Ronnie Cummins is a veteran activist, founder and director of the Organic Consumers Association, a non-profit, US-based network of more than two million consumers dedicated to safeguarding organic standards and promoting a healthy, just, and regenerative system of food and farming. He cut his activist teeth on anti-war activism in the 1960s and has since pushed for change across a wide range of fields from human rights, anti-nuclear, labour and consumer issues, and, of course, for sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
His deep understanding of how political, economic and natural systems work puts Ronnie in a unique position to evaluate the human response to the new pathogen, SARS-CoV-2, that entered our lives over a year ago. A pathogen that increasingly looks to have originated from a lab. Ronnie joined forces with Joe Mercola, founder of and co-authored a blistering analysis of the back story behind covid-19.
Joe Mercola and Ronnie Cummin's controversial bestseller
We invited Ronnie to share an open discourse on our Speaking Naturally channel with our founder, Rob Verkerk PhD.
You can listen or watch their fascinating 60-minute discussion below, playing off our uncensored Brighteon platform.
>>> You can also read Joe Mercola and Ronnie Cummin's new book, with forward by Robert F Kennedy, 'The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal' (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021) that's become a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller. It's available as hardcover or as a Kindle edition on Amazon UK or Amazon USA.
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your voice counts
11 June 2021 at 9:51 am
The human pathogen was inserted into our operating system. For nowhere is an example found.
That an 'Authoritative' New World Odour operates on its premise as the lockstep of a hijacked mind is the nature of deeply laid deceit.
The switch from empirical to in-silico or computer modelled 'science' is itself a lockdown and quarantine of the mind from its relational field, as the dark fudge by which to operate under a false light, brought in as 'solutions' of repackaged darkness by which control is given power, meaning and status of truth or revealing of reality.
The system demands sacrifice of the living in exchange for the stockholmed identification and allegiance to its operating system - or mind.
The idea that a mind can spin its own reality and "make it so!" is a mutually agreed fiction, set as if apart and against what IS SO.
We cannot use such a mind to solve or heal its own making, but that it makes more of itself to SEEM to engage in solutions that reinforce the problem because it is built on the lie of a locked down, distanced and masked mind - which is so normal to our currency of ideas and meanings, that to speak from any other place is to seem meaningless, heretical or absurd.
Health is both wholeness and function.
The idea that wholeness is broken and function weak, damaged and compromised is part of the self-reinforcing of the basis for 'masking solutions' that seek reinforcement and compliance for a self-evasion. We can only work with our current or active beliefs, but by a recognition they are beliefs is the way left open for the freedom to own and change them. Otherwise we play victim to fear set as an ultimate and inescapable reality OUTSIDE our lives, and feed the control script that actually DOES what an outside enemy could never achieve, for we do unto ourselves - and seek social reinforcement for such sacrifice of life as 'virtue' - or rather as protection from deeper fears that the mind recoils from as if to distance and lockdown is Life Itself, rather than an identity set in conflict.
11 June 2021 at 11:26 am
A very interesting conversation that also gives hope for a better future. I think so much of Rob Verkerk and has done so for probably at least the last fifteen years. He is one of the few persons within the alternative movement that i never distrusted. People are now on a broader scale beginning to more and more realise how knowledgeable and bright he is. Ronnie Cummins is also great.
11 June 2021 at 1:25 pm
All of the Pharma/Medical Cartel are criminal fraudster (possibly murderers) as well as the politicians and medical researchers who are in their pay. If justice wins they should all be tried in Nuremberg 2 Trials with full life sentences.
We are now in a civil war and unfortunately many of the population are terrorised into abject fear.
Let's have some ideas on how to win this war. Negotiation will be laughed at.
12 June 2021 at 11:56 am
Excellent video, please more of them!! Ronnie Cummins is a “gem”.
Rob - your comment about Italian Military/HIV etc., is verification/information so needed by the majority – it is WW111 and a minority pulling the strings? See *Amazon remark below.
Young Italians (& other Nationalities) ask me WHY? regarding Covid/related issues. Helps/confirms/put the puzzle together.
When mentioning Draghi was involved in Quantative Easing, during his term of President of the European Central Bank, interest rates were over 12%, when he left rates under 1%- Italians look shocked. Well-educated Italians are “fed” his CV and urbane presentation.
Ronnie Cummins did not mention Gates North Pole SEED bank, and Gates control of the World Seed bank organisations. How can the World stop all these patents being issued, simply because a Scientist inserts some new matter into the original seed/person/natural food?
*AMAZON – I want to pre-order Dr Mikovits new book, and Ronnie Cummins/Mercola book, but all I see is AMAZON as the listed source. All those small bookshops in the World? Pulling together re WW111? Three times asking why Kennedy Jnr site (CHD) uses this destructive organisation and list other sources of supply. Never bought ANYTHING from Amazon.
Do as the Japanese do, stop buying from a source and it closes down.
29 June 2021 at 1:43 am
Re Ronnie's comment more than once of the need for "participatory democracy"
There is this model, Dynamic Facilitation and the Wisdom Council Process, out of the Center for Wise Democracy (501(c)3 in Port Townsend, WA. The model is designed to draw on 'social capital' (inherent wealth of 'We the People'). It's designed to elicit shifts and breakthroughs in thinking, to bring a diverse group into resonance and have them deliver their new understandings to the larger Community, ongoing grist for the mill, randomly select again, and again, round and round...
There's a little State in Austria called Vorarlberg, they had Turkish and Syrian refugees pouring over their border, threatening to destabilize the region just by sheer numbers. They instituted a Wise Democracy citizens Wisdom Council to address this gnarly issue. The results were historic. One elected official said the Wisdom Council was the "wind under their wings".. and another said that the Council articulated things that could never be spoken by an elected official but that then they could act upon what was recognized as the will of the people. The former director of that program, Manfred, has said "Show me a model that yields such results, in 10 years I have not found it."
To date, both Vorarlberg and Salzburg in Austria have made citizens Wisdom Council a Constitutional Amendment..., that means twice-yearly, randomly select 16-24 citizens, dynamically facilitated for 1 1/2 days, after which they deliver their unanimous statement (yes, always unanimous) to the wider population, the politicians, the NGOs , the non profits..... Their shifts and breakthroughs, the story of how they got there, finds resonance with the broader population, and the region is able to forge ahead with innovative designs and policies.
Vorarlberg was originally trying to address a growing problem in their province, which they identified as a widening gap between governed and the government, due to increasing diversity in the region. They formed the "Office of Future-related Issues" in 1999 to address this problem and they scoured the Planet for participatory democracy models. That's how they found Jim Rough and Wise Democracy. Jim published his book in 2002; 'Society's Breakthrough! Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People'. At that time he WAS proposing a constitutional amendment for the USA. That's where the Austrians got the idea.
If you saw Michael Moore's movie 'Where To Invade Next', you will know his premise; that the USA has a pattern of conceiving these brilliant notions, that are not recognized at home but then someone overseas, often in Europe, runs with them with spectacular results... That's Wise Democracy, in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
We need this model back here in the States; fire it up as a national Wisdom Council Process.. and/or a State of California Wisdom Council Process (whichever organically 'lands' first)... And neither national nor state Wisdom Council instituted would preclude us from doing a global Wisdom Council (on climate change, for instance), since convening a randomly selected Wisdom Council is a snapshot and a symbol of 'We the People', at whichever level it is convened... The Wisdom Council, randomly selected at regular intervals from the voter rolls, is always adding to the greater Conversation.., always elevating the quality of civic discourse.
"Don't give up on this young democracy, the greatest experiment in democracy in the history of the world."
The late civil rights attorney, JL Chestnut, speaking on the Bioneers plenary stage, 2001.
We're not giving up!
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