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Rob Verkerk PhD, our founder, executive and scientific director, joined Mike Tennessee and Richard Carsson again of the Politically Incorrect team on Australian TNT Radio again earlier this month.
As you would expect from a radio station that specialises in news talk that "lights the fuse for freedom", their conversation was wide-ranging and dived down a number of rabbit holes the Politically Incorrect team hadn't been down for a while. Topics ranged from all things covid-related, to censorship and the repression of journalists over the past three years, along with GMOs, the geophysical changes our beautiful Earth is undergoing currently — and naturally, adverse reactions to the medical intervention experiment of the moment.
We hope you enjoy this fascinating conversation that will keep you enthralled to the end.
Also, catch Rob speaking live to Charles Kovess on his 'Mind Medicine' TNT Radio programme on Saturday 11th February 2023. It's early mind if you're in the UK - 5:00 - 7:00 am, but we'll share the link to the recording as soon as it's published.
Listen to the conversation
Mike Tennessee
Hello to everybody, wherever you may be all over the world. Some of you are experiencing minus temperatures. Some in the very much plus temperatures. You've had a lot to do over the last few weeks, while Mr Carsson and I have taken a well earned break over the Christmas and New Year period here in South East QLD, Australia where the temperature today is roughly 28 degrees Celsius.
Our special guest today is Dr Rob Verkerk who’s in Hampshire, England where it's minus 4 degrees, so presumably he's inside so he can speak to us loudly and clearly this afternoon. I'll come back to you in a moment Rob, but first of all I must introduce my dear friend Richard Carsson who’s here with me again. During the break you've no doubt come up with some great new thoughts and new ideas and you've no doubt heard more breaking news than ever before. So we're looking forward to hearing from you.
Robert, of course we've had on this program before and we're very, very lucky to get him back here. He's an internationally acclaimed expert in health, agriculture and environmental sustainability in Europe. He has made substantial contributions to the development of more appropriate legal and scientific frameworks for the regulation of natural products used in our healthcare. Following Robert's first degree in ecology at the University of Westminster and London, he spent some 10 years in the private sector here in Australia, where Richard and I are at the moment. Working in the fields of sustainable environmental management while simultaneously leading various environmental campaigns through voluntary work at the Total Environment Centre in Sydney. He returned to the UK in 1990 and completed a Masters at Imperial College London, and after a further period of a year in Australia, he resumed his studies, being awarded a doctorate in 1995, after just two years. His research focused particularly on biocompatible approaches to agriculture, biocontrol of insect pests.
Now Robert the CV goes on and on and on, but we don't want to waste too much time this afternoon because I'm sure people who can read will know a) who you are and if they don't by now, they'll soon find out enough about you. So, Richard, you might like to kick off the batting order today and you might have some interesting questions.
Richard Carsson
Well, just as you were mentioning the biocompatible approaches to agriculture, biocontrol of insect pests, I know we’re gonna go on to other areas with Dr Verkerk but the desire of, I assume it's governments or the medical structure or whatever, to start putting mRNA componentry into veterinary products. Rob, is that gonna cause a lot of issues with, you know I know what it's doing to the human population could we not presume that may well happen with the animal population and on that basis, why wouldn't the animal rights people be jumping up and down about such an intrusion into the bodies of animals? I would have thought they would have been leaping off tall buildings, but what's your thought on that before we get on to other parts.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Hi Mike. Hi Richard, It’s great to be on the program again. Look the bottom line is that people have put their critical thinking into a state of suspended animation, so the kind of responses, I mean essentially in March 2020 a line was crossed, a line was crossed that if you imagine in the world that I existed because the last 20 years I've been working very heavily on health, but you know there had been a very active debate for three decades about whether or not we should consume genetically modified crops and Europe was actually the bastion where that debate was really won on behalf of the citizen that said, actually guys, if you're gonna put this in our food, please put a label, a mandatory label on the food, and then people can make a choice and so when industry was forced to do that in Europe there wasn't a single bit of GMO food that ended up in the human food supply.
On the other hand, they had a very similar law for animal feed, but 85% of the compounded animal feed in Europe has for years been GMO. So what does that tell you? It tells you if you can read, you don't want the stuff and it turns out animals can't read any of the languages we use and they end up eating it so. But of course, now we've moved to this world where that line, in terms of how we interfere with the genome of the food we eat. Once we start putting this stuff into the bloodstream of humans which, is what happens when you are vaccinated, you are again starting to play with God in a way you cross the line where you are toying with the genetic instructions you give human beings and of course what is happening in the agricultural world is not only are GMO's now just considered a norm, gene editing is becoming the way to go, and of course in a world where you know we're dealing with the prospects of 10/11 billion people on the planet in the next few decades. They're saying we have to do this. We have to do this because of the problems with food supply. For this huge global population and we're not told that actually it's a very uneven population growth that we're seeing. If we look at most of the so-called industrialised world the population has been pretty stable in many countries, it's actually declining. So the real population growth is going on in Africa, in southern Asia and South America. That's where the where the boom is, so we've got to understand why it is that there isn't a revolution going out there. You know the people who were banging the drum over GMO's are silent. They're the ones who roll their sleeves up and said please do it to me and they're also happy to eat all these foods that are gene edited so that really is down to this phenomenon of authoritarian creep. This process whereby governments and bureaucrats are taking over the world. We don't have, you know Stalins and Hitlers anymore. We have these groups of bureaucrats and these governments. I mean you look at the Presidents and prime ministers around the world. They're no longer great leaders, great orators, great thinkers. They go to Davos and get their instructions so. Yes, let's just look carefully at what's going on, both in the health world, in the environmental world, and things are not quite as I think we are told.
Richard Carsson
Rob on that point of the leaders are going to Davos and sort of reticulating information from there back through the channels and sort of descending on us., But I just wonder if people are brought to the knowledge of what's going on, will they not rise up and say no, I don't want it because I don't think, we come back here to use the current term as LLM - Lying Legacy Media, that we do have MSM - Mainstream Media. They are being extremely quiet on all of these issues as. I want to touch on something that came out in the paper. You'll be aware of The Australian this morning later on if I may, but you're touching on this. The authoritarian creep happening everywhere. Have you got a lot of thoughts on that? I assume you do.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Yes, I'm sure you would have read Matthias Desmet from the University of Gent’s book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. I think in in a way that's probably the most current approach of really what's going on. There's this idea that individuals sacrifice everything for the team, as it were for the collective. A big part of the process is this idea of completely showing no tolerance of any dissidents, and you've seen what's happened to all of us who are who are talking different and then you have the informant.
Mentality where you go and DOB on your neighbour if they're doing the wrong thing you buy into it. It's very strange if you look at pseudoscience. I've been a scientist for 40 years and it is literally like an inversion. So when we talk as we have been since 2020 about the potential risks if these vaccines are developed in a non-transparent manner, any kind of talk about the fact that they may be potentially problematic and products like ivermectin or quercetin or vitamin C may be beneficial. That would be regarded as pseudoscience and yet in our view it is. They are the perpetrators of the pseudoscience.
Richard Carsson
You probably can't see this. I've got a little thing here on Africa and you touched on it before and we were chatting off air. You know, sub-Saharan Africa and everything they do deal with ivermectin and the other things like that. And they're having very, very little deaths from the coronavirus or whatever you want to call it.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Exactly and they also, you know, we’ve been in contact since the whole issue began with many of the groups in Africa. Obviously the most active ones are in South Africa and the level of awareness that African people have over what's going on is extremely high, so from their perspective they see this as a form of neocolonialism. They gave up their indigenous cultures. They gave up their bartering systems and replaced it with a Western model of a financial system. Their agricultural systems were turned into cash crop systems that made them dependent on export and not providing indigenous foods for indigenous populations so they've seen it all before, and the idea when they saw no evidence of this COVID disease arriving in Africa of lining up, when they have very material and significant problems with malaria, TB, HIV etc for this COVID vaccine made no sense, so the level of resistance to it was already very very high. As soon as the news came out, from your part of the world from Australia from South East Asia that that people who had been taking high levels of ivermectin as an anti-parasitic seemed to be protected they were straight on to it because, just like in India in many parts of the Tropic it is one of the most widely used OTC medicines (over the counter medicines). So they were very happy to do that, but of course then the authorities clamped down, some of the South African doctors we were working with found themselves arrested because they were going into communities, townships and actually supplying ivermectin. But of course to show how the communities work there when these doctors talked to the police officers that were in the process of arresting them and explained the logic of what they're doing. They found themselves released, so there's you know there.
Richard Carsson
Well, that's a nice that's nice to hear that because that that wasn't happening in Australia.
Rob Verkerk PhD
I know where you see Australia, I think when you when you look back at the big picture, Australia, Austria, Canada. These there were a few test beds for a really stringent authoritarian system where you're looking at global population control, and you know this is where we need to stand back. We need to stand back and look at what's happening from a distance, particularly now that we're over three years in and recognise that this is part of a very long-term program of how you move to population control. You only have to look at the modelling exercises and you know a lot of people will quote Event 201 but look further back to 2015. And look at the modelling exercise with the SPARS epidemic. That was again Johns Hopkins were involved with it. But that was all about what you would do if a virus was released and how you would manage populations. It's also centrally how you would get them to take medicines that they were suspicious about because those medicines had been created very, very rapidly and hadn't been through a full marketing authorisation process. It's how you would control the narrative. It's how you would censor people. All the things that have eventuated over the last three years had a dry run many times over before this all happened. And of course they tried to do it with swine flu earlier, they tried to do it also with the financial crisis of 2008/2009. And so now you've got this sweet spot of not only a pandemic. Pandemic that incidentally is killing very, very few people at the moment has turned into little more than a common cold for most people, but you have a cost of living crisis, you've got an energy crisis. You've got a war in Ukraine and Russia, so you know they plant many of these extraneous crises around us, so that we, basically, get locked in and we can be managed and I think that that is the overall problem that's going. on
Mike Tennessee
Robert in your part of the world you'd be well aware that there are many people who otherwise extraordinarily healthy, if not super fit people having received vaccines for their virus, have turned out to have serious side effects and indeed problems, which all seem to attack the heart if not other parts of the body. And I think were you going to mention Richard you saw something in our press, which is not normally reported.
Richard Carsson
I was going to do that, but I think we'll just pop off for a break and come right back to that if we may.
Mike Tennessee
And here we are back again. On politically incorrect with Mike Tennessee and Richard Carsson and our very special guest today, Dr Robert Verkerk and just before the break we were talking about an article which you mentioned, Richard, which was in our national newspaper this morning. Very unusual piece of news, particularly on the front page of a young woman who had realised that she had serious side effects and complications, attacking her heart none other as a result of the vaccine and she couldn't get anywhere with any assistance from anybody. She complained to the national authority, who then put her under the health department in the state of Queensland, which is probably a very dark corridor in itself. She's really got nowhere at all. I thought it was interesting as you said, well, it was your idea mention it this morning or this afternoon. I mean that you saw it this morning. That it even made the papers.
Richard Carsson
That's what I was going to mention to you. For the first time, to my knowledge in Australia. An adverse event has been given prominence in probably the leading paper even though it's disgraced itself over the last couple of years. But at least this woman has been given some prominence, highlighting a) her very sad situation, but more importantly, that she was just fobbed off, as we know everyone is being fobbed off, in this case by the Therapeutic Goods Association and the medical and all they said was don't take any more of this stuff and go and see your doctor. It would have been nice if she had’ve been told what the complications would have and probably were going to be before she was injected with the mRNA product.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Yes, I mean the the bottom line is that they did conceal a huge amount of evidence that we can see now from the Pfizer papers when they decided to go out with the contraindications, the side effects. On the patient information leaflet every single medication that gets through the door has a patient information leaflet. You go to the pharmacy, you buy some. You can take that leaflet out and you can read the contraindications and side effects. So the fascinating thing, right from the start, the people who went to line up from the jabs were generally not given this. Now this already breaches a fundamental principle of medical ethics in the sense that you don't inform people either of the risks or the other options but when you look at people who have spoken out, I heard you just as we went into the news mentioning an English footballer. I don't know if you were thinking of Matt Le Tissier?
Richard Carsson
No, no, this this was a gentleman who was a physiotherapist for a football team.
Mike Tennessee
Tell us about Matt though, that’s interesting.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Matt Le Tissier is a really interesting example, because he was a pundit on Sky Sports. He was an ex-England star and he saw what we all saw and then commented on it. Now what happened? Well, he lost his job, so this is the way that they handle dissidents. He lost his job and you'll see a consistent narrative when they now talk about Matt Le Tissier. And it goes something like spreading, I've just got one up to give an example because you see, it's always very similar wording. He was slammed for putting lives at risk, and that's in in quotes because it's come from a health authority, by spreading baseless vaccine conspiracy theories as the football authorities continue their campaign to persuade players to get the jab. OK, so that's in in the UK’s Daily Mail, but this is the sort of the trusted news initiative approach.
This is an agreement that's occurred between all the media organisationsthat already knew how they were going to respond to people like Matt Le Tisiier, who put his head above the parapet and everyone gets treated in the same way. Now things start to change when it becomes incontrovertible. So one of the things you'll notice is that now myocarditis and pericarditis have found their way onto the official patient information leaflet, so if you were to say I want a jab, but please show me what the risks are, you could probably hassle the doctor or nurse sufficiently to get a copy of this and you'll see it's on there and generally it's on there with an unknown frequency. OK? So which is a very little clever sleight of hand on there because they'll say, well, it's early days, you know this is a new problem, but you then go to the health authority and say let’s talk about this. We're concerned we're seeing all these sports people collapsing on the field. They'll say, well yes t's a very minor problem and it's self-limiting. So it goes away and leaves no lasting effect. Now we're talking with many of the clinicians around the world on a very regular basis, and we've seen this, over the last year and a half and bottom line is there's nothing minor or self-limiting about these conditions. They are generally a lifelong problem, so it's a matter of time before the incidents and the communication of people who are able to have the bravery, the support, to stand up, people like Matt Le Tissier, who will start to say, you know what guys, they've got it wrong again and slowly inch by inchthe narrative does start changing. The narrative, if you recall right at the beginning, was these things are 95% effective. Now, I think everyone understands that they are completely ineffective.
Richard Carsson
Hundred 100% ineffective.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Yeah, but it's taken a long time to get there and that's one of the reasons.
Mike Tennessee
It has.
Rob Verkerk PhD
That that we also see this this layered approach. If that problem gets, you know, understood in a truly factual basis, they will deliver another problem, another problem, another problem. So the economic crises are definitely there. And of course I think as a sort of multidisciplinary scientists, I think some of the things that are not spoken about are equally interesting. So you'll notice that they are trying to layer the environmental crisis we've seen what's happening with COP 26, and then COP 15 on biodiversity in Montreal, alongside a health crisis and a food crisis and an economic crisis. But there are also a few things that they're not talking about that I think should be front page news, and I'll give you one example of that. That is what is happening to some of the fundamental geophysical processes that we're undergoing on planet Earth at the moment. For example, that the acceleration of the true magnetic north that's been careering across the Canadian border and deep into Russia, now moving at an astonishing rate many miles a year. And of course, that is, potentially I mean, what is happening is that the overall magnetism of the planet is changing. It's one of the reasons that one of the projects we're looking at very deeply at the moment is the whole issue of the biophysics of life. So when we start to see some of these very great meteorological changes that are happening on the planet. Let's not just think about what humans are doing to the planet. Let's think of these underlying geophysical processes.
Richard Carsson
Is that to do with the sun and the magnetic?
Rob Verkerk PhD
Well, it's independent of the sun. It's to do with the core of the Earth, the liquid molten iron core.
Richard Carsson
Right. Yeah.
Rob Verkerk PhD
That is changing. Essentially the Earth is a big magnet. So if you imagine a bar magnet running from North to South. That magnet itself is losing power and it's losing power at roughly 7% every 10 years, which is incredibly rapid change for a planet that's 4 billion years old.
Richard Carsson
Just on that point, just hold that thought, if it's doing it every 10 years, that's seven. That's about 14. What's that 14 * 2000 and 40 years we've got a problem. Do we all suddenly fly off into space? Or what the heck happens?
Rob Verkerk PhD
Well, that again is another area where you've gotta look at how the narrative is handling it. There is a point at which there are a group of geophysicists, that you could argue there are parallels with the group of doctors that first argued that you know, for example, ivermectin may be a good idea that the jabs were causing harm. So this group of geophysicists are saying it's pretty clear when these changes are now accelerating at such a rate that we're moving to a magnetic flip where the North Pole becomes the South Pole.
Richard Carsson
OK, I've heard of that, but I don't understand it. But that's an interesting piece.
Rob Verkerk PhD
That's a very serious debate. You then go to the NASA website, which is a bit like going to the CDC and they say guys, don't you worry. The last major flip was a few 100,000 years ago. If one's gonna happen it's gonna take thousands of years to complete, and we'll all be dead and gone by then. But this other group of geophysicists are saying guys the changes are happening now so rapidly that they are a significant explanation for what's happening in meteorological terms and there could be also very strong associations with what's happening to, for example, insect populations and bird populations that you will be aware that they have been collapsing very rapidly, and there’re likely to be interactions between this very significant change in the Earth's magnetic fields, alongside the fact that we as human beings are going hell for leather towards the Internet of Things where we are releasing a whole lot of human created electromagnetic fields alongside this. And while all of this is happening we're meant to be thinking about nothing other than covid or the money in our bank account, but there's some big picture issues that when we start to look at them, we start to see patterns where they seem desperate to avoid us actually delving into the realities of what's going on.
Richard Carsson
That's you know nothing to see here.
Mike Tennessee
I doubt that our Premier would say that. In fact she's got about 30 advisers and I don't think the 31 of them would know. I don't think they'd ever find that out.
Richard Carsson
Very good Mike. I must concur with our premiers lack of understanding of 99.9% of everything, other than finding a shoe shop perhaps. What you're talking about is a fairly, well it's almost seismic shift from everything else we're missing and talk about, I would observe talking to some other people that I do talk with around the world. The magnetic pressures on the stratosphere and ionosphere pushing various things into our everyday life. I could even be rude enough to say it could have been where the virus first manifested itself from. In being pressed down into our everyday lives. That's a slightly different take. That's my feeling.
Rob Verkerk PhD
The electromagnetic field or the magnetic field of the planet that in turn induces an electromagnetic field is actually the thing that protects us from solar winds. So yeah, these are the damaging rays that can come from the sun that can deliver solar flares that could create and have created historically, some major issues, and then obviously we also need protection from cosmic rays that are coming from deep space. And as this field is weakening, we are much more susceptible. So there are these huge sort of macro processes going on that are very very real. You will see that all the astronomers and geophysicists are looking at them, but there is. I mean I find it fascinating because having come from the agricultural world and then moved into the health world and have always been in the environmental world, the way in which these issues are handled are very very similar and there is this consistent approach that is coming from the authorities to try and downplay the situation that they have it under control. But at the same time they want us to be sufficiently unaware of what's going on so that we don't take independent sovereign action so that we become increasingly, And this is what, I talk about as the global population control agenda, one way or another, that seems to be the big goal that the authoritarians have over us.
Richard Carsson
They’ve been pressing that one for a while, but what you're talking about in the last five or six minutes will override all of that very quickly.
Rob Verkerk PhD
I believe so. There's another interesting debate when we talk about extra planetary phenomena. I don't know if you'd notice a slight shift in how authorities are dealing with the prospects of the possibility that extraterrestrials may exist. So the ET debate is one that's been absolutely viewed as so wacky you can't even entertain it if you're a half serious person. But now there is the beginnings of a recognition that actually we need to be thinking about these issues. So yuh, I think we could see some very big shifts in in some of these issues. Are people ready for
Richard Carsson
Just on that point. Well, they’re gonna have to be ready for it cause it's gonna happen. But just on that point, I'm not an astronomer or anything but I've read a little tiny bit, the number of I think we're in the Milky Way or something or other, but we’re one of about seven of the damn things out there, at least or are there more?
Rob Verkerk PhD
Yeah, OK. The Milky Way is our Galaxy but yes we're close to thousands of other galaxies.
Richard Carsson
So on that very point alone, the probabilities of other circumstances being there for 20 or 30 other groups of people looking different but same as us, and they might be living on hydrogen and methane gas for all I know and they come into our environment and die quickly because they're not used to oxygen, but they've grown up under this.
Mike Tennessee
I think they're here, Richard. They're in our state parliament.
Richard Carsson
And the federal, and in any other part of that you wanna pick on.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Yeah, the probability is very low. Yeah, and the probability that all of life on Earth originated only on Earth that again from an evolutionary biology point of view I would say that there's probably at least 50% or more of the serious evolutionary biologists recognize a very high probability that life on Earth was seeded from other parts of space.
Richard Carsson
I've read a book about that very effect written by Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, and it's very interesting and it's quite compelling reading and if a lot of people read it they might get a bit of a broader knowledge of what the heck's going on, Mike have we got to duck off for another cup of tea?
Mike Tennessee
I don't know it'd be up to our trusted Technical producer to let us know.
Richard Carsson
I found the last few minutes absolutely enthralling.
Mike Tennessee
I'll tell you what I wanna do once we get told we've gotta go for a break. We'll come back. I've thought of the name, I think that chaps name was Adam Rowland. We’ve been told we're going for a break and we'll come back.
Richard Carsson
OK, right, I will hold that. We're off to a break.
Mike Tennessee
We're back on air. You're with Mike Tennessee and Richard Carsson on Politically Incorrect, and we're talking today with Dr Rob Verkerk. I don't know what happened. We had some wires crossed. Must’ve been something from outer space, perhaps, but we won't worry about that now. I think our trusted technical producer gave me a bit of clue the name of that chap we were talking to Richard I think was Adam Rowland. He was a sports conditioner for one of the major football teams in England in London and he had to virtually give up his whole career because he discovered similarly to what was on the front page of the Australian in Australia today. He suffered the same types of effects of the vaccine he'd taken. He just could not do anything, and he puts it down to the fact that the vaccines that he'd taken had graphene in them and all sorts of things.
Richard Carsson
Injection, vaccines they don't qualify.
Mike Tennessee
Injection shares well, you don't use the word vaccines anymore.
Rob Verkerk PhD
The lack of support that he and thousands of other injection injured people have received, has been phenomenal and that's the reason why people like Dr Pierre Kory, who's been shunned from the profession, really has moved to now be picking up. They've been developing, I don't know if you've come across long haulers,, the website. This is a global portal for people who are “ vaccine” injured who are totally unsupported and just in the way that people who had severe covid were able to learn, say from frontline, covid doctors and all the various protocols using a combination of repurposed drugs and nutrients. Now these vaccine injured people can go to long haul haulers and the telemedical portal there and not only find some medical support, but also can find themselves in a community of like-minded people who have a unique condition caused by an experimental product.
Richard Carsson
Rob, that's good to hear, but there's not a few 100, there's hundreds of thousands I would suggest, unfortunately. It's too many of them. Even a gentleman I know was talking to the other day and he said I wish I'd listened to what you were saying two years ago. Because he's struggling to do things, and he's short of breath and everything. And prior to that quite well.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Have have you heard of Professor Norman Fenton in in the UK who has been from Queen Mary College?
Richard Carsson
No, I haven't.
Rob Verkerk PhD
He has been amongst the first to really dig into the UK data and there was a for the early part of the so-called pandemic it was viewed that the UK data were the most transparent available and then suddenly elements of this data started to not make sense. Where if you if you were looking at even unvaccinated populations you would suddenly see there were spikes relating to vaccines, so they were clearly moving data around. And then of course the data on vaccine injury was completely removed. Actually, just in the in the last 24 hours, Norman Fenton has published the correspondence that he's got through the Office of National Statistics in the UK. And they actually, because he's gone through a Freedom of Information request, they've actually been pretty respectful and honest about what's been going on and we now see for the first time a pattern of vaccine injury and it doesn’t make for happy reading. If you see the spike at the time that people through 2021 were absolutely gunning for it. There are multiple areas where there was not just vaccine injury but vaccine related deaths. So these were completely covered up and it's testimony to how far they go to try and conceal the data that sometime after you only get the data through a Freedom of Information request.
Richard Carsson
And what staggers me also when we come back to our journalists and the media at large, you know all about this? I'm a very lazy person, I know a hell of a lot about it. How can a journalist of any qualification not be aware of the dreadful injuries that are being suffered and then want to be a proper journalist and follow it through, but that I think they're being squashed by the hierarchy of the media structures?
Rob Verkerk PhD
Completely the at the editorial level that's where it gets shut down. If you're a young journalist and you, know this, both you know this better than anyone in your day. There used to be this thing called investigative journalism.
Richard Carsson
Yeah, that's a funny word.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Tell me how many truly investigative journalists exist today, because they can't maintain a career in it, because at an editorial level their stuff just gets kicked out and they're not gonna make a name for themselves. So it's the same as the doctors.
Mike Tennessee
The investigations are never actually printed are they?
Rob Verkerk PhD
They're not.
Mike Tennessee
The results of their investigations don't get printed.
Rob Verkerk PhD
So, part of the process of escaping authoritarian creep is how people establish access to information that has not been manipulated by the authoritarians. And of course, this is one of the reasons that we don't so much like the idea of this term, all alt media or alternative media, but rather we think of it as new media and there are all sorts of, TNT is a great example of this, but we see a similar pattern as well in terms of new healthcare. You know if you have suffered a negative reaction as a result of taking one of these mRNA products, if you go to your local doctor, you know, you know by now you're not gonna get any help, so you've gotta find new structures. New healthcare systems.
Richard Carsson
But that's very sad that the medical doctors that we all have grown up with that cowed into or cowardice for one of the word and.
Mike Tennessee
But it's a bit like the journalists, isn't it?
Rob Verkerk PhD
Correct, it's exactly the same process.
Mike Tennessee
They are controlled. I've raised this with Richard many times, and some of the times he's actually agreed with me. If you go to a GP at a practice, the practice is owned by a company which in turn is owned by a bigger company which might be owned by even a bigger company and they have no say they don't even talk about. You're lucky to get a blood, what do you call those things where they put the rubber? Things on your arm. A blood pressure test.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Your blood pressure, yeah.
Mike Tennessee
You're lucky to get that unless you ask for it these days.
Rob Verkerk PhD
You look at someone like Dr Paul Marik in the US. He's South African by origin. He has written the major texts on emergency medicine. And he was right in the front lines and of course you may know something about his, story. His hospital in Virginia, then said sorry you can no longer use ivermectin. Once he saw his fourth patient die because he could not be a good doctor at that point, he decided to sue his hospital, his private hospital, and what did they do? Kick him out on his backside and of course he's now had to leave, just like. Pierre Kory. All of these people have had to move outside the system. The contribution that he's made to to medicine is absolutely huge. But at the same time, if you don't speak the narrative, you get treated as a second-class citizen. There is no respect any more for your lifelong contribution to an area, and that would be the same in journalism.
Richard Carsson
Rob, just on that point though. If the population at large starts to understand what's being done to the medical profession, the journalistic profession, that the two or three tiers below where they're, they were all, to my mind, all decent people, and they're being bastardised by a corrupt few. Don't you think that there's a hope that we can suddenly say I'm sorry to the corrupt few at the top we're talking 1,000,000 people or whatever quantum there are, but we're over itThis is a bit a bit irrational, but the French Revolution did that and they just took them out and beheaded them.
Rob Verkerk PhD
I think that will happen, but you've gotta remember that that we live in a slightly different world because we are all engaging with and you are part of the new media, so the strands of information that we all receive are still very, very different to someone who only puts on mainstream channels, is glued to that all the time. They get very, very little of the kind of information that we've been talking about so far. However, there comes a time when the tipping point has to be reached and of course I think we're beginning to get close to it. I mean, we we've seen it in terms of the public perception of the effectiveness of the vaccines. They couldn't maintain that story, and so I think jab related injuries will be something that gets out-of-the-box, but they know that and they have other things in store for us, so we'll see again the stories on antivirals if they don't have sufficient drugs when they wheel out, the next so-called pandemic, they've already got populations to understand lockdowns, so they'll do lockdowns.
That's one of the reasons they're also talking about climate lockdowns. They can lock you down for anything, and we'll have terrorism lockdowns. Any kind of threats. National security or health. Anything like that can be used to essentially drive a coach and horses through any of our fundamental freedoms.
Mike Tennessee
One of the things that this young lady who was on the front page of the national paper, the Australian this morning. She got nowhere rapidly with everybody she tried and in the end, out of desperation, she actually put a post on her Facebook page to tell her friends why she felt so awful and why she couldn't communicate with any of them, why she had lost her job, why she couldn't work anymore, and why she couldn't do half the things, let alone try to do half the things that she used to do, and it was only as a result, apparently, according to the story, if it was accurate. And it might have been considering it managed to get to the front page, that some of her friends actually got back to her and said we must do something about this. We must do something about it. Because this is never going to be told unless we do.
Mike Tennessee
Interesting, does that happen in England?
Rob Verkerk PhD
Yes. There are stories that do get out there, but there are elements of the story that still it is viewed are not fit for general consumption and one would be around the clotting problems that these jabs create. So there is now a recognition about microclots that everyone can relate to. But if you look at the work of. People like Dr Ryan Cole and Dr Prof. Arne Burkhardt, pathologists, who've been looking at post mortem after post mortem when they start to pull out these proteinaceous clots that are centimetres, some of them are many 10s of centimetres long, out of people, you understand that if you have one of these types of clots that are unique to pathology, in your body your heart's gonna stop, you're gonna get seriously ill. But that is still viewed as conspiracy theory and the reality is we can point to a handful of pathologists who have been brave enough to be able to do this work. Do it diligently and of course their reputations get absolutely tarnished. The process of excommunicating these people from the mainstream scientific community is very well rehearsed, but that's a fact. I know Ryan Cole in particular personally. He's one of the most diligent, conscientious, hard working honest doctors and pathologists you will ever meet. He talks with great passion but you will find plenty about Doctor Ryan Cole and his work in the new media. You'll find nothing about it in the mainstream, so people are still completely blind to that thinking, well, there's a possibility of myocarditis or pericarditis, we're told by the authorities it will disappear. Yes, there's potentially a risk of micro clots, but no one's saying, hey, you may get clots that are centimetres long developing in your body that we've never seen in science before. That just does not get talked about.
Richard Carsson
Rob, I was made aware of a person the other day who had gone and had an analysis done and the person doing it said in the last about 18 months, she had never seen what she now sees with what she calls snow and licorice sticks and mushrooms, just in almost epidemic proportions in everyone who she's seen, who she knows is vaccinated. So it's not isolated, it's almost if you haven't got it, you're a miracle. Just one little quick thing as we're getting towards the end here, but my knowledge of Australia's vaccination program comes from a Dr Johnson who, when he got his first thousand vials, 500 of them were a saline concoction and 500 had the RNA component. Now, if you take that through and say 92% were vaccinated in Australia, it says that probably 46% of the Australian population is at risk, but 54% are not, so it's the ones who got the saline actually won Lotto.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Yes, we also have seen similar kind of patterns. Often in Europe we think it's probably closer to maybe a third of them, but the very fact that we would see in any of the adverse event reporting the adverse events being linked to certain batch numbers would suggest that that it is very, very clear that there's something about certain batches that they make them much more harmful. Now the reality is that the public should be told guys do you want to engage in not only the largest human uncontrolled experiment ever conducted, but also it's Russian roulette at the same time.
Richard Carsson
Well that that's funny. What I'm trying to get at. So we better get you back and then we'll try and follow down that rabbit hole as quickly as possible.
Mike Tennessee
Yes, we haven't been down so many rabbit holes in some time, Richard.
Richard Carsson
We haven't. I think it's high time we did Mike.
Rob Verkerk PhD
It's the myxomatosis.
Mike Tennessee
Well, it's worse than that I'm afraid.
Richard Carsson
You were probably responsible for that one. I saw a few back in the 60s.
Rob Verkerk PhD
I wasn't I wasn't.
Mike Tennessee
Dr Verkerk, Richard and I've had a wonderful time this afternoon speaking with you and asking you a question, listening to you and hope you'll come back again.
Rob Verkerk PhD
It's a pleasure.
your voice counts
05 February 2023 at 5:24 pm
A human being who never had the Flu and no colds since childhood, went down down with what people are now experiencing after their Jab.
My experience started in the late 1980s in Australia and Drs did NOT know what was the real reason. Though they knew something was very wrong, but merely band aiding with Big Pharma.
Forced to be Diagnostician, Researcher, Nurse, researched natural med & self prescribed Supplements.
Drs would congratulate me & "keep doing what your doing". A Dr who listened & threw Big Pharma scripts into the bin as I said I refuse to use them, he had an ill wife & took Notes from me, once said "your always one step ahead of me" (Specialist), Drs blamed Thyroid which was a partial casualty as it was battled by the real cause & other illnesses-Major, and made me very ill with their never stabilised T4 med. AT that time Thyroid had the highest number of sites on the Internet. An International Naturopath one said "the lady who has been through so much and knows more than many Doctors"-
You name all the health conditions that are evident in Jabbed people, I have had over 85+++ % of them, and its a never ending job to monitor oneself. I had a further complication that Drs should have worked out but they are affected by the Flexner Report for Rockefeller in 1910 that has guided Medical training in Uni's ever since, being pushed by Big Pharma too which uses much of Rockefellers' waste petrol products.
In 2001 Dr reading rushed blood tests that same day. said "Oh, your bloods have been sent to the CDC (I'd never heard of it) your seriously ill, I don't know much about CFS (I'd never heard of it then)". I was so ill, all I wanted was the Script and and get home to lay down to die, so did not question the Dr.
About 5 years ago I rang the On Dty Scientist at the Path Lab to ask about this Blood tests going to CDC - had learnt by then re CDC and had already emailed them and they finally replied telling me to contact my Health Dep't. I wrote and emailed the Queensland Dep't of Health who have NEVER REPLIED to this day. I was yet to treat myself for Neurodegernation and later another brain problem that was caused by a major operation aged 25years. NOT ONE Dr or Belgium Endo Specialist ever worked out what the underlying illness was-so had htat for 25 years, then the separate Op caused brain condition was.
So I now congratulate myself on somehow managing all those roles while a seriously fogged brain and many other matters being flung at me, being Dr to son badly affected -same reactions except not the total brain problem, and Asperger's son who after MMR aged 3 and 6 months Mum diagnosed him at 9 month, but dared not tell the Dr that as I possibly would have been given an anti depressant. Dr knew nothing about Autism then and some to this day do not.
I take precious time to write this as Dr Rob knows that the HIV problem was around in the early 1980s and these health problems and rare illnesses are NOT NEW, in fact I am sure all people affected were and are LAB Rats as the whole World is now.
Grants / $$ were being given to different Countries by USA years ago - Australia was on the recieving end too - in many areas.
NEVER HAD THE ANSWER as to WHY my bloods were sent to CDC USA.
Never looked deeply at papers from an Emergency admission in Japan with another lung problem.
05 February 2023 at 5:40 pm
Wrote the above comment as so many patients that can prove the pattern of being a Lab Rat Leaders in this history that has led to the SPIKED 2020 version, further adds to Evidence that is being collected now for Court cases and can add to medical treatments knowledge.
And it gives some SOLACE to all those sufferers in so many ways long before this COVID19, victims who lost everything, their suffering and the abuse and mocking from people in general and Doctors. Nurses etc., the tearing apart of families whereas now that can still happen, but their is an understanding that it is caused by external factors not the patient themselves, who in both cases have been very healthy people.
And people can begin to understand the internal weakness and total debilitation that patients then and now suffer, and hopefully do not mock or sneer at the CFS = Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, nor the Personality changes that occur and the patient is aware but cannot change them as they are internally and automatically produced and so much more.
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