
News: Week 11, '21

17 March 2021

World Freedom Rally; Vaccine passports; Israel violated Nuremberg code; Spanish society calls for vitamin D for covid; T cells key to combatting covid; UK's FSA extends CBD novel food deadline

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News: Week 10, '21

11 March 2021

Obesity and covid; Astrazeneca jab rollout halted; EU botanicals ban; Lockdowns don’t reduce mortality; US mortality epidemic; Mink and covid mutations; Australia, healthcare workers & covid vaccines; Neonicotinoids impact ground nesting bees

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News Alerts: Week 09, 2021

03 March 2021

Cause of death covid-19?; Pfizer ransoms governments; Censorship noose tightens; Ivermectin paper retracted; PFAS exposure linked to miscarriage; EU countries unite to allow use of word probiotic on labels

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News Alerts: Week 08, 2021

24 February 2021

Question vaccines and you’re a criminal; People power champions natural health in Australia; The problems with PCR testing; Life years lost to covid; Vaccine concerns; Vaccine passports; Iodine mouthwash kills SARS-CoV-2; Refined grains, mortality & heart disease

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News Alerts: Week 07, 2021

17 February 2021

Sweden bans masks; Immunity passports; Autoimmunity risks & vaccines; Lockdown costs; Vitamin D battles; Universities and free speech; Yoga = conspiracy theorist; Pesticides & gene editing

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