Dr Jackie Stone, a primary care doctor in Harare, Zimbabwe, ostensibly went 'rogue' when covid hit by instituting a protocol to save the lives of patients who's contracted covid. She says the day ivermectin was added to the protocol, was the day people stopped dying due to covid.

Rather than celebrating her ingenuity, courage and initiative in saving people’s lives, powerful forces instead dragged her through the courts 27 times ultimately taking away the essence of her being by removing her medical licence.

She was reported by a British professor from the Wellcome Foundation for daring to help people. In her last recorded,  deeply moving, interview (video extract below), she blames her erasure from the medical system on entities outside of the Zimbabwe government. 

Jackie Stone (1965-2024) BSc Med Hons (Biochem), MbChB, MRCP, FRACGP, D Av Med, FACAsM, Primary Care physician, hosting the Healing in Africa summit in September (2024) at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Click here to watch Jackie’s inspiring introduction to the summit, the full video is below.

On the 3rd October, Jackie saw no way out, she lost the will to continue the fight against those supra-national forces that had waged a war against good medicine—and her. As a result, tragically, she decided to take her own life. A loss not only to those who knew her, her friends and family, but to the people of Zimbabwe, Africa, and beyond.

Dr. Jackie Stone was an internationally respected and highly credentialed, medical doctor and biochemist. She was a Medical Director and Clinical Lead in Sub-Saharan Africa, Intellectus Campus Zimbabwe and a senior fellow specialising in holistic and integrative medicine based in Zimbabwe. She graduated cum laude with an MBChB from the University of Cape Town and pursued an honours degree in medical biochemistry and molecular genetics. She had extensive experience in travel, aviation, and rural and remote medicine.

She was also a founding member of The Hope Accord, which calls for an immediate suspension of covid mRNA vaccines, a comprehensive review of the safety and efficacy of all covid vaccines, immediate recognition and support for those injured by covid vaccine products, restoration of medical ethics and an investigation into what went wrong. You can sign the Hope Accord as a professional or concerned citizen.

One in a million or more

For over a year, she worked closely with our founder Rob Verkerk when Rob co-chaired, with South African doctor, Dr Naseeba Kathrada, the Science & Medical Committee of the World Council for Health, at the height of the pandemic and during the early roll-out of covid vaccines.

On hearing the news of Jackie's passing, Rob said, "Jackie was one of the deepest thinking, most solution-based, courageous doctors I have ever known. She embodied the Hippocratic principle of primum non nocere — "first do no harm" — like few others. She had an incredibly deep sense of caring for people, for her patients, for the people of Africa. There are no words to explain what a loss this is. We cannot afford to let any others in her position feel the lack of hope she must have felt in her last days. That is her legacy that we must now carry forward." 

"They’ve erased us and it’s been so easy. And that for me is the most frightening thing..."

- Dr Jackie Stone BSc Med Hons (Biochem), MBChB, MECP, FRACGP, D Av Med, FACAsM, Primary Care physician, Harare, Zimbabwe

Following is an extract from the last interview (click on the image to watch the video) that she gave, after hosting the Healing in Africa summit at Victoria Falls in September, the month before her passing. 

Video from Healing in Africa Summit, Victoria Falls

The removal of her ability to practice medicine, along with the recent loss of her job, took away a part of her soul as she came to believe that the forces we oppose are too powerful to counter the reality that we’re living in some very difficult to explain times. Dr Stone said she doesn’t know what can be done about it, expressing her frustration at doctors being replaced by AI, patients losing trust in medical systems and looking for alternatives that are kept hidden from them.

Dr Stone never stopped fighting for the lives of the people she was treating.

One day people around the world will come to understand her legacy and all that she stood and fought for.

Fly free, Dr Jackie Stone (1965-2024).

Song for Jackie

These words have been adapted from a song called ‘Archangel’ written by musician Matthew Long, frontman of Catfish, who died recently aged just 29 from an aggressive cancer that proved unstoppable:


We can't keep you here
You can't stand the pain
Even though we still need you
And the tears fall like rain

Although this goodbye
Tears us up inside
We know you will be
Forever at our side

Just slip away
As we remain
To remember you as you were

So lay down to rest
Let yourself go
Be that eternal friend of ours
We’ll sing you a song
One final time
Be that archangel here by our side.

Other Tributes to Dr Jackie Stone

A Eulogy to Dr Jackie Stone
By Dr E V Rapiti, Cape Town, Sunday 6th October, 2024

When Tyranny Is in Vogue + Honoring Dr. Jackie Stone (1965–2024)
Jackie’s Final Interview + Special Messages from Lisa Henry & Sean B. Flanagan
Margaret Anna Alice, Lisa Henry, and SeanBFlanagan

Dr Phillip McMillan with Dr Christian Buckland and Dr Kat Lindley pay tribute to Dr Jackie Stone

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