Content Sections
- ● Functional medicine improves patient health
- ● Proximity of fast food outlets driving childhood obesity
- ● EMF exposure battles continue
- ● An avocado a day keeps heart disease at bay
- ● Childhood anorexia rising in the UK and Ireland
- ● Shock return of failed Alzheimer’s drug
- ● Facebook enters health market
- ● MEPs move to protect bees in the EU
Functional medicine improves patient health
A landmark new study provides incontrovertible proof that a functional medicine approach to patient care improves health outcomes. Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) the retrospective cohort study is the first comprehensive study comparing a functional medicine approach to chronic disease with conventional medical systems that focus on disease detection and management. Patients seen by the Center for Functional Medicine in the US showed significantly larger improvements in PROMIS global physical health measures than those found in patients seen in a primary care setting. The study is a welcome addition to research supporting sustainable person-centred approaches to health focused on optimising health
Proximity of fast food outlets driving childhood obesity
The closer children live to stores selling junk food the more likely they are to become obese. According to a new study from researchers at NYU School of Medicine, published in Obesity online, 20% of children in New York living within half a block of fast food outlets were obese and 38% overweight. Those living further away from such outlets experienced lower levels of obesity. Concerns over the link between children’s access to fast-food outlets and obesity is nothing new. With lifestyle interventions having limited effect on spiralling rates of childhood obesity the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued a new policy statement calling for more children to undergo bariatric surgery, which brings its own unique set of potentially life-altering and challenging complications and side effects. These drastic medical interventions are largely avoidable if citizens seize control of their own health and that of their children.
EMF exposure battles continue
The French government is calling on the European Commission to change the way approval safety tests for mobile phone emissions (Specific Absorption Rate) are measured. Currently tests are carried out with phones held 5mm away from the body, which doesn’t represent real world situations where phones are often carried in pockets close to our skin. The move comes after the French Agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety (ANSES) issued an advisory statement cautioning against carrying mobile phones close to the body to reduce exposure to EMFs. Amidst growing concerns over health hazards from mobile technology, the UK government is reported to be dismissing citizens’ concerns over the safety of next generation 5G technology. All over the world ordinary people are coming together to say No to the imposition of technology that has not been safety tested and has the potential to seriously harm the health of humans, animals, insects and our environment.
An avocado a day keeps heart disease at bay
First it was an apple, but now eating one avocado a day is slated to help reduce your risk of developing heart disease. In a randomised controlled feeding study, published in the Journal of Nutrition researchers found eating one small avocado a day as part of a moderate fat diet (34% fat, 49% carbohydrate, 16% protein) reduced levels of oxidised LDL cholesterol by 8.8% over a 5 week period compared with a standard American diet, a moderate fat diet without avocados and a low fat, high carb diet. A favourite of health-conscious individuals, avocados are rich in plant antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin packing a nutritional punch that far outweighs negative and outdated views of its fat content.
Childhood anorexia rising in the UK and Ireland
New research points to a rise in the number of children and teenagers being diagnosed with anorexia. Compared to 2006, rates of anorexia in children aged 8-12 has doubled from 1.5 cases per 100,000 to 3.2 per 100,000 in 2015. Conventional thinking dictates anorexia is a psychiatric disorder and that nutrient deficiencies are caused by the eating disorder leading to limited treatment options. Changes in diet and associated micronutrient deficiencies such as zinc and B12, often precede the onset of an eating disorder. With increasing numbers of children turning to vegetarian and vegan diets it’s essential to ensure they receive all the nutrients they need to remain healthy.
Shock return of failed Alzheimer’s drug
Trials of Alzheimer’s drug Aducanumab were halted in March 2019 after data showed it was unlikely to prove effective. In a dramatic about turn, Biogen announced that following retrospective analysis of a larger data set from the halted studies, Aducanumab is in fact effective causing its shares to surge by 35%. However, the drug, which is designed to block the development of amyloid plaques, does not offer a cure. At best it marginally slows mental decline for those in the early stages of the disease. Despite the media hype, experts urged caution until the full results are released. Given that Biogen is set to cash in if the drug is FDA approved, it’s very much in Biogen’s favour to spin what was until very recently poor data, giving false hope to those afflicted and their families. It’s a sad indictment of the world we live in that given a choice between making diet and lifestyle changes to prevent disease development early on, or a drug, many are still after the magic bullet that doesn’t exist.
Facebook enters health market
Facebook has taken its first steps into the health care space with the announcement of its Preventative Health tool in the US designed to “help people connect with resources to support their health”. Working with the American Cancer Society, American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the tool pushes users towards mainstream health screenings based on their age and sex such as mammograms and cholesterol tests. All of which can result in over-diagnosis, over-treatment and poly-pharmacy. The announcement comes with assurances that personal data will not be shared with third parties. Rather than a revolution in preventative health, the new tool will continue to withhold the risks of such tests along with alternative options, preventing people from making informed decisions about their health care.
MEPs move to protect bees in the EU
Citizen power has triumphed once again with the announcement of the banning of the bee harming neonicotinoid pesticide thiacloprid in the EU. In another move designed to protect pollinators, members of the European Parliament voted to adopt EFSA’s Bee Guidance Document in full, thereby overturning the European Commission’s attempt to water down the recommendations. This is good news not just for bees, but for insect life in general along with the birds and mammals that rely on them for food as long as regulators continue to resist Big Ag’s not inconsiderable influence.
your voice counts
Thomas Turk
01 November 2019 at 12:00 am
An avocado as part of a moderate fat diet? We are guessing, they say,, because we have no clue.. if we had, or told you the well documented facts , our fake 10s of Billions $ Heart Sickness Industries, statins, etc. would collapse..
This is what ill-informed docs, and controlled dieticians may not tell tell, quite simply because they've been indoctrinated with the outdated, total baloney of calories, cholesterol, food groups/pyramid, RDAs and don't supplement.. it's all in your food mantra.
No it's not exercise.. a competitive 28 year young marathon runner died from blocked arteries in Hawaii in 1979. Arteries calcifying is a function of food/nutrient deficiency and excess. 3 main causes of arteries calcifying, clogging-up are..
1. High blood homocysteine. This needs to be lowered with B vitamins B12, B6 and folates. Surprise. Butter and cream synthesize all the B vitamins in the gut with the help of the 'friendly bacteria'. In a long term, large scale study.. two groups were geographically separated by their work. They were of the same genetic origin, the same age group and the same activity level. Those that ended up in the North cooked all their food in butter and ate plenty of animal meat and fat. They even smoked more than the Southern group. The Southern group had a pure vegetarian diet. YET… The Southerners had 15X (fifteen times) the heart disease incidence of the northerners. Note butter also contains vitamin K2.. that directs calcium to hard tissues, bones, and away from soft tissues, arteries! (Malhotra S L, Dr. 1974- Published 11X in The Lancetm UK Med J).
Butter is high in... Vitamins A and D, the protective omega fatty acids are in perfect proportion; also in health giving: arichidonic acid, short and medium chain fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid; iodine, selenium, manganese, zinc, chromium, and lecithin.. in a form easily utilized by the body. Idiotic advice is to skip the butter, full fat milk and cheese.
2. Artery inflammation is caused by insufficient anti-oxidants in the diet. This inflammation, shown by a high LDL 'marker' reading, leads to calcification,. Surprise. 2 egg yolks daily have sufficient anti-oxidants, selenium, l-cysteine, l-tyrosene etc amino acids and vitamins to stop ALL inflammation in your arteries, and thus prevent calcification from this cause. Eggs are high in vitamin K2, in the phosphotidyls.. serine and choline both essential for the nervous system and the development of young brains and maintenance of older ones! 2 or more egg yolks at breakfast stabilize blood sugars through the day, preventing the after lunch and dinner 'lows'. Tip. Eat 2 raw yolks a day, gently mixed into a smoothie, yoghurt etc. Shells well washed, whites cooked. Idiotic advice.. 2 yolks a week or none!
3. High triglycerides are causative blood fats, elevated by too many carbs, especially sugar and.. alcohol. Idiotic advice is to stuff yourself with carbs all day, (food groups and pyramid).
Interestingly.. grass fed animal fat is high in protective Omega3, CLA and LCFA. Idiotic advice is to trim the fat.
Brian Steere
01 November 2019 at 12:14 am
Waking or aligning in our heart's decision is a very different meaning to 'seizing control'.
Unless you are in the honesty of your own aligned purpose, you cannot witness for its truth. This leaves us wishfully framing our self in negative or fear defined ways of attempt to manipulate or coerce outcomes.
Heart alignment OR mind-control. We stand in a world of choice - but only one is real, while the other masks a sense of disconnect in search of connection that never comes... until we extend it, live from it, be gratitude of it.
Battle language frames our thinking to 'see' everything in terms of threat. No wonder then that all discoveries are marketised and weaponised, or buried and denied.
I follow Kendrick and others on Heart Disease and have no sense that LDL or HDL cholesterols are causes. But once established as currency of narrative belief it will run on long after its theory is revealed as unsupported.
Thomas Turk
01 November 2019 at 12:17 am
Alzheimer's and dementia are CAUSED by the death of the neuron. Aluminum Al, 'interferes' with the brain's Tau Protein forming Neuro-Fibrillary Tangles NFT. NFT is the death of the neuron.
Throw out all Al cookware and foils now. Be careful with restaurant, canned and cooked foods!
1-2 tea-spoons of dry powdered Turmeric mixed with sunflower seed oil and a pinch of black pepper is the main nutrient for the brain repair hormone, BDN-Factor.
To fully activate BDN-F,, even to repair stroke-damaged neurons, brain exercises must be performed such as crosswords, Sudoku, learning a new language, the piano or even.. counting down in multiples of 7 while running on a treadmill, (Japan Study 2017).
01 November 2019 at 9:50 am
Yes, Alzheimers is caused by aluminium. And guess what, all those over 65s getting their flu shots - what do they contain - aluminium! The effect is cumulative so if people get a yearly flu shot they are headed for Alzheimers! Also, no one should forget that the patented process of climate engineering which has been global and ongoing since after WW2. The main ingredient is ALUMINIUM. Climate Engineer from Harvard Dr David Keith admitted it on the record that putting 20 million tons of it into the atmosphere PER YEAR was "freeloading on our grandkids". No matter how much you avoid aluminium in cooking pots and foil you cannot hold your breath! This is sprayed on a daily basis into the atmosphere from jet planes and it is in our breathable air column. Note that these nanonparticulates migrate to the lungs and cardiovascular system causing respiratory and cardiac problems. Search Solar Radiation Management to find out the patented processes of what they are doing to "dim the sun".
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