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Rob Verkerk PhD joined Robert Scott Bell on his radio show this week for a lively discussion sparked by Rob's recent articles resilience and scientific misinformation. Rob will be speaking more about this at the #CrowdResilience Tour on April 1 in Austin, TX (see below for full details).
Join the two Roberts in hour 1 of the Robert Scott Bell Show below. Links to read both articles, watch the associated videos and download the accompanying infographics can be found below. You may also like to catch up on previous chats between Rob and Robert - click here for more conversations.
Join the conversation!
Read Rob Verkerk's article on Resilience
>>> FEATURE: Resilience and the values crisis – critical time for reappraisal
>>> Download the low res infographic here (perfect for sharing!) or buy a high res poster for your wall from the ANH shop
>>> Watch Rob Verkerk PhD's summary video of why we need to build resilience and re-appraise values, skills and qualities so we can be ready for what's ahead.
#Crowd Resilience on Tour
Scan the QR codes for more information and to book your ticket
Read Rob Verkerk PhD's feature article on Scientific Misinformation
>>> FEATURE: Don’t trust their plan to rebuild our trust in science
>>> Download our low res infographic illustrating the concepts discussed in Rob Verkerk PhD's recent article on rebuilding trust in 'their' science by vilifying anything deemed to be scientific misinformation or purchase as a high res poster
>>> Rob Verkerk PhD discusses his theory behind why the scientific establishment is going full out to remove dissent and demonising anything that fulfils a carefully calculated definition of 'scientific misinformation' as a key tactic to rebuild trust in science set out in his long-read article
>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis
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your voice counts
04 April 2023 at 1:47 pm
Read this ANH Article - 04/04/2023.
Unbelievable that the "Resilience Tour" groups are PROMOTING the use of the QR - CODE symbol re payment.
There are other providers for this type of financial situation, using PayPal is bad enough but QR???
Your voice counts
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