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Rob Verkerk PhD, founder, executive and scientific director
Two Australian academics working with the Foundation for Economic Education, Mark Hornshaw and Zachary Gorman, characterise the police action on lockdown dissenters in the state of Victoria, Australia, as “perhaps the developed world’s most oppressive and mean-spirited overreaction from the government in response to the COVID virus.”
Referencing just a selection of recent acts, they explain, “Police in riot gear are forcefully clearing out farmers markets, harassing elderly women for sitting on a park bench, snatching infants in strollers from fathers, and fining people for catching a bus without a ‘work permit.’”
Citizens in dozens of countries around the globe have seen extremes of government over-reach, albeit most more moderate than those enacted by the Victorian state government. For a growing number of us, the actions that most major governments are taking appear disproportionate to the disease in question.
Licensed to kill
Being licensed to kill is not just the stuff of James Bond movies – it’s real life. So it’s interesting that the UK has, during these unsettled times, chosen to turn into legal statute an existing power that permits government agents to kill and torture people in ways that would otherwise constitute criminality. The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill flew through the UK Parliament on Tuesday, almost unopposed by a margin of 180-20, such was the desire by both the Conservatives and Labour to see the law enacted.
Reading the fine print, it’s clear the Government is concerned about threats to its national security. While some of this will undoubtedly be linked to a perceived need to strengthen its defences as a result of its detachment from the security blanket of the EU, this legal power could forever change the relationship between authorities and the public.
It would be unsurprising if this opening of official doors to violent, legal, otherwise criminal, acts didn’t incite greater hostility towards those members of the public unprepared to accept the imposition of martial law that’s been linked to the arrival of a new infectious disease. Time will tell.
From conspiracy theory to conspiracy reality
Social media posts suggesting that your right to travel might be curtailed if you can’t prove you’ve been vaccinated with one of the expectant, ‘approved’ Covid-19 vaccines were, until recently, being pulled for contravening ‘community standards’ (i.e. they were categorised as conspiracy theory or fake news).
CommonPass, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and launched by the World Economic Forum and Commons Project Foundation, has come to fruition. Trials begin this week in London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore. It’s described as “a digital health platform designed to enable smooth passage during the pandemic by allowing travellers to carry their Covid-19 test results in a standardised, global format, thus easing international air travel.”
The CommonPass app (Source: The Commons Project)
CommonPass doesn’t try to hide its intent to enforce vaccination on those who choose or need to travel by simply preventing the unvaccinated from travelling.
Security insider, Brad Perkins, who headed up CDC’s anthrax investigation after 9/11 and served as CDC’s Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer from 2005 to 2009, made an important clarification in his piece in the UK’s Telegraph, saying, “The added benefit of cross-border trust for test results is that it lays groundwork for inclusion of Covid-19 vaccination as part of health status.”
National Geographic published an article on 29th September that looks at the opaque privacy issues that will face travellers as app-based surveillance continues to expand. If you’re concerned, you better delete all apps you’re not using and turn off location services when you’re not using them – just for starters.
But what happens if you don’t want to be vaccinated, or you’re not deemed sufficiently worthy? Recall the FT’s interview with Kate Bingham, head of the UK’s Vaccine Taskforce, when she said there’s only going to be enough vaccine in the UK for those deemed at greatest risk, namely “the old, vulnerable and those working in healthcare settings”. Was this genuine or part of an elaborate psychological trick based on creating an illusion of scarcity so as to fuel demand? Anyway, if you’re able to get travel clearance by simply demonstrating immunity, whether achieved by naturally-acquired infection or vaccination, Covid parties, along the lines of old-fashioned chicken pox parties, will inevitably become de rigeur among some groups of healthy people. But attempting to recruit people to such parties won’t be as easy as it might have been, given the current state of digital authoritarianism, which has already led to bans of such content. Street party anyone?
Scientific resistance builds
Last weekend, a number of leading scientists, epidemiologists and doctors came together under the auspices of the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Their aim was nothing short of an attempt to shift the approach taken by governments in their efforts to combat Covid-19 around the world. The call for this shift was to create a more proportionate way of dealing not only with the disease itself (not to be confused with infections), but also taking full account of the unintended or collateral damage caused by any of those strategies. Call it a broad-minded, independent, multi-lateral, scientific approach, one that contrasts with the myopic, siloed approach to Covid-19 that’s dominated the WHO-managed government responses to the pandemic to-date.
It wasn’t the first time such an initiative was attempted. An earlier effort, headed by Stanford’s Prof John Ioannidis, regarded as one of the most high profile, and in more usual times, influential, scientists (and epidemiologists) in the world, was Great Barrington ‘s precursor.
The result of last weekend’s meeting of minds in Massachusetts was the Great Barrington Declaration, authored primarily by three internationally acclaimed epidemiologists and public health scientists; Dr Martin Kulldorf from Harvard, Dr Sunetra Gupta from Oxford and Dr Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford. Their declaration was co-signed by 34 additional heavyweight scientists and doctors, including Nobel laureate and biophysicist Prof Michael Levitt, and leading UK oncologists Profs Angus Dalgleish and Karol Sikora.
The declaration has seen signatures pouring in, the numbers shown represent signatories for each of the three groups at around 10 pm UK time, 7 October.
I have since signed, as have my colleagues in the ANH-Intl team, and we urge doctors, practitioners, scientists and members of the public to do the same. As dissonance builds, the numbers game may be just as important as bringing on-board those of influence.
One of the challenges is that epidemiologists, scientists and doctors don’t all share the same view, such is the uncertainty around the data, the sources of information, and the variable content of the siloes that make up the full picture of Covid and the associated medical, scientific, social, economic and political information. What’s becoming ever more interesting is the sheer weight of scientific opposition that’s developing against the so-called ‘mainstream narrative’, that I’d like to rename ‘Covid myopia’. But we still don’t know if this weight can overcome the inside track to government ears that remains the exclusive domain of a small band of doctors and scientists of the ilk of Dr Tony Fauci, Sir Patrick Vallance and Prof Chris Whitty.
Great Scott!
Standing up and going against the flow of Covid myopia takes courage. It also means you’ll be subject to attack. That’s been the lot for ex-Stanford, White House advisor on health, Dr Scott Atlas, presently senior fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. Atlas, who now perhaps has more clout than Fauci in the White House, supports an approach similar to that posed in the Great Barrington Declaration. Its essence seems remarkably logical given the known scientific facts: maximising efforts to protect the vulnerable, optimising therapeutics for those who become ill, while otherwise allowing normal social functioning as community immunity develops.
Showing the joined up nature of social media platforms and lockdown agendas, YouTube censored an interview of Atlas that espoused his views. So much for helping scientific discourse that has for hundreds of years been crucial to achieving consensus on more controversial scientific matters.
This is Scott Atlas’ interview (23rd June 2020), censored by YouTube, playing off BitChute.
But there was more to come. On 9th September, nearly 100 of Atlas’ colleagues at Stanford challenged him via an open letter, claiming “falsehoods and misrepresentations” and “fostering” views that “run counter to established science and, by doing so, undermine public-health authorities and the credible science that guides effective public health policy.”
An extract of the open letter targeting Dr Scott Atlas for sharing a different view
As signatures pour in to support the Great Barrington Declaration, the UK Government has just announced its decision to reject the call. The Government argues the notion of protecting the vulnerable is an unproven assumption. When you suffer from Covid myopia, we have to assume you also think that the collateral destruction of society, industry and social function is unproven and therefore non-existent.
It’s no wonder more and more people are becoming ever more fearful over the response by the current crop of crony leaders than they are of the coronavirus itself, the attributes of which seem, by comparison, to be both less harmful and more predictable than those of the humans pulling the strings.
Legal redress
The pushback against scientific dissidents is currently not too difficult for our crony leaders to handle. They can just reject the proposals and the people who issue them using unspecified or unjustified reasons, amplified by a paid-for media. Fake news and conspiracy theory are two very useful disposal bins that are always close at hand.
But if governments have over-reached their constitutional and legal powers, and that can be proven, that’s a game changer. So there’s no shortage of people trying to get legal actions off the ground – believe it or not, for the public good.
Legal strategies targeting policies, authorities, complicit companies and individuals in government are being initiated thick and fast. They vary from very well organised attempts to convict global leaders for crimes against humanity, in the mould of the Nuremberg trials, to individual assaults on particular measures, such as 10pm curfews. They include the well publicised challenge of British entrepreneur Simon Dolan against the UK lockdown, which failed initially, but the appeal hearing will be heard on 29th October. Reassuringly, in a case that sounds like state-sanctioned genocide (still considered a conspiracy theory), UK health minister Matt Hancock will now likely face a legal challenge over the government’s blanket issue of illegal ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR) notices.
If you want to get a feel for the seriousness of the legal fire power that’s building internationally, you could do worse than listen to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer and expert on international law, corruption cases and medical law. Dr Fuellmich is working as part of an international network of lawyers whose aim is to challenge the perpetrators of national lockdowns and associated measures, referred to in his words as the “corona fraud scandal”, as crimes against humanity.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich explains why he believes corona lockdowns, testing, social distancing, social isolation and associated measures represent fraud and crimes against humanity.
Take action now
What will happen in the the days, weeks and months ahead of us is uncertain. But irrespective of this uncertainty, adding your voice to those of Drs Kulldorf, Gupta and Bhattacharya, along with the nearly 10,000 scientists and doctors and 90,000 members of the public, who’ve already done so, will move the dial in the right direction.
- Sign the Great Barrington Declaration now
Next, we ask that you please forward this article and/or the link to the declaration as widely as you can.
As you’ll discover in our second piece this week – the tide may be turning. That’s because our combined voices are getting ever louder and being increasingly heard.
Find out more at our ‘Covid - Adapt Don’t Fight’ campaign page.
your voice counts
08 October 2020 at 5:30 pm
Conventional medical science has demonstrated over the past century a high level of fraudulent research, and many researchers have blatantly stolen research data created by other scientists. It has also been proven that many conventional medical scientists are more interested in money than actual truthful research and helping to cure illnesses. As for the legal system, it is no different and functions upon the same basis - money to the detriment of truth! Scientists, lawyers and government ministers are bought as chattels for the right price, and bend to the will and become compliant puppets of their corrupt paymasters. The entire system is riddle with filth!!!
08 October 2020 at 8:17 pm
Agreed Philip, its been going on for the last 40 years.
Now its time to be assertive and stop this rot. Read that the major Pharmaceutical Company that was involved in Oxytocin push killed just under 1.2 million people. and who knows how many more are addicted and damaged and families torn apart etc.,
Its positive to see ANY coming forth with these facts and a Petition , The GOOD people must come together and be as one in their approach to this infiltration in all areas of life by destructive EVIL people who Worship at the Altar of Greed - in all its forms.
That the very sick minority can have so much power .... STOP BUYING FROM AMAZONs and similar ilk. DO not use the Twitter fir Twats adn Facebook for Fools,
The Sackler Family of Purdue Pharma are to pay 3 billion in damages, and have made 50 Billion from sales. Trump is reported as being supportive of this Justice? Where is Justice here? Nuremberg trials come to mind, where is the International Court of Justice? Legal people speaking out on this sickness in their Industry? this is the standard way that Big Pharma does Business. As one former executive of Big Pharma said words along these lines THAT the Mafia have nothing on the numbers of murders by Big Pharma.
09 October 2020 at 6:38 pm
some good comments here.
12 October 2020 at 1:17 am
Well done for all your research and bravery throughout this crisis reporting the truth and exposing the fraud that has been committed on the people of the world with the devastating damage that has been done and will continue to our health economies and our mental well being. It must be lawyers supported by the evidence of scientists and doctors who expose and pursue these crimes. This is the most dangerous war and to bring to justice and expose the manipulation of these pharmaceuticals supported by business will require lawyers to utilise international laws on human rights etc to overcome the removal of due legal process in our countries, draconian police state measures, government controls, the disgrace of the main media and social media, public corporations, the tech company’s and what seems the majority of people who have been Propagandised into fear.
14 October 2020 at 4:08 am
Thank you so much for making the video from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich available to us. The information there is quite remarkable. I note that it is a YouTube video. As YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have been censoring any narrative that does not full in line with WHO dictates, there is an extremely strong chance that this video will be removed just as Dr. Scott Atlas's video was removed. It is therefore imperative that this is saved onto another independent platform.
14 October 2020 at 8:43 am
Hi Lynda
Thank you for your comment. We've checked and are pleased to tell you that Dr Fuellmich's video has also been uploaded to Bitchute as a backup should YouTube remove it.
Warm regards
21 October 2020 at 10:07 am
Hi, Fuellmichs video "Crimes Against Humanity" (which he uploaded to his channel the 3rd of October 2020) was deleted yesterday 21 October. It used to be in Fuellmichs channel here As you can see from my first post, it is not there anymore. Now another video is up on his channel the link is below called "crímenes contra la humanidad - en español" (in english with subtitles in spanish). In case this new video is also deleted, several channels have reuploaded the video, and this video also exists in other video platforms, you should be able to find it by his name and video title: "Reiner Fuellmich" "Crimes Against Humanity". The new video of Reiner Fuellmich can be found here:
Scientists and experts that disagree with WHO are ignored or made fun of by collegues and media, and an honest scientific discussion can not take place. Scientist and experts that disagree with WHO must be allowed to speak, and tell us of their observations and interpretations. This is urgent! The experts in our laws, and the judges in our courts must shake of this "corona panic", clear their minds and get to work -- After listening to the video, going through his transcript, and making some resumes, I believe we have been scamed, lawyer Fuellmich puts alot of facts on the table, and has many renown scientists in his Investigative Corona Comitee - and remeber the WHO has lied before, in 2009 with "the swine flue scandal" - mr Fuellmich explains his case well in the video - if it is true that we are being conned, this is an incredible encroachment on our human rights, and all based on false grounds, if this is the case we the have a huge problem here!
These are the three main promoters of the "corona panic" that are being sued for "Crimes Against Humanity" by lawyer Fuellmich - and these people and their networks, are the people that our governments are basing their lockdown decisions on!
- Dr Christian Drosten, the inventor of the PCR test (corona test) -- PCR tests are not approved for diagnostic purposes, as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests. Even the United States CDC agrees with this. Even Drosten himself declared in an interview in 2014, that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive. Dr Yeadon in his piece: ‘Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics - the Deadly Danger of False Positives’ explains the complete unsuitability of the test for the detection of infectious diseases, covid 19 has tested positive in goats, sheep, papayas and even chicken wings -- Also note that previously, during the swine flu in 2009 Drosten was one of those who stirred up panic in the population; repeating over and over again that the swine flu would claim many hundreds of thousands, even millions of deaths, all over the world. This panic-inducing prognosis proved to be catastrophically false.
- Mr Tedros Adhanom, head of WHO or World Health Organisation -- Drosten used the PCR test, to test in Wuhan China, it came positive, this was enough for WHO to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections -- Note also that previously, 12 years earlier the WHO changed the definition of "pandemic" (to "just a worldwide disease", which not necessarily led to many serious illnesses and deaths) and that due to this change was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide. The panic prognosis of WHO proved to be catastrophically false.
- Mr Lothar Wieler, head of the RKI (German Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and author of "the "panic paper" -- "the "panic paper" that was leaked which was written by the German Department of the Interior. Its classified content shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that in fact the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media. The accompanying irresponsible statements of the head of the RKI, remember the CDC, Mr Wieler who repeatedly and excitedly announced that the corona measures must be followed unconditionally by the population, without them asking any question shows that he followed the script verbatim. In his public statements he kept announcing that the situation was very grave and threatening although the figures compiled by his own institute proved the exact opposite.
Mainstream media seems to be suppressing the case. You might find this PDF transcript useful, is indexed and resumed, and the link has ben updated. Please share with friends.
24 October 2020 at 8:39 pm
This case is so important, and yet I dont hear the mainstream media mentioning it! - Lawyer Fuellmich is suing the promoters of the "corona panic" for "Crimes Against Humanity", the video presentation of his case has been online 20 days now - but politicians and mainstream media still follows the "National Center for Disease Control and Prevention", which as it says "bases its authority on WHOs dangerous pandemic prognosis". The WHO, which as lawyer Fuellmich has stated in his video (3rd October 2020) is being sued for promoting "the corona panic" on false grounds, and is are sued for no less than "Crimes Against Humanity" Yet mainstream media has not mentioned the case, and is calling experts that disagree "conspiracy theorists" - most people don't even know of the existence of the case. This Case is Really Happening!
I am talking about the misinformation on corona virus, covid-19. Many Doctors, Scientists, Experts, Layers, disagree with WHO, the danger and spread of corona are greatly exaggerated, the lockdown is disproportionate - they are called "conspiracy theorists" by the media. Even Politicians that disagree are called "conspiracy theorists" - as lawyer Fuellmich explains, David Sieber (member of the German Green Party) who suggested they should listen to these other scientist that disagreed with WHO - was called a conspiracy theorist, without ever having considered the content of his information and then Sieber was stripped him of his mandates!
On Mr. Fuellmichs Youtube Channel, youtube has deleted his English video “Crimes Against Humanity” once, then it has been reuploaded with the title “crímenes contra la humanidad – en español” (in english with subtitles in spanish), and now also in French. Why censor, specially when this is an international corruption case of the what you might call "Legendary Level", this will be written about in history books. This commes as shoking news for many!
The Media, used to be the Forth Pillar of Democracy! What has happened! -- Truth & Justice, and the people that fought for them in our history, they brought us our wisdom and our human rights! Justice is the axis of human civilization, it is what made it possible for us to survive as a group from the beginning of time . We have passed "The Technological Singularity Point" predicted by Futurologists. The people that fought for Truth & Justice in our history, these people brought us our human rights, these people are our real Heroes! Our sense of Truth and Justice needs an urgent update from within!
Documentary: The Social Dilemma -- The subtle bu strong influence of social media. Interesting documentary about "social media and relation to this case": The Social Dilemma (premiered 26 january 2020 on Netflix)" - gives some insight into the influence of social media in our lives and society.
Update to lawyer Reiner Fuellmichs case suing the promoters of the corona panic for Crimes Against Humanity. With new videos, links, and events! You might find this PDF transcript useful, is indexed and resumed. Easy to share the basic facts with friends.
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