Shaken by surges in recorded infections in the US and Brazil, the two countries that have the highest current rates of confirmed Covid-19 cases, many are looking ever more eagerly at the prospect of a vaccine. But tracking the number of confirmed cases tells us little about whether an infectious disease is or is not out of control. On the other hand, serious disease that cannot be managed or treated, along with a marked escalation in the numbers dying, tells us much more.
There is a definite excess of death in the US, but a closer look at figures from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that the excess of around 100,000 deaths is heavily biased towards some states, in particular New York City, New Jersey and New York State. Excess deaths in California are only around 4,000 so far, and only 11 of 50 states have experienced excess mortalities in excess of 2,000.
So while the world is crying out for a vaccine, we must recognise that even in the country with the largest number of recorded cases and associated deaths, the virus does not appear to be presenting the danger to us that is often portrayed. Infecting healthy people is in fact the path to getting the virus in check, to being able to resume normal lives, an approach that has been controversially (but sensibly in our view) followed by Sweden.
We must remain vigilant in monitoring deaths. Because deaths caused by Covid are not being reported accurately, we must in particular monitor excess deaths. In the vast majority of countries in the world, the number of cases, Covid associated deaths and excess mortalities are levelling out. That of course doesn’t mean infection rates won’t increase later in the year, but they are more likely to increase where smaller numbers of people have been exposed.
In the meantime, it is staggering, in our view, just how little meaningful information is being communicated by the mainstream media about the vaccine race that is running full-speed ahead in the background. The public is being teased by the prospect of a safe and effective vaccine. Yet it’s not being told that the vaccine to which it will likely be exposed will probably be genetically engineered. In many countries in the world, you can’t sell a food that contains genetically engineered plants unless you state that it contains GMOs on the label. What about vaccines that go straight into your bloodstream?
The public may well be told as soon as September that one or more vaccines ‘work,’ yet, without grassroots and political pressure, will it be told on what basis this decision to claim effectiveness was based? Extraordinarily, the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has just determined there is insufficient evidence to recommend vitamin D supplementation to reduce the risk of serious disease, despite the UK having among the highest rates of vitamin D deficiency in Europe. What will NICE have to say about a Covid vaccine, based on what evidence?
>>> Download UK vaccine transparency manifesto flyer as PDF
>>> Download international vaccine transparency manifesto flyer as PDF
While vaccine companies are claiming they’re going into manufacture on a non-profit basis, is this really going to be the case if Covid antigens get added to the winter flu shot some time in the future?
How much of this vaccine race is being stage-managed by Bill Gates? Will he turn out to be the hero – or perhaps the villain?
In the 25-minute documentary we showcase below, produced in-house by our newly established media unit, we expose the 15 questions we think everyone should know before they roll up their sleeves, or those of their loved ones.
The solution, we believe, is simple, yet one that needs to be fought for. It’s genuine vaccine transparency, not just lip service to the concept. Over the last 20 years of vaccine development, transparency policies established by vaccine makers and regulators have been unfit for their purpose. If we care about our future, we can’t let lack of transparency impede our fundamental right to informed consent.
>>> Please share the video below widely. Your sharing of this video is crucial as we anticipate heavy censorship from social media platforms on the basis of alleged breaches of ‘community standards’. We wonder to which community they might refer given the bulk of the information relayed in the video is either established fact or is sourced from reputable scientific journals. Thank you for your help in sharing our content.
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your voice counts
03 July 2020 at 10:14 am
With the widespread trust and unquestioning acceptance of authority in the population, perhaps we shall have to wait until a major devastating health problem arises from any new vaccination program before we all wake up to our individual responsibilities. Unfortunately, such adverse effects of medical treatment usually take time to manifest, and by then it is difficult to clearly place the blame on the medical intervention. Currently, there is an ongoing discussion of the possible link between autism and mass vaccination that is being suppressed by governments and commercial interests. We can only hope wisdom will prevail over commercial pressures and simplistic health solutions.
03 July 2020 at 12:47 pm
An excellent video which asks all the key questions we as the public need answers to. The case for mandatory vaccination is not only uproven but down right dangerous given the track record inparticular of the Gates Foundation. Here in the UK we seem to have a Government of Occupation determined to steam roller our civil liberties and human rights in the name of public safety. This I fear is a smoke screen for the World Economic Forum agenda to subjugate mankind.
03 July 2020 at 7:29 pm
I think that the problem is even more serious.
1. The PCR Test is scientifically meaningless because the samples are not filtered and they don't have a golden copy of a SARS-COV-2 virus (meaning isolated virus that has been genetically scanned and/or injected into a living entity to replicate the symptoms)
2. According to Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association, European pathologists haven’t identified any antibodies that are specific for SARS-CoV-2
3. As well, Dr. Alexov observed there is no proof from autopsies that anyone deemed to have been infected with the novel coronavirus died only from an inflammatory reaction sparked by the virus (presenting as interstitial pneumonia) rather than from other potentially fatal diseases.
4. Even in Sweden where the media has been fear mongering by talking about the deaths per capita. If you look at the statistics on death per age due to coronavirus, only 4% are in persons below 60 years of age. The highest deaths are in people between 70-79 and 80-90 years. As well, we know that more than 50% of those deaths took place in senior care facilities where seniors who started to appear ill were NOT taken to hospitals to be cared for.
Science has taken a back seat to the need to drive the narrative that we need to be locked down. Even if you look at deaths up until week 16 the total deaths was basically within the same range for a bad seasonal flu. The total deaths registered in England and Wales in 2020 overtook the total deaths by the same point in 2018. After 16 weeks, 207,301 deaths had been registered in 2020, compared with 198,943 after 16 weeks of 2018. Only in week 17 did we see a significant jump. Figures for the first 17 weeks of 2020 show that 229,294 deaths were registered, compared with 209,249 people in the first 17 weeks of 2018. This is rather bizarre given that it was back in March and April that we saw the spike in deaths supposedly from Covid-19. It would be interesting to see the causes of deaths over the last couple of weeks to determine the reasons behind the spike since we were only coming out of lockdown at that time.
03 July 2020 at 10:59 pm
Another superb video, thank you ANH. I still can't believe how this government has been brainwashed down the vaccine is the only cure route, it beggars belief. To me this lock down has been engineered to force the vaccines. I'm just an ordinary person who took an interest in vaccines after a vet made my dog very ill. Hundreds of dogs die every year and many thousands have adverse reactions to the various annual vaccines yet the government insist they are safe. If we are not careful our health too will suffer from this government's blindness.
15 March 2024 at 7:06 pm
march 15 2024 I feel sick listening to this audio and now the video. can it be revisited with the reality of what happened examples being interlaced with this original 'prediction'. no transparency , mega injury and death, minimal safety regulations followed and ABSOLUTELY NO INFORMED CONSENT FOR THE "Gene Therapy " admitted in public by the vaccine mafia. Your resume and outline of the processes in 2020 was right on the button, and your fears were well founded. we the public were subjected to the Mass formation project fear psycho brainwash from which many have not emerged. I was a brainwashed but when i saw the light I was horrified that our governments round the world could be so anti their populations that I will keep fighting to inform any and all in my sphere or in social media and will not rest till i see the perpetrators in courts round the world. this video/audio is incredible if horrifyiing looking in the rear view mirror. jennifer price
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