychological dissociation from and suppression of the feeling being.
Aligning in health instead of trying to boost a sick and conflicted sense of self is to give what is first - priority - from which all else finds its place and its timing.
Whenever we notice a mind-capture in-act - we have the opportunity to rest or release investment in conflicted thought by aligning in true and simple presence. Wholeness is already the fact. Mind of conflict is 'interjected' or imposed - for the most part as learned or acquired habit - without any process of current evaluation.
Conflict is the necessary device for blocking awareness of wholeness of being and the choice to engage it as if it can be won is the identity in sickness set at war with the messengers of truth - which include all symptoms when seen from the willingness for healing - to wholeness of being - and not just as a physical representation. Intimacy of being is an already truth, overlooked in the lack-driven search for something else in some other moment.
I find a balanced scientific view at
'Lockdown' and its derivatives present destructive outcomes by our consenting reaction to believed threat.
There are deeper perspectives on the science, and the Life - but once a belief is actively identified it is very difficult to find attention for questioning it.
19 July 2020 at 7:27 am
Are you all so stupid ask America how they killing so many people idiots Covid 19 kills people!! FACT
Your voice counts
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