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On Thursday 20th October 2022, the inaugural meeting of the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Covid-19 Vaccine Damage (APPG), sponsored and led by the Rt Hon Sir Christopher Chope, Conservative MP for Christchurch, took place in Westminster, London.
The AAPG’s overriding purpose is to:
- Ensure scrutiny of the safety profile of Covid-19 vaccinations
- Provide a forum for those harmed or bereaved from Covid-19 vaccinations and review financial arrangements available to them
- To ensure that the health services respond, and
- Provide care to those who have continuing conditions caused by injuries attributed to Covid-19 vaccinations.
This meeting was many months in the making, being driven by the proactive dedication of vaccine-injured people and bereaved families at UK CV Family initially and, then joined by VIB UK, along with their support bases.
A year ago, it was unlikely that the UK Parliament would have hosted such an APPG, or facilitated such a meeting. It’s understandable, given the subject matter, especially in light of the ‘safe & effective’ jab tag that’s been repeated ad nauseum everywhere, that there was a great deal of hope invested in the potential outcome.
To the covid jab-injured, who have so often found themselves denied, marginalised and ostracised, it finally seemed as if the UK government was ready to listen to them.
But were they?
ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, spoke to British psychologist, Christian Buckland PhD, and the C19 vaccine injured co-founder of UK CV Family, Charlet Crichton, for a de-brief. You’ll find a 15 minute video of their discussion below.
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New UK APPG forum for covid-19 vaccine damage – a missed opportunity?
At the start of the meeting, hopes of a fair hearing for the vaccine-injured were high. Such was the interest, there was standing room only in the public seats and around 120 people attending. However, due to the cancellation of the original date for the meeting because of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and extremely short notice of the new date (just 7 days, including a weekend!), only 5 out of the 60 plus MPs that were due to be there, were able to be in attendance. All were from the Conservative Party, MPs from other the parties conspicuous in their absence. The attending MPs included Sir Christopher Chope, who was chairing the meeting, Sir Desmond Swayne, Sir Jeremy Wright, Danny Kruger and Leicester MP, Andy Bridgen.
If you’ve watched the video above, you’ll know that the vaccine-injured, and those who’d lost family to covid vaccine injury (c.30-40 of the 120 present), were not there to voice the reality of their injuries. Instead, their aim was to deliver documents and information clarifying what they see as necessary support – particularly in financial and medical terms. But they also consider it essential that there is much better awareness in the medical and wider community of the role C19 vaccines are playing in generating the injuries. They sat in the front rows of the APPG waiting for the opportunity to deliver their message and the extensive documentation they had spent months compiling. To little avail.
Their opportunity was scuppered in part because the guest speaker, Dr Aseem Malhotra, took 40 minutes to deliver his allocated 20 minute presentation that was intended to be in support of the needs of the injured parties. In fact, the presentation was a repeat of one he’d already given at a recent, recorded press conference that barely mentioned vaccine injury. Then others, not on the speaker’s schedule, stepped up to air opinions that in some cases were unrelated to the APPG’s purpose, abbreviating the time available to the vaccine-injured even further. Frustrations spilled over and tempers frayed as expectations of a fair hearing, following months of hard work, were dashed. You could call it inexperienced time-keeping and over-enthusiastic delivery, with, not unexpectedly, the loudest (and most often-heard voices) winning out.
It's understandable that the injured group felt angry and bitter and quite rightly, insisted on being heard. Given their state of health, many had struggled to travel and attend the meeting in person. By the time they got to speak, they referred to themselves as “the little people”, emphasising further just how marginalised and neglected they felt. Whilst personal stories were not on the initial agenda, some were now shared to open the minds of those in the room to the tragedy and heartbreak being experienced by a group who feel distanced and unsupported by society, as well as abandoned by the system.
Many are on the verge of losing their homes due to the extreme financial challenges facing them and the difficulty of receiving appropriate or timely compensation from the UKs Vaccine Damage Payment scheme. In some cases, this is even the case where vaccine injury was indicated as the cause of death on death certificates. Rubbing further salt into deep wounds, it has become apparent that vaccine injury data are being removed from the UK MHRA’s Yellow Card database.
Next steps, rather than giant strides
To date, in the UK, the Yellow Card Scheme has received around 500,000 reports of adverse events associated with C19 ‘vaccines’. Previous vaccines have been withdrawn on the evidence of far fewer injuries and deaths. Yet authorities continue to deny the potential for harm, even lethality, of the new technology used in covid jabs (notably mRNA and adenoviral vector platforms) and double-down to keep pushing boosters on a vulnerable and healthy sectors of the public.
Science works by challenge, and the science behind the vaccines has not been allowed to be challenged.- Andrew Bridgen, MP, North West Leicestershire
In his summary, Sir Christopher, who’s help and dedication to the vaccine-injured has been invaluable to the cause, did admit that the Government was at fault in the misadministration of the Vaccine Damage Payment scheme. He has apparently been assured that it will all be sorted within 12-months and added that the Government is claiming that it had experienced a delay in receiving medical records from GPs and hospitals. This was hotly refuted by the injured in the room, who affirmed that there had been no delays and asked what more evidence they might need when a death certificate states the vaccine as cause of death.
Sir Christopher indicated he would like to see the scheme extended to all vaccines, in an attempt to make the Government more vigilant in future. He also admitted that the mainstream media had done a very poor job in disseminating balanced and relevant information to the public.
Sir Christopher concluded the meeting by saying that the APPG would prepare an official statement which would be made available to all who attended. Also, that he has a Private Members’ bill going through Parliament and there was also a debate on Monday 24th October as a result of a petition which gained over 100,000 signatures. This is the democratic process, but it’s far too slow for those that are injured and in need of financial support and to keep a roof over their heads now.
The meeting should have been a positive, progressive and safe space for the covid vaccine-injured and bereaved families to, at last, be heard. Instead, they were crowded out, spoken for, diminished and pushed to the outer margins again. Whilst huge thanks need to go to Sir Christopher for getting this incredibly important and urgent topic onto the democratic agenda, lessons must be learned from this first APPG meeting.
We MUST listen to those who are living the reality of covid vaccine injury, who will also be the first to understand unmet needs as well as health-related treatments that are working or not working. It is also critical that GPs, A&E teams and paramedics, that represent the most likely health professionals to first encounter serious cases of vaccine injury, are given more support and training given the current absence of any NICE guidelines for covid vaccine injury. Somewhat ironically, NICE does offer guidance on countering covid-19 vaccine hesitancy.
>>> With our thanks to Rachel Nicoll PhD for her attendance and feedback from the APPG meeting, which we’ve incorporated into this article.
your voice counts
29 October 2022 at 11:47 am
Governments are the least efficient organisms in society. Compare the profits of corporations with those of government. The latter achieves little but spends a lot of the people's incomes.
The theory is that governments are supposed to represent and defend the interests of the majority (democracy) while autocracies maintain the highest operating efficiency of the few. When the forces of commercialism dominate the government, protecting the +50% majority collapses.
On another level, government policies that achieve a higher than 50% success rate with any policy they act on (such as vaccinations to prevent death by disease) are fulfilling their theoretical objective. There will always be a small percentage of people who are adversely by these wide-ranging actions which blanket an entire society. No matter how safe one manufactures a product, or sets in place safety standards, ( e.g. not everyone is dying from automobile or aircraft crashes, poor house construction methods, or any other form of widespread set of rules regulated across millions of people).
Government does not protect all the people all the time. Society is a mass of diversity in the human form. There will always be victims who fall prey to the +1-2% rule of adverse effects. However, fewer have died from polio, typhoid, tetanus, influenza, hepatitis B and A, rubella, hib, Covid, measles and other diseases than might have without a vaccine. Perhaps hundreds of millions of people. If a vaccine is successfully developed for all forms of Ebola and Malaria, tens of millions more people might be saved.
All this doesn't mean Verkerk and Aldridge are wrong about shining a spotlight on adverse effects of Covid vaccines. But the challenge will always be up against the positive effects that most people are better protected against serious diseases than not.
Where Verkerk and Aldridge are missionaries trying to prevent future disease in society by altering the food chain, they are leaders defying the dark science of nutritional manipulation. Here they are leading scientists and adversaries with a positive goal for the majority of society - something the government is failing to protect. Bravo to them!
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