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- ● Why?
- ● What?
- ● How?
- ● Where?
- ● 5G activism
The roll-out of genetically modified foods and animal feeds from 1996 is undoubtedly one of the biggest uncontrolled experiments of the modern era. But ploughing full-steam ahead with 5G, with precious little research on its potential impact to humans or wildlife, is at least its match.
Despite growing amounts of scientific data pointing to potential risks associated with increased exposure to new-to-nature radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) – plans to roll-out 5G across the world are accelerating at pace.
This piece takes you through a quick why, what, how and where of 5G, and then calls on you to become an activist so that together we can help stop the uncontrolled global roll-out of 5G – at least until we understand its implications on health and the environment.
Electronic communications of all kinds, from mobile phone reception, downloads and uploads, through to our connection to the Internet of Things (IoT), which opens up a host of opportunities for new technology like driverless cars, ‘smart cities’, unprecedented video streaming and augmented reality, would likely improve if 5G sees the light of day in around 2020. In essence, the telecoms industry and technology partners will be the biggest beneficiaries of the new technology that the public will be increasingly pressurised to adopt to cater for increasingly digital lifestyles.
While the public and businesses might benefit from better connectivity and less latency, the public is being told the technology is safe, despite the fact existing 4G technology is known to pose significant health and wildlife risks. Nor is the public being given the option to consider alternate technologies to improve digital transmission, such as the wider use of fibre optic landline networks that aren’t associated with the risks of RF-EMFs. The roll-out of 5G is entirely privately-driven and privately-led.
5G refers to ‘5th Generation’ wireless technology. New standards for 5G were agreed in 2017. While the standard will continue to rely on existing technology, especially 4G networks, it provides for new frequencies that utilise shorter wavelengths, so-called millimeter wave frequencies that were born out of military use. Very little information is known about how humans or wildlife might react to the predicted increase in exposure, especially to these new frequencies. It is thought that thin-skinned amphibians and insects might be at particular risk.
As it stands, there are increasing data showing dose-related non-thermal effects such as increased risk of cancer in humans and disruption to wildlife.
>> More information about potential 5G health risks.
Millimetre waves can’t penetrate through buildings, walls and other solid structures. As a result, 5G cellular networks require a mosaic (thousands, eventually millions and billions) of local, small cells (see information and photo of larger unit from RCR Wireless News) that both emit and receive signals 24/7.
These are planned along streets, lampposts, front yards – almost everywhere, especially where populations are dense. While 4G can support around 4000 devices per square kilometre, it’s estimated that 5G can support up to a million devices per square kilometre. On top of that, the number of satellites used to support 5G will likely go from around 2,000 used currently to some 20,000.
Humans were first exposed to RF-EMFs in the 20th century. But as the following figure by UK non-profit Powerwatch shows, there has been a dramatic increase in RF exposure in urban areas over the last decade, that is set to continue to increase exponentially.
Source: Powerwatch UK
Getting 5G fully up and running is fast becoming a race for supremacy. President Trump described “winning the race to be the world’s leader in providing 5G” as a “critical issue for our country’s future.”.
>> Find out more about 5G and the IoT
>> What you need to know about 5G wireless and ‘small’ cells
>> For more information about RF-EMF impacts on human health, refer to Powerwatch UK publications under “Radiofrequency EMFs and Health.”
>> Environmental Health Trust ‘Top Facts About 5G and Your Health’
It’s all about setting up test beds in cities in the real world – checking if all the technology works as claimed. AT&T’s first tests in 12 US cities certainly didn’t. As it’s privately controlled by the tech companies and because a race is on, don’t expect any detailed investigations about human health or wildlife impacts. In fact, Senator Blumenthal’s February hearing at the US Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee found there’s absolutely no money being expended on any research on health effects despite the massive increase in transmission and exposure by the projected mass of additional cells, antennae and satellites. That’s of course business as usual - there’s simply no desire on the part of stakeholders to spend money on research that might interfere with the roll-out plan and, anyway, there isn’t enough time to do anything meaningful given there’s a global technology race on.
The biggest stakeholder globally appears to be Huawei, which has invested more in the technology, including numerous patents, than any other company. It’s going flat out in Asia, with its sights set firmly on the Chinese and many other big markets. European players include Ericsson and Nokia.
In the US, the key actors include AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon. But there are huge hurdles in the way for US players, not least they are finding out that vehicles, foliage – and even a person’s hands – can block millimetre wave signals from 5G. That means even more cells inside and outside buildings, installing beam-forming transmitters that steer signals to devices, or opening up more mid-band wavelengths that don’t have all the transmission capacities of 5G.
Full roll out in the 5G race is expected between 2020 and 2023. According to the European 5G Observatory supported by the European Commission, there are numerous cities around the world at an advanced state of implementation (see cities marked with red dots on map below). Additionally, there are other countries that are in earlier stages of implementation (orange dots on map).
5G trials heat map. Red dots denote 5G trial cities at the most advanced stages of implementation. Source: European 5G Observatory – trial cities. Orange dots denote countries that have announced intention to conduct 5G trials.
>> More information about 5G in Simon Best’s Caduceus article, which also provides the source for many of the initiatives aimed at halting further 5G roll-out pending data on safety.
5G activism
There is a 5G disconnect. The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer regards the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from contemporary wireless networks as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”. There is ample evidence of environmental impacts, likely affecting pollinators such as honeybees. These very concerns caused Brussels to back out of its 5G trial. Despite the fact that exposures will increase, including exposures to an entirely new spectrum of high frequency millimeter waves, with a massive increase in small cell and satellite emitters, it is astonishing that a moratorium has not been imposed by governments. That leaves it to the people.
Please engage. Become a 5G activist – and protect our future.
International 5G Appeal
Sign the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space now! With well over 80,000 signatories from 168 organisations, including ANH’s Rob Verkerk as a scientist and ANH-Intl as an organisation – it’s time to let corporations and governments know that it’s not OK to roll-out 5G when it’s already known 4G poses significant health and environmental risks and 5G could increase these dramatically.
UK Green Party initiative
The British Green Party is the first political party in the UK to back a moratorium on 5G pending evidence of safety to humans and the environment. Check out the reasons given, along with the supporting paper here.
US Senate enquiry
In a hearing at the US Senate’s Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee in February, Senator Blumenthal (Democrat, Connecticut, USA) told the US senate that “I believe the American people deserve to know what the health effects are…We are flying blind here on health and safety”. At the hearing, he criticized the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – the agencies jointly responsible for the safe use of cellphone technologies – for inadequate answers during Senate hearing.
- Learn about background of hearing via Environmental Health Trust
- Senator Blumenthal press release, 7 February 2019
- See video of hearing below.
US 5G Day of Action
US citizens – join rallies in US cities being held on May 15th for the National 5G Day of Action (USA) being organized by Americans For Responsible Technology. We’re lending our support to this initiative and are an officially listed supporter of the Americans For Responsible Technology. We will be issuing more information about this important day via our social media channels. Find out where the rallies are here.
We've been notified today that our ad account that has allowed us to promote posts on Facebook and Instagram has been permanently blocked by Facebook with no reasons being given and no possibility of appeal. We therefore need to rely on our readers to help to share our posts with as many people as possible. If you've read this piece and support its general thrust, please forward it to as many of your contacts as you can without delay. Together we can make positive change - even in an increasingly censored society.
your voice counts
09 May 2019 at 6:11 am
Thank you for being willing to risk the Facebook censorship to get real health info out to concerned public..I will try to encourage my patients to subscribe direct!
09 May 2019 at 8:25 am
Hi Jackie
Thank you for your message of support and spreading the word to your patients. We really appreciate it.
Warm Regards
09 May 2019 at 8:34 am
How do you share your articles on Facebook? I can’t see a share button. Thanks
09 May 2019 at 8:54 am
Hi Julia - the share buttons should display on the side of your screen on a computer and at the bottom of the screen on a smartphone....let us know if you still have trouble....and thank you in advance for trying to share!
09 May 2019 at 10:07 am
You only see the buttons if you accepts Cookies...
09 May 2019 at 12:39 pm
Thanks Mark ;-)
09 May 2019 at 11:29 am
The ideas that drive and set global planning - such as has been emergent through Financial, Corporate, Medical, Political and Educational vectors of influence - are fundamentally accepted and given allegiance as policy to be enacted and enforced via a 'post truth' processes of manipulative deceit - that are not considered deceit by those who use the toolset - because they see a goal to be achieved, either of overriding evils to achieve a new order or system of control relative to such evils - or of survival set against extinction.
The 'Internment of Things' is an inherent infrastructure to an 'A.I' assisted real-time surveillance and control of all systems of energy exchange. Instead of the original Nature of Moving only as we are truly moved - and knowing or sharing the true in the fruits of our endeavours, we will have effected the BACKWARDS of only allowing movements that are officially accepted and permitted within the 'algorithm' of system dictate - as determined by system designers and managers through extended or amplified effect.
The development of systems running in place of and as substitute for conscious relational being is the development of a consciousness in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ( ~ Michael Ellner).
The implications of recognition and acceptance of the above are of waking to an already running systemic 'thinking' that is extended and magnified in its effect through such vectors of influence as SEEM to be causal and which we SEEM to be subject or victim to. Under which the hate or evil SEEMS to be an externality to be feared, resisted and overcome - but where the forms of such are fragmented and shifting perceptions set in polarised identity and reaction.
The cognitive dissonance is collective with a shifting focus in narrative controls of the attempt to manipulate and redistribute the psychic emotional energies of an insanity or 'backwards' attempt to engineer a substitute for Life in private agenda set upon the Whole.
That this is now a global agenda - fuelled and powered by a global development of consciousness as the intent of defining in order to predict and control - we have brought our 'private idea' to its collective conclusion or logical outcome in a living death under the degradation and depletion of the support for Life - such as to enact and effect our own destruction - not via CO2 - or as a result of 'vaccine hesitancy' or 'lack of pharmaceutical' or any other interventions claiming 'protection', but by invested identity in hates or evils under the mind of deceit - such as to SEEM to be set over and against them.
On a specific 5G issue - the nature of biological communications - (or rather of the nature of the principle of oneness or total communication - that can be pointed to, in the idea of the One in all its Parts - and all the Parts in the One), is of a limiting - and limited - rendering of the Life as the embodied realm of visibility and tangibility. In order to HAVE our human experience, we had to develop limiting structures by which to generate such experience, and without which the phrase Everything Everywhere refers to a Timeless, trans-dimensional quality of our being.
So in the attempt to escape a perceived mortal prison, we have been developing the prison - not the recognition of - and sharing in - the true of being.
Those adapted and invested in the escape from FEARED and hated life - call upon 'power' for control and give allegiance in return for 'protection'. But protection from 'knowing what we do' is not healing - but hiding the intent in the mind and the acts of 'others'.
There are fundamental self-honesties that are the predicate for conscious alignment and allegiance in Life that the 'systemic' of unconscious thinking 'in the world' is effecting a blocking and distorting signal against.
Rallying around any cause that in effect is joining in hate against an evil, is part of the sustaining of the evil in the guise of opposition. The mind of good and evil substitutes for - or usurps - the discernment of truth or the true discernment and alignment in the Living.
Wholeness, health and function are one. The attempt to be a private 'whole' set over and against a feared and hated chaos is the predicate to the driving force of a fear-driven agenda that SEEMS certain of its reality in terms of its persistence and sustainability - but only under the mind of a private or separate-self sense - protected from undoing of such investment and identity in true relational honesty. In other words the appearance and presentation of progress must be sustained by the protected, defended and necessarily hidden lie.
That 5g will operate collateral damage is no different in some sense to that mass vaccinations or pharma interventions already do - much of which is a slow death or degradation of functional expression. Their common root is in a global top-down imposition of suggestive persuasions that become legal mandate overriding the willingness or consent of any living being.
Seeking a better or more sustainable place on a sinking ship is still an allegiance to the idea that never could float. But there is a need for transitional support. In this sense the demonising of anything that another finds helpful denies them transitional support. At the true of our being, there is no law but what we give is the measure of our receiving - and that 'release as you would be released', allows what IS true to Rise of Itself to a shared appreciation.
If I seem over 'spiritual' or otherworldly of over abstract, that may take away from the recognition that all abilities and developed perspectives have a role and a place within the healing of a fragmented and conflicted psyche - according to the needs set by the terrain or specific contexts.
Because deceit is the core issue - and its sustainability is 'threatened' with 'destruction' by a rising truth, no science or reason will prevail AGAINST it - but CAN and must be utilised FOR healing.
Speak to the Living in ALL - regardless their current state of mind - but by attending the Living - let the dead deal with the dead concepts and systemic futility of the attempt to give them life and make it true.
Be a witness to that which shares of itself - and reversing the reversal of thought by moving only as you feel truly moved. This is a crash course in self-honesty - from which all our relations extend. The CRASH is HERE - but the course we choose to take is a choice - WHEN we wake to the willingness to move from fear to a desire to heal - and maintain vigilance AGAINST deceit that would re-interject itself as a blind fear-seeking protection.
I hold that we have invested in a mistaken identity - and defend it against all else - and at almost any cost - as our very lives - and that we do this together 'in the dark' and for the reward that it offers or that we still seek there.
Do we WANT to embrace Life? Or do we say we do under a guise of a private sense of terms and conditions set upon what it must be?
Fears rising to awareness can be 'whack-a-moled' piecemeal or systemically. But never healed thereby, only denied and delayed resolution. Buying time against an 'inevitable' by investment in the unsupportable.
But fear of truth or fear of love's awareness now, is but fear of Self - and that makes no sense - excepting to a self-sustaining self-evasion of self destructive denial and degradation. THAT then is what needs bringing to a true evaluation and account, so as to reintegrate the living and release what has no call or desire to live and hence no belonging in our embrace of Life now.
While I discern a love of life in ANH, I write in love to awakening in our true nature as the willingness of its movement of expression - which is unique to our particular circumstance in form - but unified in spirit or purpose. Let there Be Life!
09 May 2019 at 12:47 pm
Thanks for these considered thoughts, Brian. You indeed do correctly read that we have a deep love of life, in all its many, diverse forms. I wholeheartedly agree that we have choice to do and behave as we wish, but sometimes our choices become more limited by the actions of a few. A person may choose to live in a city among kindred spirits, but may not choose to be radiated by millimetre waves from 5G small cell networks. Being vocal and active in our bid to halt the roll-out of 5G is not acting in fear, but rather selecting a future that is preferable.
30 September 2021 at 10:23 am
If the receiver of the signal, the phone for example, has to emit the same RF signal as the sender - does this not place a greater responsibility on the use of the phone, as it is this that is always connected and close to the owner? As newer 5G signals still use RF waves, they are still forms of non-ionizing radiation, which is not thought to have the ability to directly damage DNA, but as you have stated does have questions an data that indicates it is not benign. This EMF group have a substantive background in related expertise But practically, this will happen, at least in densely populated areas, and phone management may be the simplest and fastest way to contian personal risk.
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