The draconian restrictions imposed upon citizens in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic has plunged vast numbers of adults and children into an emotional crisis that isn't of their making. The physiological effects arising from the social, economic, medical and moral impacts are likely to be long-lasting, even permanent if specific actions aren't undertaken to recognise and restore health resilience.
Join integrative medicine practitioner and ANH-Intl's executive coordinator, Meleni Aldridge, as she discusses this critical issue with certified functional medicine practitioner, Leonie Ash.
Leonie is certified with the Institute for Functional Medicine. She’s been a nutritional therapist since the mid 90’s and specialises in stress and trauma-related conditions. Her journey has taken her through many different modalities and disciplines, but she now focuses on Human Givens, a bio-psycho-social approach to counselling and psychotherapy, and functional medicine. Like many successful health professionals, Leonie’s experience is informed from her own personal journey out of early childhood trauma and it's upstream health impacts.
Last year Leonie won the coveted Delegate's Choice Poster award at the Institute for Functional Medicine's 2019 Annual Conference for her work showing how to break the triad of physical, mental-emotional and social ill health arising out of childhood trauma.
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>>> If you would like to contact Leonie Ash please email us at [email protected].
your voice counts
06 August 2020 at 3:16 am
I really don't understand this unscientific angle that ANH is pushing. Do you really think that the virus cares about whether we humans engage in lockdowns or not, and what effects those have on our society? It has its needs and we have our needs. This is a battle and the more 'solutions' we contrive the more it will mutate to defeat to defeat them. Viruses have been around a lot longer than us and have proved equal or better than all defenses to stop them.
06 August 2020 at 12:56 pm
Hi Steve, we completely agree with you that viruses are continually mutating to adapt to changes in environment and they are extremely adept at survival. They will be here long after we are not!
I wonder though if you've listened to the video interview, which is all about the effects of stress and trauma on our health, how to recognise them and what to do about unravelling their impacts? Please be assured that there's a wealth of scientific and clinical evidence for everything discussed, but we don't talk about viruses at any stage.
Best wishes
06 August 2020 at 3:33 pm
I love Meleni Aldridge. If all people behaved like her we would have a paradise on earth.
Sweden has not imprisoned people in their homes the way other countries have, which is about the only thing "our" leader have done right. That and not recommending face masks.
On the other hand Anders Tegnell, The Public Health Agency of Sweden, the government and mainstream media have stopped every attempt from knowledgeable people to inform the citizens about medical methods that prevent and cure corona/COVID-1984. They are in the pockets of Big Pharma and the global maffia. It is a disgrace, they are criminals and will hopefully one day have appropriate penalties.
Your voice counts
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