
Dosages next target for EU and Codex restrictions

20 January 2005

The report from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) marks out the need for global scientific action on dosages - now the key focus of the Codex committee on vitamins, headed by Dr Rolf Grossklaus, co-author of the controversial BfR report

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20 January 2005

Planned to coincide with our legal action against the EU Food Supplements Directive on 25 January is a cross-Party Early Day Motion in the UK Parliament. UK citizens should email their MPs BEFORE the 25th. See call to action below.

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Dosages next target for EU and Codex restrictions (1)

20 January 2005

The report from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) marks out the need for global scientific action on dosages - now the key focus of the Codex committee on vitamins, headed by Dr Rolf Grossklaus, co-author of the controversial BfR report

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DSHEA is under attack

15 January 2005

Some Americans believe that laws similar to those being developed in Europe would never cross the Atlantic. Think again, after you have read the Institute of Medicine's newly released CAM report.

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How many more drugs will be found unsafe?

01 December 2004

The false assumption is that drugs are far safer than dietary supplements because they have obtained approval from the FDA. This is despite the fact that the biological action of virtually every prescription drug can be duplicated with dietary supplements at less cost and greater safety.

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Mercury Odyssey

01 December 2004

The journey started in June of 2003, when my third child was born. For over a year I researched and wrote about vaccines but since the beginning, mercury was there, a trail to follow.

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