It was with deep sadness that we learnt of the death, last Thursday, of Ian R Crane, one of the world’s most outspoken freedom advocates, after a battle with cancer.
Ian was a former oil industry executive turned activist. While he initially turned his attention to peak oil, he went on to be a frontline activist exposing the fracking industry’s agenda, using his insider knowledge to lead protests and successful legal challenges, most notably against IGas and Cuadrilla. His film ‘Voices from the Gasfields’ brought the full extent of the damage being caused by the hydrocarbon industry to the public’s view.
Humanity vs Insanity: The Crane Report broadcast on UK Column gave Ian a platform from which to tackle a range of other issues, including threats to natural health, to subconscious human programming and the often unspoken agenda to transition from government by sovereign nations to global governance.
He founded the popular Alternative View (AV) conferences which brought together a diverse range of often controversial speakers from around the world. By his detractors, or those caught in the cross-hairs of the issues he exposed, Ian was of course viewed as a conspiracy theorist, despite, very often, delivering one conspiracy fact after another. This perspective helped shape the title and nature of Rob Verkerk’s presentation at the inaugural AV event in Totnes back in 2008 – ‘Codex Alimentarius – the conspiracy that is no longer a theory’.
More recently he fought for the freedom of David Noakes and Lynn Thyer who were extradited to France on charges related to the production of controversial cancer treatment, GcMAF.
Ian saw himself as a truthseeker. He was also an investigative journalist and broadcaster, the likes of which are becoming increasingly rare in this day and age. A larger-than-life character who wasn’t shy about airing his thoughts, however controversial. He was known and loved for his energy and passion by the many thousands who shared his views. He was also marginalised by those who didn’t want to engage with the implications of the many important issues he raised. He may not have been right on everything – but very few are, especially when we look at world leaders or those heading board rooms of the wold’s biggest corporations.
What Ian had in spades was the courage of his convictions, standing up for what he believed to be right regardless of what others may have thought. He was a man who did his best to walk his talk right to the end.
Our thoughts are with Ian’s family at this time. Like them, it’s now for others to pick up the mantle – otherwise an important gap, representing the increasingly silenced voices of dissent, will be left.
We leave you with two memorable presentations.
The first is David Noakes’ extraordinary explanation of his and Lyn Thyler’s conviction around GcMAF.
David Noakes presentation at AV10, ‘GcMAF, Big Pharma & The Persecution of David Noakes & Lyn Thyer’ (18 May 2019)
The second is an engaging presentation Ian gave in Denmark in 2012 on a subject that was of great concern to him, subconscious human programming.
Ian Crane presents ‘Exposing Human Programming ... stepping out of the Matrix!’ (Sept 2012)
your voice counts
04 March 2021 at 11:12 am
I was deeply saddened to receive the news of Ian R Crane’s passing, I attended a few of his talks and the AV conference in Totnes.
He was a leading light in the world of alternative thinking, a man of integrity, another special light has been extinguished and the world will be a poorer place without him.
Could I ask you to please pass this on to his family as I have no direct contact with them.
04 March 2021 at 12:18 pm
Hi Pauline, thanks for your message. I will see what I can do to pass on your thoughts.
Warm regards
04 March 2021 at 1:13 pm
Thank you 😊
05 March 2021 at 7:39 pm
I too was so saddened to hear Ian R Crane has died, he gave some wonderful talks in my home area (South Devon).
I have though, just watched the above presentation given in 2012, and have found it the most inspiring and insightful video I have seen in many months - I find it is even more poignant now than 8 years ago. I am left with hope and optimism in spite of the enormity of what we are all facing.
Thank you so much for posting it
Warm wishes
13 March 2021 at 2:32 pm
So very sad about Mr. Crane's passing. I just heard minutes ago. He was a wonderful man who enlightened so many. I have no doubt if there is a way, he will still be working for us from the other side, only now with ultimate enlightenment. Sincere sympathy to his family on their great loss, and ours.
11 September 2021 at 7:18 am
So sad to hear about Ian's untimely passing away. Ian was a true freedom fighter, he was working the way the overpaid corrupt journalists of the west ought to be working. God Bless him
13 December 2021 at 5:42 pm
I have only recently tripped over this notification and acknowledgement of Ian's life work in his last career. I spent much of my life presenting technology to businesses to make large changes in the City of London and industry too, and for this reason I was extraordinarily impressed by Ian's professional and bubbly personality. His demeanour was appropriate for the subjects his passion and intellect was attracted to and I was well informed and entertained by what I can sincerely describe as a very professional researcher and presenter. I looked forward to his many videos, short or long and tried to not mis any but recent events with the other Big 'C' in all our lives was and is distracting. On this last subject matter, Ian is missed as his contributions would have swayed many people to see more clearly that the King, still does wear clothes...
13 December 2021 at 5:46 pm
TYPO ERROR in my comments - due to having to type with upside down hands (nails) due to a tree sap that has contaminated my finger tips...sorry for that as final paragrapgh should read:
...On this last subject matter, Ian is missed as his contributions would have swayed many people to see more clearly that the King, still does NOT wear clothes...Ian made me correct the typo...!!
15 January 2024 at 11:14 am
I love to come back here and listen to Ian again. This video snapped me out. I met him briefly and so glad I spent a little bit of time in this man's presence. A hero. An inspiration. MIssed but never forgotten.
Your voice counts
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