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Lyn Thyer extradited and GcMAF Action Day – Update
In our 31st July newsletter we brought you news of Lyn Thyer, the chemist who developed GcMAF, who was being held in a UK prison awaiting extradition to France. Despite her legal team arranging a habeas corpus hearing to prevent the extradition, the authorities went ahead and extradited her on the same day as the hearing prior to the judgement. Her only way to communicate her move was through a French police officer. That same day a challenge to the Court’s authority and jurisdiction in the David Noakes case was dismissed. David and his team are calling on supporters to take part in a GcMAF Awareness Day in London on Wednesday 11th September at 11:11am. The demonstration will take place outside the Houses of Parliament in London to bring attention to the unlawful treatment of both Lyn Thyer and David Noakes, as well as the heavy handed approach taken to prevent cancer sufferers from accessing and benefiting from GcMAF - a completely natural substance. If you’re passionate about maintaining freedom of choice in healthcare or the travesty of these miscarriages of justice in the name of corporate profits, then please consider showing support on the 11th September. For more information please email, Ian Crane. [[email protected]]
Dose response risk for coeliac disease in kids
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease caused by the consumption of gluten. The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study published in JAMA emanating from a broad academic collaboration, found that eating above average levels of gluten before the age of 5 creates a higher risk of genetically predisposed children developing coeliac disease and coeliac disease autoimmunity. Results showed that for every 1 g/d of gluten eaten over the average amount (3.71 g/d), 7.2% of children studied developed coeliac disease by age 3 years. Writing in an accompanying editorial Maureen M Leonard, MD and Alessio Fasano, MD of MassGen Hospital for Children and Harvard Medical School in Boston suggest the amount of gluten consumed in early childhood cannot completely explain an increased prevalence of coeliac disease. They noted that no significant relationship has previously been found between the amount of gluten eaten and levels of coeliac disease. They also commented on the disparities in levels of coeliac disease in Finland compared to Italy and Greece where consumption of wheat is much higher. Leonard and Fasano cited that other factors, such as genetic predisposition, changes in exposure to infectious agents, activated vitamin D level, or epigenetic pressure on the intestinal microbiome, must also be at play. We agree that the issues around coeliac disease or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity and gluten consumption are complex. However, given that an increasing number of the population experience some form of sensitivity to gluten-containing products, the ANH-Intl Food4Health guidelines are gluten-free, allowing for individuals to add it back in as appropriate.
Alzheimer’s researchers ditch amyloid theory
For over 20 years researchers have doggedly chased the amyloid theory of Alzheimer’s Disease to no avail. Researchers writing in JAMA have added to mounting evidence pointing to a link between the development of Alzheimer’s disease and metabolic dysfunction as researchers seek new avenues to deal with spiralling levels of the disease. The new research links with another new study’s findings published in The BMJ showing individuals with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease also enjoyed a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease. Often demonised due to their cholesterol content a Finnish study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found higher choline intake (of which eggs are rich source) also reduces risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Given Alzheimer’s starts 15 to 20 years before symptoms appear it’s not before time that researchers start looking at causes much earlier ‘upstream’ in life.
Planetary health takes centre stage
A new report ‘Climate Change and Land’ from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been published. The work of over 100 scientists from 52 different countries, it emphasises the need for sustainable land use to maintain a secure and sustainable food system in the face of increasing threats from climate change. The report also recognises the importance of sustainably raised animal foods in smaller quantities within a plant-based diet. A new analysis published in Nature Climate Change maps the ability of current global plant mass to offset CO2 emissions by the end of the century. A group of 32 scientists from 13 countries have estimated that globally, plants can offset six years of human-induced emissions as long as no further deforestation takes place. Timed to coincide with the IPCC report, the Interaction Council has launched a new manifesto ‘to secure a healthy planet for all’. The authors call for the “Urgent establishment of an emergency response to the climate and environmental crisis at global, regional, national and community levels”. It’s now up to all of us to make changes to secure a sustainable future for the health of our planet and future generations.
Healthy vaginal microbiome thwarts common STI infections
Chlamydia is one of the most commonly occurring sexually transmitted infections (STI). As news of an experimental vaccine to combat chlamydia, hits the headlines, researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine writing in the journal mBio suggest that having a healthy vaginal microbiome is one of the best protections for women against such infections. Higher levels of Lactobacillus species that produce D(-) lactic acid block the ability of chlamydia to enter the cells lining the vagina thus providing natural long-term protection for women. We are reliant on our relationships with the multitude of microbial communities within and on our bodies. A healthy microbiome in and on our bodies is essential for a heathy immune system that is resilient and able to modulate accordingly. Our microbial partners protect us from a host of different pathogens and is one of our oldest survival mechanisms. Foods that benefit the gut microbiome will also benefit the vaginal microbiome.
UK GP waiting time crisis escalates
A poll for Pulse found the average waiting time to see a GP in the UK has topped 2 weeks for the first time. One in 5 GPs who responded to the poll reported waiting times exceeding three weeks, while more than one in 20 reported a four week wait. NHS England have disputed the findings. With little hope of a resolution to the crisis being found anytime soon, there is no time like the present to turn to solutions such as the ANH blueprint for health system sustainability. We really are out of time for anything but radical change.
your voice counts
17 August 2019 at 7:30 pm
Top down deceit is the nature of the means to effect it.
The above link points out yet another lack of foundation regarding alarmist and guilt inducing manipulation.
So much deceit dressed in the form of a reactive moral righteous hate - and is being outsourced by the very few, as toxic debt to the very many - but packaged to seem a heroic and necessary sacrifice of self and others.
Meanwhile a cocktail of toxicity is normalised in the air water and food supply - with regulators protecting corporate profits with disregard or perhaps malice toward other human beings.
Tony Heller uncovers innumerable documents of the past that belie the PR blitz.
Mind capture is not about honesty or factual account but about ways of NOT seeing by means of generating diversionary conflicts falsely flagged, demonised and denied or attacked.
18 August 2019 at 3:14 pm
Deceit is THE key element to loss of integrity and thus distortion or corruption.
Fear of truth is a mind that asserts and protects a lie or self-illusion as a saving truth or mitigating of evils believed true and given power.
Masking in science is a corporate power grab.
Any promise to the fearful and powerless can garner support for an agenda that once enacted, reveals itself as corruption of trusted power under a new and deeper level of regulatory capture.
Health is made illegal or demonised while the intent to protect is idolised as the authority to deny Life.
19 August 2019 at 8:03 am
And the treatment of Lyn Thyer (and David Noakes) is thuggery.
The term 'medical mafia' is not new - but seems an extremist dissonance in any attempt to communicated toward change and yet beneath all presentations it is simply fact - and not only in the medical field.
Organised crime is the nature of a corrupted and sick society.
The attempts of ANH to work for change within a captured corporate and international framework is the liability of sacrifice of its voice to corporate framing - which does operate by PR of such terms such as 'sustainability' - which is used as 'survival' set against death and destruction modelling that weaponises the genuine recognition of a FALSE MODEL of economic growth into a means to protect and sustain such a cancerous growth but now for a smaller elite that is expert at using our own thought against us. It discards its proxies when no longer needed.
And so that which rises to check the evil is subverted to sustain it in more insidious forms. We become the thing we hate. Not least because we allow our selves to get identity over and against the 'evil or feared outcome' instead of as the natural expression of healthy alignment in love's honesty or open communication.
Fear of losing our voice leads us to censor what we say. This is a corruption of tuning in to the WAY to communicate in any given situation - which is of listening and feeling our way. But when persistent and pervasive PR generates a social conformity of compliance, survival in terms of credibility shifts from an integrity of communication to a correctness of required behaviour relative to a dictate that cannot be questioned. We see this with vaccination as a global state tool, and with the cancer industry. Our body produces GcMAF but that natural function can be blocked. This is known and natural function is blocked so as to effectively imprison us in lack, sickness, war and fear of pain of loss - with tightening controls as to who and what can be allowed to manage the inmates.
“...the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.”
~ Alan Bullock
I recognise that in openly addressing climate fraud I have lost my voice here. And that this is 'how it works' under mandated thought. The Internet / Internment of Things as the basis for energy and thought control is but our signature to an already framed 'Deal'.
Thanks - but no thanks! Regeneration rises within Life and is not the 'destroy to remake in our own image' of an intent to enslave and control Life.
Joining in willingness for health and wholeness naturally - which calls for honestly addressing the blocks to healing from a fresh curiosity and desire. Blocking symptoms or killing the messenger cannot do more than contain the problem in different configurations. The heart's intelligence needs awaken from such a systematic evasion.
19 August 2019 at 8:38 am
Dear ANH - this is a personal note to you.
I mistakenly believed that I was 'being denied a voice' here and as a result persisted as a 'reposting' to just yourselves (expecting to be denied) and have now been published as a perhaps over persistent banging of the same theme!
You need not publish my third iteration if you prefer. For it was written to you with expectation that it would 'also' be unpublished.
Underneath the politics I feel the dynamic of a sense of order that has always denied 'threat' that it sees as loss of order to feared chaos. I am not interested in promoting discord but in bringing it to a genuine communication.
How much of our 'predicament' is locked into a sense of 'too big to fail' or too entangled in a systemic corruption that cant be escaped AND be protected or sustained. But if 'order' itself is become destructive (chaos) then we need to embrace and abide through our fear of chaos rather than be conformed and complicit in blind reactive 'capture' to a mind of dissociation and displacement.
Thanks for giving witness to Lyn Thyer's extradition and to many other instances of corporate and media supported coercion. Freedom of speech (and thought) is essential to trust and sanity or indeed civilisation. The corruption of thought sets us in division that is only 'free' to seek a private sense of survival. The collectivising of self-separateness cannot put 'Humpty' together again. Separation trauma underlies our broken relational communications.
Your voice counts
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