By Rob Verkerk, ANH founder, executive & scientific director, ANH-Intl and ANH-USA

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We’re at a pivotal moment in American politics that likely has significant ramifications for every human on the planet.

14-13. These numbers now carry weight beyond a simple tally—they symbolise a fierce battle for integrity, reform, and a leader unafraid to challenge the establishment. This narrow vote by the US Senate Finance Committee has set the stage for Robert F Kennedy Jr’s final test: a full Senate confirmation as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the coming days.

But forces are working overtime to block his path. The opposition machine is in high gear, deploying two key weapons: branding him as an ‘anti-vaxxer’ and questioning his legal battles against vaccine manufacturers.

Yet, is this really about public health—or is it about silencing a man who has spent decades taking on powerful interests?

RFK Jr, the “anti-vaxxer”

The first weapon is little more than a hollow attempt to tarnish his reputation. It’s about creating an emotional reaction, namely dismissal or rejection without any rationalisation of fact. Let’s think this through: When did someone who draws attention to the mistreatment of animals in industrial farming systems, or litigates against those who deliberately pollute waterways, or advocates for the removal of cancer-causing ingredients from kids’ school lunches get marginalised, ridiculed or be prevented from serving in high office because such actions are viewed as heinous? These are all things that RFK Jr has done and they are the very things that have caused so many to respect the man.

Somehow, using this same passion, perseverance and resolution to try to right the wrongs of big corporations when these corporations are vaccine makers and not chemical makers becomes a sin, of sorts. That’s because the establishment, using carefully planned socially programming techniques over several decades has managed to make criticism of vaccines a social taboo. Large numbers of people have come to accept that Kennedy’s criticism of vaccines is enough to make him unfit for office. It’s probably those worms (of porcine origin) in his head, you know. Yet, he’s vaccinated all of his own children and been vaccinated himself. His ‘sin’, it seems, has been to fight for the rights of the previously unheard HPV vaccine injured, and shine a light on the corruption and deception behind covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

In Kennedy’s own words from 2014, as editor of the New York bestseller, “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury--a Known Neurotoxin--from Vaccines” (co-authored by functional medicine doctor, Mark Hyman MD, a likely alternate to Kennedy if Kennedy isn’t confirmed):

“People who advocate for safer vaccines should not be marginalized or denounced as anti-vaccine. I am pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines have saved the lives of hundreds of millions of humans over the past century and that broad vaccine coverage is critical to public health. But I want our vaccines to be as safe as possible.”

The second accusation can be even more easily dispensed: following the two bruising rounds of Senate hearings, Kennedy has clarified in writing that “he will divest his financial stake in an ongoing civil lawsuit against a vaccine manufacturer.” He is of course referencing the Gardasil HPV case against Merck.

Much more to the man

I’m currently reading Kennedy’s new book “American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family” – which recounts both his personal, sometimes tumultuous, journey, his battle with addiction and the impact of the tragic losses of his father and uncle, all interwoven with some of the most significant moments in recent American history.

Peeling all of this back, and having someone heading HHS with this kind of rich background and experience, including someone who really understands addiction—a massive part of the health challenges faced in the US— and has emerged from that with a deep, spiritual connection, makes, in my mind, Bobby’s selection an even greater imperative for America at this time. Check out the Instagram post from MAHAaction below:

>>> Click here to watch the video clip.

These are among the reasons why we’ve been doing everything within our powers to help RFK Jr get over the line. The decision may well appear to be in the balance, but many of us sense the outcome—whatever it might be—will be the result of divine intervention.

Let me tell you about our last few days in January, stateside.

ANH in the US Senate

On 29th January, as ANH-USA, we hosted a ‘luncheon briefing’ at the US Senate’s Visitor Center to rally support for Bobby Kennedy’s confirmation as HHS secretary. We convened the discussion to: highlight the urgent need to pull corruption in the US agencies—especially the FDA—out of the shadows, shine a light on it to disinfect it and ensure ongoing transparency, and, finally, to reframe how Americans approach their health to help reverse America’s horrendous and ever-growing chronic disease crisis.

Central to our Senate event was the official launch of “The MAHA Mandate: Reversing America’s Chronic Disease Epidemic” that I wrote with our US General Counsel, Jonathan Emord, JD.

Three of us presented at the briefing: Ron Hoffman, MD, the President and Medical Director of our US organisation, Jonathan Emord, and myself. Reflecting on the significance of the occasion, Dr Hoffman stated:


 “It was exhilarating to see a broad coalition of natural health and health freedom advocates gather under the auspices of ANH at a press event supporting RFK Jr.’s confirmation as Secretary of HHS. Sharing the podium with Dr Rob Verkerk and Jonathan Emord, who delivered inspiring calls to action, was a true honour. We engaged with press attendees and took our campaign to the halls of Congress, encouraging senators to vote on behalf of millions calling for a transformation in healthcare. I’ve never felt more hopeful about the future of American healthcare!”

>>> Download the ANH-USA Media Kit from our Senate Briefing


“Having cleared this major hurdle, RFK Jr stands an increasingly strong chance of confirmation following the full Senate vote. This victory was won against all odds, with pharmaceutical and other special interests funnelling vast sums into senators’ pockets and negative PR campaigns aimed at discrediting him. His confirmation presents a rare opportunity to expose corruption and backroom dealings while shifting healthcare towards a holistic, patient-focused model that works with, rather than against, nature.”

US healthcare: the most expensive with among the worst outcomes

It’s become painfully clear that the American healthcare system is failing catastrophically. Despite spending more on healthcare than any other nation—close to 20% of GDP—the US ranks 49th globally for life expectancy. But that’s not the most worrying metric. The US sits a shocking 88th for healthy life expectancy and is destined to drop further to 106th in the world by 2050—unless we see major disruption of the existing health systems.

These figures aren’t conspiracy theory. They’re ones pulled together as part of the massive Global Burden of Disease program, the findings of which are widely published in mainstream journals like The Lancet. They originate from the Gates Foundation-funded, University of Washington’s Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Chronic diseases—many preventable through change in behaviour, lifestyle and dietary changes—continue to rise, exacerbated by a system that prioritises pharmaceutical interventions over genuine health promotion. Pharmaceutical interventions that turn out to be the third leading cause of death in America and Europe.

The reality is that Americans are getting sicker and sicker largely because of what, when and how they eat, what they breathe in or expose their skins to, how they respond to stress, how they do or don’t move, what kind of social relationships they have and….what they take to deal with their ill health (drugs) or their head space (drugs, often perversely described as ‘recreational’).   

Photos courtesy of Jim Halling Photography

Big Pharma’s attempted block

The biggest obstacle to RFK Jr’s confirmation is not the feasibility of his policies but the entrenched influence of big pharma and big food on The Hill.

A report by Big Cypress Research, released just before our Capitol Hill event and RFK Jr’s first confirmation hearing, exposes deep financial ties between Senate Finance and Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee members and the pharmaceutical industry. The report revealed that senators on both sides of the aisle have received significant donations from big pharma over their careers. Despite these financial ties, Republican senators still heeded the voices of their constituents—or their leadership—by voting for RFK Jr and against pharmaceutical interests.

Check out the numbers and the Senators…

Source of 3 images above: State Shield USA 
For further information on drug company donations to US politicians and parties, see 

With billions at stake, the pharmaceutical industry is determined to block RFK Jr’s confirmation, knowing his policies would expose their influence over the political and regulatory system and disrupt their profit-driven “business-with-disease” model.

Getting Bobby Kennedy into the most influential governmental seats of power will give us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This what Jonathan Emord had to say about it:


“The ANH event on Capitol Hill in support of Bobby Kennedy’s nomination sent a clear message to the Senate: Americans demand healthcare reform. Through The MAHA Mandate, we will prioritise the well-being of the American people—ensuring access to healthy foods and safe, effective treatments. ANH is actively pursuing reforms through petitions, lawsuits, and legislation. Four years from now, Americans will be far healthier. We believe the Senate will ultimately reflect the will of the people and confirm Bobby Kennedy.”

Restoring transparency and freedom in healthcare

Corporate influence over health policy is a key theme in our book, The MAHA Mandate. One of RFK Jr’s primary objectives as HHS Secretary will be to dismantle the corporate stronghold over federal health agencies.

With an annual budget of $1.7 trillion—one-quarter of total federal spending—HHS operates with little transparency in how these funds are allocated. This secrecy has contributed to major public health crises, including the opioid epidemic, which has resulted in over $50 billion in settlements—so far.

Additionally, public health agencies have collaborated with tech platforms to suppress “misinformation,” effectively censoring content that challenges government narratives on health and nutrition. This suppression narrows the debate and stifles honest discussions on complex and evolving scientific issues.

RFK Jr’s potential confirmation represents a critical moment for American healthcare—one that could shift the system away from corporate interests and towards a model that prioritises public health, transparency, and individual freedoms.


For all our friends in America, and all of those reading this who know Americans, please ask all Americans to send the Action Alert at the bottom of this lead piece in our US newsletter NOW to their Senators! Thank you.

Watch the ANH event in the US Senate in support of Robert F Kennedy Jr on Wednesday 29th January 2025:


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