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We’re told repeatedly by our governments that we’ll only be allowed to emerge from various degrees of restriction to our freedoms once a vaccine is ready. That might take 12 to 18 months. We’re being given the impression it’s a straightforward process, that’s why it can be fast-tracked at a rate that surpasses any other vaccine ever produced. Hindsight’s a fine thing, but surely we need to learn from what went wrong last time round - when vaccines were produced for the last pandemic, the influenza A/H1N1 ‘swine flu’ virus back in 2009/10?
The solution has to be vaccine transparency. And we need to change the narrative from the World Health Organization (WHO)’s ‘vaccine hesitancy’, that the WHO rates as among the 10 greatest threats to global health, to vaccine transparency.
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So today, in conjunction with our medical doctor colleagues at the British Society for Ecological Medicine, we’ve sent an open letter to Matt Hancock, the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care calling on a new public narrative around vaccines. This narrative is about transparency, something that’s been sorely missing through the development and roll-out of a number of recent vaccines.
Download Open Letter to Matt Hancock that includes the 10-point vaccine transparency approach (the full letter can be found in text below)
The taboo that has been created around even debating vaccination is unacceptable in a world that is rushing ahead with the development of global vaccines for Covid-19, often relying on untried or embryonic technology platforms.
Instead of pitching the blame at those citizens who choose to not give their consent for their own or their children’s vaccination, the powers-that-be must recognise their own role in contributing to this situation through the withholding of data and information, as well as inadequate safety testing.
Transparency must occur in multiple areas: clinical trial designs, the results from trials, raw data from trials to allow independent analysis, clarification around vaccine injury payments in the event of no-fault injuries, eligibility criteria for such payments, and, among other things, details of government indemnities, where applicable, for vaccine manufacturers.
Download our vaccine transparency manifesto flyers - UK / International
The aim is to avoid the mistakes of the past in which sponsorship bias, withholding of data by health authorities, incomplete communication of information to the public and the academic community, among other shortcomings, has led to unnecessary vaccine injury and public distrust of vaccines.
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Members of the public or academics who seek answers to questions around vaccine safety have been routinely vilified and labelled ‘anti-vaxxers’ and their communications are censored on social media.
If we are to establish a ‘new normal’, as our politicians seem intent to do, this approach is not tenable. Lack of transparency around the development and testing of Covid-19 vaccines will lead to further divisions in communities, at a time when division will only exacerbate the challenges facing societies since the pandemic arose. It will give governments more reason to deny citizens fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as increase the risk of martial law being imposed.
The narrative around vaccines must fundamentally change. We must transition away from coercive public policy driven by vaccine protagonists that projects a view of the unassailable safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Doing so only misleads the public over the quality and certainty of the science on which mass vaccination programmes are justified, and denies the public the information needed for properly informed consent.
We call on our friends and colleagues in other parts of the world to also pressure their governments to heed vaccine transparency, using whatever parts of our letter to Matt Hancock that may be relevant.
Open letter to the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock MP
Open letter to the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP [By email and hard copy]
The Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
House of Commons
29 April 2020
Dear Secretary of State
As a non-profit organisation representing diverse interests in natural and sustainable health, and a medical association of doctors who practice ecological (including nutritional and environmental) medicine, we hereby request that the Department of Health, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JVCI), the UK Vaccine Network, Public Health England and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) maintain a policy of full transparency around the development, testing and roll-out of vaccines targeting Covid-19.
The UK Government, other governments and health authorities, including the World Health Organization, have repeatedly made clear concerns over vaccine hesitancy and the potential impact on public health.
Two major drivers of vaccine hesitancy include:
- Low levels of trust in the medical science behind vaccination safety and effectiveness, pharmaceutical companies who produce these vaccines, and government health agencies who promote vaccination (Xu et al, Health Comm. 2020; Apr 19: 1-14). Trust is readily eroded by misleading claims issued by health authorities which consistently refer to vaccines as ‘safe’ when it is clear that adverse events occur at varying, albeit low, frequencies. To-date, in the UK, around 1000 claims have been paid out to those who have been severely disabled (from over 6,000 claims) after establishing proof of causation through the Vaccine Damage Payment Act 1979. Furthermore, public trust in a pandemic vaccine will have been adversely affected by claims that vaccines targeting the influenza A/H1N1 ‘swine flu’ pandemic of 2009 had been “thoroughly tested” when this was more recently found to be false (Doshi P. BMJ 2018; 362: k3948);
- Insufficient communication of relevant information, including trial designs and results by health authorities and vaccine manufacturers. Such inadequacies have been revealed around HPV vaccine trials (Doshi et al. BMJ Evid Based Med. 2020; pii: bmjebm-2019-111331) as part of the Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials initiative (RIAT) and in retrospective analysis of information and events surrounding the roll out of vaccines during the last pandemic (influenza A/H1N1, ‘swine flu’) in 2009 (Stephen W. BMJ2018; 362: k3948).
Health authorities, as vaccine protagonists, must therefore take some responsibility for their role in creating an environment that fosters distrust and hesitancy over vaccination rather than always blaming citizens or scientists for being irrational when they express concerns about vaccine testing or safety. Coercive public policy on vaccination, coupled with the categorisation of comments by citizens, doctors and others that question vaccine safety as ‘fake news’, which then often leads to censorship, are therefore counter-productive.
Informed risk/utility decisions around mass vaccination require increasing public engagement (Williamson & Glaab. BMC Med Ethics. 2018; 19(1): 84) and benefit from clear disclosure of sponsorship bias and the capacity for re-analysis of raw data by independent researchers (Jefferson T. J R Soc Med. 2020; 113(4): 148-157). Full disclosure of results from clinical trials, including provision of raw data, is vital given data on fast-tracked vaccines will inevitably be uncertain and incomplete to some degree. It is important that the extent of such shortcomings are communicated to the public.
It is therefore in the public interest to ensure that all relevant data that could feed into properly informed decisions are placed in the academic and public domains. Public confidence in vaccination can only be re-established if there is much greater transparency and sharing of data than has been the case historically (Godlee F. BMJ 2018; 363: k4152). This is more relevant than ever with the prospect of Covid-19 vaccines, given their unprecedented rate of development.
Key areas for vaccine transparency
Having consulted with medical doctors, other health professionals, research scientists, lawyers and citizens in our various networks, we consider it imperative that the following information is released for public scrutiny prior to commercial release of any Covid-19 vaccines:
- Full disclosure of all raw data from safety studies of commercial Covid-19 vaccines. Disclosure of raw data allows independent researchers to analyse data and draw conclusions independently of health authorities, regulators and vaccine manufacturers. Such transparency and data sharing are essential if the aim is to establish confidence in mass immunisation using a novel vaccine developed in a fraction of the time typical of previous vaccines;
- Transparency in relation to safety and efficacy studies. Safety studies for any vaccine that is fast-tracked (6-18 months) prior to approval will be compromised as compared with those for which more time (several years) has been allowed for safety studies and regulatory approval. If the Government is planning to encourage vaccination, it is crucial that it is clear about the limitations in safety and efficacy studies supporting public roll-out as compared with those required for normal licensing of vaccines. Without such knowledge, it is neither possible for citizens to balance risk versus utility, nor can they determine “…if the safety of the product is not such as persons generally are entitled to expect” (Consumer Protection Act 1987);
- Transparency over the type of platform used for commercial vaccines. Currently there are several different platforms being investigated for candidate vaccines for Covid-19 and it appears that the most likely (and well funded) options involve platforms that have never been previously used on a global scale (Amanat & Krammer. Immunity. 2020; 52(4): 583-589). It is imperative that there is clear communication to the public over the nature of the platform(s) being used for Covid-19 vaccines prior to their commercial release, as well as the extent of their previous use, if relevant, for pre-existing commercial vaccines;
- Conduct and transparency of studies to elucidate any risks associated with adjuvants as distinct from antigens. Given that commercial vaccines for Covid-19 are likely to be adjuvanted, it is essential that the safety of the adjuvanted vaccines are compared with non-adjuvanted vaccines and saline controls. Adjuvants may trigger specific side effects in susceptible individuals, which may include those with underlying conditions, including autoimmune diseases (e.g. Watad A, et al. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2017; 7: 150);
- Transparency in relation to vaccine composition. There is a significant public lack of confidence in the purity and composition of vaccines. It is essential that the detailed composition of Covid-19 vaccines are declared, this going beyond simply specifying added ingredients. It is also imperative that any impurities are also declared given some of these have the potential to trigger adverse reactions. Given there is a strong move towards transparency in labelling in the food sector, itself supported by the Food Standards Agency and Department of Health, it is even more important that such transparency occurs with vaccines given they are administered systemically;
- Full disclosure of cases and potential cases of vaccine injury. Recent history of UK government communication around legal cases linked to vaccine injury caused by Pandemrix® and seasonal flu vaccines discovered during trials or post-marketing surveillance has been grossly inadequate. This inadequacy has only been revealed through multiple freedom of information requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Only a handful of cases have been made public, while many others have received Vaccine Damage Payments after establishing proof of vaccine causation but without any public communication of the cases or the nature of the injuries (see special report in Independent, 18 April). This non-disclosure does not afford the public a balanced view of the risks associated with a given vaccine, nor does it allow them to determine if their own health condition might make them more or less susceptible to adverse reactions;
- The Government must clarify eligibility and criteria for no-fault vaccine injury payments for Covid-19 vaccines. We have noted that the Government no longer considers citizens eligible for vaccine injury payments in the event of proven damage caused by a “pandemic influenza virus”. This exclusion was made only after the Government recognised from post-marketing surveillance that narcolepsy was a significant, albeit uncommon, autoimmune side effect of Pandemrix®. The Government must ensure that vaccine injury payments will be made to individuals injured by any approved Covid-19 vaccines, while also clarifying the level of proof required to establish causation and the statutory time limit for making such claims in relation to Covid-19 vaccines, prior to their administration to the public;
- The Government must clarify indemnity offered to vaccine manufacturers. In a reply made by the Department of Health to a freedom of information request (Your Ref: DE-1029593), it was stated that in relation to GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix®, Baxter International’s Celvapan® and Sanofi Pasteur’s Liquid Smallpox Vaccine, “The Authority shall fully and completely indemnify the Contractor against all claims, proceedings, actions, legal suits, damages, legal costs and expenses and any other liabilities in respect of any death or personal injury arising from the Authority’s use of the Goods.” The indemnity, if applicable to Covid-19 vaccines, must be made public prior to the commercial release of vaccines because, ultimately, the financial burden of such indemnity lies with the taxpayer;
- The public must be informed of the extent of naturally-acquired immunity prior to public release of Covid-19 vaccines. In order to balance risk and utility, the public must be made aware of the extent of population herd immunity, which will necessitate carefully conducted, stratified, random sampling of the UK population and testing with a validated serological (antibody) test. We are aware that the Department of Health is evaluating such tests, and it is of paramount importance that comprehensive, periodic evaluation of population immunity is conducted to determine the persistence of such immunity. This would be greatly facilitated by quarterly testing of randomised, stratified samples of the national population and would not necessitate ‘universal’ testing of all individuals that has been correctly declared as not feasible. The public should also have ready access to validated antibody tests so that individuals can assess their own state of immunity prior to giving consent for vaccination;
- Parliament must be engaged to ensure due democratic process if the Government is planning to consider making Covid-19 vaccines mandatory. While the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 technically allows for the mandatory treatment of persons who are, or may be, infected, the decision to apply these emergency measures to Covid-19, when it has not been applied to any previous infectious disease, is a matter of great public importance. It is therefore critical that due democratic process is followed so that the will of the people can be factored into any such decision.
As Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, we are extremely aware of how hard you and your team have been working in an effort to protect the public interest during the current pandemic. However, it is crucially important that in the drive to provide one or more vaccines to enhance the population’s immunity to SARS-CoV-2, corners are not cut that expose the population to unnecessary risks, especially if these are undisclosed.
We look forward to receiving information about your Department’s approach to transparency of information and data surrounding Covid-19 vaccine trials, including post-marketing surveillance once initiated. We especially request your response to specific points set out in the ten discrete areas we have highlighted above.
We greatly look forward to hearing from you, or a member of your Departmental team, at your earliest convenience. Our respective emails are given below.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Verkerk MSc DIC PhD FACN
Executive and scientific director
Alliance for Natural Health International
Dr Damien Downing MBBS MSB
British Society for Ecological Medicine
Download Open Letter to Matt Hancock that includes the 10-point vaccine transparency plan
Find related articles, information and videos in our Covid Zone
your voice counts
30 April 2020 at 6:33 am
Thank goodness for you and your organisation in giving others a voice and I fully support this letter. Fully as do my family.
30 April 2020 at 8:03 am
HALLELUJAH!!! THIS IS what we must do - join like -minded people/organisations together in the World, and educate the not so like -minded, or there shall be a further medical catastrophe in the World with this quick fix VACCINATION solution.
The larger population has not even got the message yet about the illnesses caused by this $$$ worshipping, power hungry manipulative few in organisations & private wealthy individuals with their $$$, interfering in areas that they are not being held accountable for and helped in their deceptions, because of the control tactics by the large media groups that now censor peoples thinking?? and others, they MUST be held responsible for the damage they do to humanity and stopped.
Great to see this email today. Been waiting a long time, but too ill till now & busy doing the Drs work in diagnosing and curing myself, sons and helping other human beings, and dealing with the personal devastation. Now, lets on with the good work and Thank you so much for being there ANH!!!
Most Sincerely,
Have to go out with face mask on to buy food - time of day is important in getting into line at the Supermarket. (I am laughing here - humour vital in these times), not read any of these missive(s), just your opening letter Rob.
30 April 2020 at 4:24 pm
Get well soon Deidre!
30 April 2020 at 8:18 am
Thank you so much for what you and your colleagues are doing to advocate for vaccine transparency. Very grateful.
30 April 2020 at 8:58 am
I am pleased to see that you are taking positive action about this very important matter but I don't hold out a lot of hope when I see that Bill Gates is donating millions to the government, the BBC etc so he and his foundation has a very powerful voice.
A vaccine company called Porton Biopharma, PHE was involved with and it is now registered at Companies House, with a large majority share to Matt Hancock, perhaps because of his position in the government. Nevertheless surely this is a conflict of interest?
Listening to Dr Buttar this week, he treats lots of cases or autism, which he believes is caused by the mercury in the vaccs. He says they are now putting the mercury in the initial stages of the vaccine so they don't have to list mercury as an ingredient!
I had heard that some of the vaccinations taking place in the UK now have chips in that go to the brain?
I also saw in the news online that they have started testing one of the CV vaccines in Oxford on 4 people one died and the others were very unwell. This was then labelled as untrue, it would be interesting to know the truth on this too. As you say its harder and harder to find.
02 May 2020 at 1:38 pm
30 May 2020 at 4:48 pm
On what basis do you refute full fact’s Statement ? Please provide Evidence
30 April 2020 at 12:18 pm
We're so incredibly lucky to have an organization like ANH Int. to educate the public on vitally important matters such as vaccine transparency, informed consent and the rest of it! Thank you for all your hard work!
30 April 2020 at 12:32 pm
I have a few questions about vaccines that I hope are debated ongoing in panel discussions, urging audience members to record on cell phone and video cameras to maintain backup files:
A) It would seem to be an assumption, that those vaccinated, don't carry disease and do not spread it. Is it scientifically true, that infections magically fly over the bodies of vaccinated people, while selectively and solely settling on those without vaccines?
B) If vaccinated individuals have temporary immunity (given the way bugs mutate ongoing), then if they are asymptomatic carriers, might this present even more of a threat to society via the contagion factor which Is masked?
C) Very Important: What are the side effects of vaccines, especially over time? What happens to immunity itself? Will this foreseeably tweaked immunity, be less capable than now, of interacting with the antibiotic bug resistance problem, that we already have?
D) Why are there no open debates about vaccine side effects? Why is the agenda to plow ahead without thinking ahead about the impacts to herd immunity?
E) Can we really go dodging infections? Will it work, or merely produce OCD and fear in the masses, while infections spread regardless?
F) Is it good science to silence debate and close down transparency? Does good science meld the outcome to fit the hypothesis? Something is wrong with this picture. Those who sweep statistics and open debate under the rug, are proving in full, that an agenda is afoot having nothing to do with either science or healing.
G) Please consider that those with medical vulnerabilities must not be forced to "Submit or else!" This is public bullying, unashamed, government-sponsored. To mandate vaccination for those with medical vulnerabilities, and persecute or prosecute doctors who state that their patient has such vulnerability, is to inflict violence on those who stand to be harmed.
H) Legal immunity is nothing more or less than an unconstitutional gag order, a way to suppress transparency,. It would seem that the pharmaceutical companies are fully aware that there would be a lot of trouble on their hands if the so-called "law" was not on their side to aid and abet them. What have they got to hide? What is the sheer purpose of this legal immunity, and what creates its necessity?
It is time to turn the tables. Those who call the naturopaths the quacks, are accurately projecting their own shadow, and it is time to stop the slander of natural medicine. Maybe it is even common sense, that illness is part of life, immune cells memorize the infections fought off, and this is natural immunity. Therefore, there is little need for vaccines. Think about it? Persecution, labeling? Go away, this is malice and with our tax dollars, we quite literally don't buy it.
30 April 2020 at 12:49 pm
I’m pleased the public still have a voice , and some transparency,each government needs to be held to account on this debacle,thanks for boing there
30 April 2020 at 12:50 pm
I must thank Robert and the whole ANH team for acting as a buffer between us, the public and the creeping, oppressive and vastly funded global takeover of our health freedom.
I was a post WW11 baby, neither of my parents had been vaccinated, my mother went through the war in the Land Army without even an anti tetanus vaccination and died when she was 80. I was part of the new vaccinated generation, receiving my contaminated polio vaccination in 1959, which gave me and my generation the SV40 monkey virus which apparently has caused brain tumours of which my brother died.
This latest vaccine apparently contains a 'safe chimpanzee virus plus GM ingredients' as well as mercury, formaldehyde and aluminium for a fast delivery system and any other nano- technology 'ingredient' that Bill Gates wants to include.
Why is it considered a good idea that combining animal viruses for 'safe' vaccine for preventing a disease that has been caused by animal viruses infiltrating the human DNA?
As for the vaccine programme that started in ernest with the formation of the NHS, most of these infectious diseases were already on the decline due to healthier diets, better sanitation and smaller family groups, but has increased beyond comprehension in the last twenty years to include normal childhood illnesses where herd immunity use to be encouraged.
I applaud Dr Andrew Wakefield for bringing to our attention the galloping control over our medical lives, whether he was right or wrong about the connection with the MMR and autism (which I believe is a valid opinion as autism has risen with the rate of the uptake of this vaccine), but he jogged us into questioning the validity of of medical science and to separate true desire to improve the health of the population against the vast profits that can be made from vaccine uptake. If you question what is happening in the world, follow the money!
If we do not look back at past medical mistakes, we are in danger of repeating them, as in the polio monkey virus mistake, by the governments own admission, that polio vaccine was not considered safe until 1965, six years after my brother and I were given it.
It is interesting that what used to be considered 'efficacious' for our health and well being, is now being made into a profit making exercise and the next form of global control, stating that we will need a 'certificate' to prove that we have complied before we can go back to work, or see our families and send our children to school.
30 April 2020 at 2:37 pm
This is exactly what needed to happen. Thank you for being the voice of many.
30 April 2020 at 3:05 pm
Wow God bless you in this and thank you for taking the time and care to put such a case for vaccine transparency
30 April 2020 at 3:26 pm
Well said Dierdre! Absolutely agree. My family and I have been reading and following a lot on all of this. It's just crazy stuff and everyone REALLY needs to wake keep on sharing guys.
From what I can tell, dr Buttar amongst many many more like him are doing incredibly amazing and brave work. These are sorts of people we need in government!
My son was damaged by vaccines, I was bullied as a new mum into him having the MMR with no informed consent (should have listed what other incredibly damaging ingredients/adjuvants there were in the vaccine. Combo of Alliminium, mercury, formaldehyde and many tissue from monkeys kidneys/ human embryo. )My son had horrific reactions and has been brain damaged ever since. I've been on a journey to awaken others ever since!
Every vaccine needs complete and independent transparency!
Get the word out there and dont give up!
30 April 2020 at 3:36 pm
Well done. You should also recommend that everybody watch the US series on vaccination on [email protected]. This is essential viewing and a real eye-opener.
30 April 2020 at 6:59 pm
I want to thank the ANH for such wonderful, ethical and brave work. BRAVO!!! We appreciate you good folks.
I want to add as PS to my long comment above, that silence (in this case regarding vaccine transparency) is Not always golden. How "interesting" that the vaccine manufacturers/BigPharma so much as find it necessary to seek legal shielding from lawsuit immunity, given what they quite obviously know, is the prospect of vaccine injury lawsuits. I think this needs to be widely discussed. The silence of the scams.....the things that make you go "hmmmm...."
The public at large seems to believe that vaccines are the sole solution. They are not aware that there is true science in so-called "alternative" medicine which I hope, becomes mainstream with BigPharma's chemical concentrates, only as backup. I think addressing the questions of mainstream popular thinking, is important, as is education. Just as the ANH is doing. The question is, how can we readers help to spread word so it reaches the main populace at large, and what thoughts are in their head that need educating?
Thank you so much for what you do ANH. You folks are obviously really good people and working hard at what you do. Gratitude! We stand by in support and ready to help. Thank you!
30 April 2020 at 7:26 pm
Great work. Thank you.
30 April 2020 at 7:26 pm
Thank you so much Robert. You speak for us all.
01 May 2020 at 9:28 am
Thank you Robert, but I think as great as this is...vaccines do not work. They really never did and this has been proven many times by other doctors and scientists who are not bought out by Big Pharma or the Bill Gates society to kill off the population! Many people have died, children became autistic and maimed, young girls into menopause or infertile and for what? Monkey Blood, ALUMINUM, ABORTED FETUSES CELLS IN THESE VACCINES, just to name a FEW of the heinous ingredients in them. When I was a kid in the 1960's we got the first polio shots in Pittsburgh, Pa. Many of us were vaccine injured, my older brother was in the age group that Jonas Salk came to Pgh and rolled them out on us. He was never the same, a raging angry, severe OCD maniac who could not behave like any child you would recognize. I saw my friend's sibling whose injury made him constantly walk on his tip toes...these are just Some of the damages so even though you are heroically calling for TRANSPARENCY...we who do the research know damn well they are dangerous, never worked and are a brainwashed doctor's money tree! Please ask that all vaccines be taken down from any child's "immunology" program and let us teach all mothers and parents how to actually boost their immunity through good natural hygiene, diet and sunshine, vitamin C, D3, and perhaps herbal medicine, etc. I trained as a Nurse in California in 1983, when I saw what was in vaccines back THEN...I said to myself, "I took an oath to FIRST DO NO HARM" how can I give anyone this crap in their bloodstream??? So I left Nursing and have been shouting about how dangerous and what a lie vaccines are ever since! Please talk about this too! No vaccines make the healthiest children. Mine is among them!
01 May 2020 at 10:53 am
Good letter but fails to mention that mandatory va.ccination is also in complete breach of The Nuremburg Code of human rights.
Moreover if treating new CV victims with the blood plasma of recovered victims has been shown to cure them in three days, why isn't government doing this? No need for lockdown, economic ruin or Mr G.ates' dodgy vaccines. And let us not forget that Mr G.ates is a self-proclaimed de-populationist with no medical qualifications and a track record of killing and maiming many children in other countries though his polio and other v.accine ventures. He is not an elected leader for any country either yet has made WHO his mouthpiece through sheer wealth. Moreover our lockdown is based on the questionable medical models of a certain Dr Anthony Fauci (one man!) who could be completely wrong!
01 May 2020 at 11:46 am
The Consumer Protection Act 1987 also needs to be considered in any decision re m.andatory v.accination.
01 May 2020 at 4:03 pm
Thank you so much for making people aware of what is really going and the way the "elite" are manipulating us via the media which after all is run by them and acts as their mouthpiece to frighten and bamboozle people.
01 May 2020 at 4:10 pm
Thank you a million times for everything you are doing.
01 May 2020 at 4:34 pm
Fantastic! Very much needed. The whole vaccine subject was beginning to terrify me. I am delighted to believe we have a voice on the subject of transparency.. Thank you so much.
01 May 2020 at 4:54 pm
At last the powers that be might be forced to listen - I pray that one day the whole truth about vaccines will be out there for everyone to see and understand.
Thank you thank you a million times over. You are all true Heroes!!
01 May 2020 at 7:46 pm
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing up and speaking out for what is correct. We are all being controlled and manipulated. Losing our freedom of right and identity! We as humans respectfully preserve the rights to what we wish for. We will fight to the end, in every way possible. Thank you again for what you’ve done and are doing.
Gratitude and appreciation.
01 May 2020 at 8:56 pm
Thanks Rob!
02 May 2020 at 6:03 am
I love reading your newsletter every week.
It’s so gratifying to have a team as intelligent, articulate and “thoughtful” as you are to represent our position – to support our health as naturally and as sustainably as possible. It seems that there are none (or very very few) in Government, media or other positions of influence who can truly think intelligently for themselves any more. But maybe that’s what the Government have been striving for years to achieve – a docile flock of followers who will accept anything put to them!
Just recently in Australia a Doctor was interviewed on radio, and he relayed a comment (that I’ve heard often lately), that “we don’t yet know yet whether past infection with the Covid-19 virus actually affords the patient any immunity to a subsequent infection”… and then went on to say that “this highlights why a vaccine will be so critically important to enable society to get out of lockdown and back to normal”. (Another comment I’ve heard so often lately – mostly from our politicians.) Most people who were listening probably accepted that statement – certainly the interviewers did… but on critical evaluation, doesn’t the first statement (if true) automatically imply that a vaccine is also less likely to be effective at preventing illness from a real infection!!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but in simple terms doesn’t a vaccine work by (1) introducing an “image” of the virus (a dead, inactive or synthetic version of it) in conjunction with (2) adjuvants or antigens to stimulate the patient’s own immune system, so that in the event of contact with the real virus (3) their own immune system is pre prepared and already primed to respond to an infection more readily than it otherwise would! (As “Concerned Citizen” said the virus doesn’t magically fly over those who have been vaccinated to selectively seek out the unvaccinated.)
So if they are suggesting that our immune system might not afford us any immunity to a second bout of infection then the search for a vaccine is a complete waste of money and they should be focusing on finding an effective treatment that can be quickly rolled out to anyone who does become ill from infection… and for that they should probably start their search with elements from nature (Vit C/IVC, Vit D, Zinc, Potassium, Garlic and various other herbs, Silversol/Colloidal Silver) that have a long history of efficacy by various means without further harming the body’s ability to continue to fight for itself.
If we also consider that the likelihood of serious illness from infection is actually quite low… (which appears to be the case – but is something else that hasn’t yet been well established because the focus is on a vaccine rather than actually learning whether a vaccine is really needed at all – by determining through sufficient levels of testing – the true infection rate and therefore the relative numbers who became symptomatic at all, and then to what degree. After all it is only those who suffer relatively serious illness will probably need treatment.) … It becomes more apparent that the push for a vaccine (for all) rather than an effective treatment (for likely just a very few) is more about the long term commercial benefit to big pharma than anything to do with the health of the populace.
03 May 2020 at 3:14 pm
I have just forwarded this letter to my MP with an accompanying commentary:
Dear _______,
I am forwarding the excellent letter (attached) to Matt Hancock by Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Nautal Health International and Damien Downing of the British Society for Ecological Medicine requesting transparency over the introduction of any COVID-19 vaccines in response to the current crisis, and I would suggest that it is necessary for the Secretary of State to make clear undertakings rather than vague professions of good faith. The letter can be found here on-line [1].
It was well understood even in the 19th century how statistics could be distorted for political purposes, since when the methods have only become more sophisticated and ultimately potentially more obfuscating. The safety, usefulness and effectiveness of universal vaccines should have to be meticulously and transparently established, yet we advance at reckless pace. It is certain that none of the candidates will have long term testing and it is questionable who on the face of it they could sensibly be given to [2].
There are other matters of transparency which go beyond the Verkerk/Downing letter. For example, the unusual arrangement by which the Secretary of State is also the main shareholder in the Porton Down Lab (as is now well-known). It was distressing to see how the Secretary of State began pumping public money into the speculative Porton Down vaccine project in the early stages of the epidemic, while failing to ensure that the puplic were immediately protected [3] (we are now heading for the worst fatality rate of any country). On the 19 March Public Health England put out a statement that they no longer considered COVID-19 to be a high risk disease [4] and within a day we were facing lockdown. Not much more convincing, now, are tub thumping references to British innovation by the Business Secretary or the Prime Minister.
I must further point to the anomalous position of Prof Pollard, board member of the Jenner Foundation, head of the Oxford Vaccine Group, adviser to the MHRA, and chair of the JCVI. With the eruption of Kawasaki like symptoms in children with COVID-19 I was recently forced to note that Pollard's Bexsero Meningitis B vaccine, according to the manufacturer's data, may cause Kawasaki Disease in as many as 3 in 1,000 children [5]. Pollard was not only lead developer of the vaccine but recommended it for infant use at his second meeting as chair of the JCVI [6]. I take the view that it is not so much Prof Pollard who is to blame for this as the government, who evidently find this continuing situation expedient.
We know so far that the Porton/Oxford vaccine will not be tested against genuine placebo [7], so we start in bad place.
It is absolutely essential if we are going to have these products that the state operates by some conventional rules and this manifestly is not presently happening.
Please will you communicate my concern to the Secretary of State.
With best wishes,
John Stone
03 May 2020 at 8:09 pm
Thank you
For this letter and all the comments,it gives me hope and faith.
05 May 2020 at 12:49 pm
Thanks for creating the excellent and necessary open letter, and via your newsletter pointing me in the direction of such an inspiring scientist as Peter C. Gøtzsche. Another excellent source of rational science has been the Journeyman Pictures series, 'Perspectives on the Pandemic' (on Youtube) with scientists such as Knut Wittkowski and Dr John Ioannidis. I also think it's important to caution against inflammatory fake news, some of which finds its way into this comments section, such as Matt Hancock being the main shareholder of a vaccine company, or that one of the people involved in a Covid-19 vaccine trial had died. Such easily dismissed fake news (wherever it first comes from) is a gift to those who want to dismiss the question marks around the vaccination option.
22 May 2020 at 8:01 pm
This is so important! Thank you for voicing so many people's concerns and reservations! We need transparency from all areas of government, regulation, business practices, etc but health should be the first area where no vested interests or pressure to government decision making should be allowed to happen at all and cloud our ability to decide as citizens, because life is at risk. There are so many different ways of scientific analysis and they all should be on the table at the time of taking steps that involve the lives of millions of people. I feel that there is no debate but dictate! There is a dialogue that has been suffocated for decades! The dialogue of non-toxic, natural, healthy, holistic treatments, that time and again have been dismissed because they are not profitable or patentable. The dictate from big powerful pharmaceutical corporations who impose toxic drugs whatever the cost in lives and/or further ailment needs to stop, so we can start to dialogue and share scientific knowledge for the benefit of humanity.
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