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We unfortunately must let you know that last night we joined the hallowed halls of ‘the deplatformed’. As free speech in the West comes under ever greater threat, we have now come to accept that being cancelled from a social media platform is an ever more common occurrence, one that perversely almost comes with some kind of badge of honour if you’re still confident, as we are, of the truthfulness, relevance and integrity of the information you have communicated publicly.
It’s a concept that wasn’t was part of our vocabulary until last year, but now it’s just another addition to post-covid common parlance, along with lockdowns, tracking, tracing, pings and vaccine passports. Unsurprisingly, given its track record of blatant censorship over the last 17 months, the entity that meted out the deletion of our Alliance for Natural Health International channel was YouTube. The excuse for our third and lethal ‘strike’ was the video we released last week showing a compilation of factual, newsworthy clips from worldwide freedom rallies that took place on Saturday 24th July. Civil protests that are deliberately excluded from mainstream media attention. Peculiarly, YouTube claims the video violated its ‘medical misinformation policy’. But there was neither medical misinformation nor any medical information in this video. Our team has watched and re-watched the video and are still reeling from the way a Silicon Valley tech giant has decided to override even its own guidelines. It seems the tech giants will do whatever they wish if they want information off their platform when it doesn’t accord with the mainstream narrative they’ve signed up to arbitrate over.
We did see a single banner carried in protest bearing the word ivermectin on it and felt this might have been the excuse, probably one determined by a bot rather than a human. But that image was a reflection of a factual event, and it would be a pitiful reflection on freedom of expression if such protest banners were declared as ‘medical misinformation’ - especially when ivermectin has such a rapidly burgeoning evidence base (see here and here) to support its use for covid. We should never forget that peaceful protests have been central to delivering the relative state of freedom most of us in the West have long been able to enjoy - as well as being one of the supposedly protected, inalienable human rights.
YouTube may be feeling all powerful at the moment, but it takes more than a press of a button to stamp out a freedom movement that’s increasing exponentially on a daily basis. Practically speaking, and for the time being, it does however mean that you need to head over to our Brighteon channel to access our videos whilst we gather ourselves and regroup.
And please do share as many of them as you can in as many places as you can.
Free speech be dammed
We have clearly reached that watershed moment where free speech — protected in the US constitution by the First Amendment — is routinely being violated by US tech giants. YouTube’s deplatforming of the ANH-Intl channel was far from the first. Joseph Mercola’s site at has been viciously targeted and viewed as one of the major sources of so-called ‘medical misinformation’ by entities such as the Center for Countering Digitial Hate and the Vaccine Confidence Project. A closer look at the challenges typically reveals a pattern of Mercola simply relaying information that doesn’t coincide with the narrative governments, the mainstream media and tech giants are trying to uphold.
Try as they might to silence those who are prepared to speak out and stand up against the culture of fear, intimidation and tyranny now pervading the globe, to deplatform, malign, cancel, defame and slander for daring to question the mainstream narratives, like the many headed hydra, we will just come back stronger.
Dr Joseph Mercola circulated a poignant, heartfelt email yesterday, sharing something of the trials and tribulations he and his team have faced recently. Longtime natural health advocate, credited with helping millions of people over the last 25 years, Joseph Mercola, is now deemed to be the most dangerous purveyor of medical misinformation. Given the top position in the so-called ‘Disinformation Dozen’, a label created by the UK-based Center for Countering Digital Hate (which puts out more hate than it seems to counter), Mercola is now in the sights of none other than Joe Biden and the US’ 3 letter agencies. Following the latest hate piece in the New York Times, he announced today (04/08/2021) that he will continue to publish articles, but they will only be available for a 48-hour period. Just long enough for people to download and republish elsewhere! Guerrilla warfare at its best.
How high will the stakes go?
Barely a day goes by without news of yet more tyrannical restrictions and punishments for those choosing to stand up for freedom. The tone and tempo of the attacks on those speaking out has taken a sinister turn in recent weeks with the dial being turned up a number of notches in what seems like increasingly desperate attempts to silence those who stand for freedom.
Leading the charge is the newly formed Global Coalition for Digital Safety. No prizes for guessing that the seemingly ever present, World Economic Forum, is behind its creation.
An investigation by US-based organisation, Judicial Watch, has revealed the extent of the collusion between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Big Tech to squash anyone contradicting CDC messaging. The CDC’s reward? Just a mere $3.5 million dollars in free advertising across social media platforms to allow it distribute ‘scientifically accurate data’.
The censor’s axe is now extending to its mainstream media colleagues down under. Sky News Australia, operated by Australian News Channel Pty Ltd (ANC), a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, owned by media mogul Robert Murdoch, was banned from uploading content for a week by YouTube after old videos were reviewed and found to be a source of misinformation. Its digital editor, Jack Houghton, has called the suspension a “disturbing attack” on both human and media rights.
Veteran reporter, Alan Jones’, regular column has been pulled by the Daily Telegraph due to his covid-19 commentary. In the US, Fox News and Tucker Carlson are coming under increasing pressure as people are incited to sue them for sharing information to allow people to make informed decisions about the coronavirus crisis.
In the Philippines, President Duterte has warned those who refuse to be vaccinated will not be allowed to leave their homes.
In Australia, fines for not wearing a mask are being doubled amidst calls for harsher penalties to be introduced for anyone found to be spreading ‘misinformation’ online.
News has emerged that Singapore authorities have taken things one step further with police now able to enter homes and business premises without a warrant to check people are following coronavirus restrictions.
Medical authorities crackdown
It's a calamity for the progression of science now that open scientific debate is considered ‘medical misinformation’ particularly when such debate is being driven by well respected, eminent, scientists and doctors globally.
Doctors from around the globe have been speaking out in ever greater numbers via social media, online and in the media as they start to deal with patients suffering side-effects following receipt of covid vaccines. Increasingly, numbers are losing their medical licenses for speaking out. As a result, the screws are being turned on doctors and healthcare workers to keep stum and cover up evidence of the harms of the covid vaccines so people will continue to line up for the covid vaccines, regardless of either their need or their safety.
In a move that’s sent shockwaves through the medical community in the US, the Federation of State Medical Boards has said that any physician who expresses their concerns over covid vaccines will be in very real danger of being “…disciplined by state medical boards, including suspension or revocation of their medical licence” for spreading ‘misinformation’.
In the UK, Dr Sam White and Dr Iqbal Adil have both had their licence to practise suspended after they, separately, spoke out against covid restrictions and questioned the safety of covid vaccines.
An Israeli doctor, Arieh Avni, has permanently lost his medical licence. Both Belgium’s Order of Physicians and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario have said any doctor found to be spreading misinformation runs the risk of being suspended
In the US, respected cardiologist, Dr Peter McCullough, has stuck his head well and truly above the parapet, risking his career and reputation to highlight his concerns around the covid vaccinations, particularly of the young. His previous employer has filed a lawsuit against him in what has been deemed to be a politically motivated act by Dr McCullough’s lawyer.
The list grows ever longer by the day as appalled by all they’re seeing and the realisation that the situation is far from what it seems to be, more and more doctors and healthcare professionals are speaking out, regardless of the consequences.
David and Goliath tactics
In Italy, a group of MPs protested against the introduction of the ‘Green Pass’ covid vaccine certification system by rushing into the centre of the chamber shouting and waving signs reading ‘No Green Pass’.
France is bracing itself for a wave of economy-crippling strikes as French citizens say a very firm ‘Non’ to vaccine passports, following a strike at a hospital in Montelimar against mandated vaccination.
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them..."- Aldous Huxley
Sovereignty our best protection against coercion
The times we live in may seem dark, with the few rays of hope being extinguished by the day. Change is rarely easy or comfortable, but the emerging civil rights movement that is asking for the restoration of civil liberties and for covid-19 to be treated like any other infectious disease is growing stronger in response to the repression. More and more people are coming to the conclusion this isn’t just about a virus.
We ask you to please take heart, because all is by no means lost. The more the crackdowns happen, the more people wake up to what the real, unspoken agenda is really about.
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that will ultimately mean that freedom will once again be ours. The more they try to suppress the truth and the voices of those who dissent, the louder and stronger will be those voices, joined by others who wake to the outrage. The more of us who stand in quiet, determined, peaceful sovereignty, the more we create the world we wish to live in and leave behind for those following us. We have to stand up for and embody freedom in order to ensure its return to our world. Like our forebears did many times over to deliver many societies around the world we were happy, until very recently, to consider free, democratic and respectful.
>>> Previous articles for further reading: Dissent in the ranks; Big Tech censorship demands work-arounds; cronyism and censorship update
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your voice counts
05 August 2021 at 8:49 am
thank you for the work that you do.
I can hardly withstand it sometimes, meaning, what is going on in the world.
I've complained to YouTube a few times about their hypocrisy in what they censor...
The thing I am struggling with and slowly coming to grips with during this covid time is how people think and this includes myself.
I noticed this with a friend in Australia, Sydney, where they have to 'check-in' at supermarkets now. I get weird about all this because I think it is over done with all this and there are huge holes in how the technology is used or reportedly used by the Governments. I spoke with my niece in Melbourne, Australia and she said they now have to 'check-in' because there might be x new cases - sometimes only 7 people!!!
My friend in Sydney amazed me how she conformed. All good with me because I think we do what we do and if you want to take the vaccine, then do it. If you want to conform, then do it, if you don't want to conform then do it; make a clear decision for what ever reason.
What I found amazingly disturbing was how my friend in Sydney accepted all this with hardly a beep. She might be worried more for her parents and fair enough but she was also complaining about how many times she had to be tested and this is where I am gobsmacked... on one hand accepting the rules and the other hand complaining!!! I get it!! I love to complain... but when I suggested she turn off the 'tracking app' (which isn't a tracking app apparently!!) she said 'she cannot because the government says it should be on all the time'... I think 'huh!' Even while you live by yourself and are having a shower !!!????
I have realised with covid that this kind of 'acceptance' (which I have had myself but less and less now), drives me ****** crazy...
The other thing that my niece said was that in Melbourne, the health care system is so bad (I am sure the government and others would dispute this but I am quoting someone that lives there and has a child that requires regular attention) and that could be a reason why they go instantly in to lockdowns. The hospitals couldn't handle the numbers.
This was a moment of awareness for me and really makes me feel dumb when I think of it... but does the government really care about their citizens or are they trying to put on a good front and in the mean time hiding (trying to hide maybe) that the Health System is so ill equipped for any serious emergencies that it is easier to put people into lockdown!!!!
I live in Switzerland where we have more cases than Australia but we do not have the same lockdowns now. I realised months ago, despite my feeling imprisoned, that we actually have a lot of freedom (in amongst some dumbness) if one wants to take it! Interestingly enough we travelled to Germany the other week, I have been vaccinated (yes I thought about it and made a decision), and was never asked for proof on the train and only at the opera were we asked to show our vaccine papers and the App (Luka). Inside the Opera House I checked-in but was not asked to!! Sure, showing our tickets etc., is proof enough. I wanted to see how all this panned out. The Luka App stored my login details, for me to see at least, for 14 days and then it disappeared. People were wearing masks in the shops and some wore a mask in the street.
It showed to me how much the News propagates information to earn Money (if you get where I am coming from). I had expected some border control etc., etc., but nothing. So the News is always about how big the numbers and bad the situation is in Germany (and this might be in some places) but travelling to Stuttgart was so damned easy one could wonder if there was a problem with covid at all!!
(I hope by posting this some official doesn't change it).
I had a similar experience travelling to Paris during the terror attacks some years ago. Not once was I asked to show my passport or train ticket!! Yet the world was going crazy about this attack; the French government was promoting terror as the worst enemy of the people and yet I managed to travel twice to Paris without ever being asked for paperwork!!!!???
That is a tiny update from one individual and a bit of venting also, so thank you for the opportunity.
05 August 2021 at 10:59 am
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts Jamie. It's fascinating isn't how the media and authorities tell us one, but the reality is often very different!
Thank you for your support.
Warm wishes
05 August 2021 at 1:59 pm
An Aussie,
Your niece is correct in her statement about Medical and Hospitals in Australia. The standards started dropping
MANY, MANY years ago. One only uses the Dr for Blood tests to self-check where their health status is at - as a baseline, bearing in mind that many blood tests are fallible, one Dr told me 99% are.
But of course Drs have been trained to follow the Blood test results without much analytical thinking and write the mandatory Prescription(S). SADLY!
06 August 2021 at 3:49 pm
Thank you for the thumbs up about the Medical and Hospitals in Australia.
it was interesting in Switzerland at the beginning of the Epidemic, 2020, as the use of Masks was not promoted as much as some would have thought or wanted! Some months later it was revealed that there was not enough masks for the whole population. Then later on, masks were pushed. What I found interesting was the whole slant, in general, on Fake News. It seems that a government and lie about something and not promote something because it is in their own good but later it is not reflected and renamed as Fake News!! Yet, if I posted on my FaceBook page 'masks do nothing' like we were told originally, I would, I only can guess here as no actually experience, be labelled as a Fake News promoter!! It is all over now but, despite having some friends that are politicians, I am not a big believer in what governments say. The Swiss would have been better to just say outright - wear a mask no matter what it is made out of!'.
05 August 2021 at 2:19 pm
Until I read this rather sad commentary I hadn’t realised the enormity of what rational seekers of alternative information on vaccines are now up against, and the powerful institutional forces ranged against common sense.
Ive long been familiar with the simplistic and rather gleeful hypocrisy of the CCDH, but hadn’t even heard of the Vaccine Confidence Project until now. Looking at the list of their 22 high powered staff (the majority boasting a PhD), it’s clear that studying ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and using information science and psychology to resist it has become a viable career choice. What is of concern throughout however is the implicit, unquestioning, uncritical, assumption that pours out of the web site that vaccine is an unequivocal ‘good’, and that resistance to the idea is at best misinformed and at worst delusional.
To the contrary Ive always found ANH commentary rational, evidence based, non confrontational, with an honest agenda offering people an alternative path to long term health. I’m just astonished that you are being deplatformed. If you are being targeted then no one is safe.
05 August 2021 at 7:15 pm
Thank you Henry, we so appreciate your comment and your compliment. We really do strive daily to uphold our principles of 'good science and good law', but Big Tech is clearly now above the law and just making it up as they go along.
However, throughout history suppression has never been a winning tactic, neither will be it be again. The rampant censorship and the haste with which these new so-called authoritative groups are being thrown up smacks of desperation - no matter how many PhDs are shoring them up. It is all a matter of time. A very wise old health freedom guru shared a piece of wisdom nearly 20 years ago when ANH started. He said simply, to always be the straight stick and in time all the crooked ones will fall by the wayside. We've watched it happen time and again over the years and are sure this will be no different.
05 August 2021 at 6:43 pm
Saw that coming.
So did Orwell.
05 August 2021 at 7:05 pm
Yes, Will, so did we, which why we got ourselves so sorted over on Brighteon a few months back. We shouldn't need to though if the basic right of free speech was being upheld. That fact that it is not in the most arbitrary of ways will hopefully find a way to send a message to those that still think that this is still just a health issue involving a virus.
We are undeterred, resolute and resilient. Onwards!
Warm wishes
Your voice counts
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