
Weekly news update (week 36, 2021)

08 September 2021

The war against ivermectin; Time restricted eating benefits; Global citizens stand together; Sanctions for Drs who speak out; Has plant-based reached 'peak popularity'?; Ontario reports myocarditis cases in kids

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Weekly news update (week 35, 2021)

02 September 2021

Diet & lifestyle influence dementia risk; Ivermectin update; Covid restrictions & kids mental health; GMO to combat burnt toast!; GMO crops harm beneficial insects; Pesticide use driving obesity epidemic; No booster, no pass in Israel; Japan, Moderna & contamination fears

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Weekly news update (week 34, 2021)

25 August 2021

People power thwarts NHS data grab; Delta variant shown to shed heavily in fully vaccinated people; Disinformation Dozen kicked into touch by Facebook; Doctors gagged after speaking out!; FCC RF radiation guidelines not fit for purpose; No transparency in FDA Pfizer approval; Ban gain of function testing; Unions say no to mandatory vaccination; Covid open letters

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Weekly news update (week 33, 2021)

19 August 2021

US Freedom of the Press under attack; Covid vaccines cause ADE; Children & UPFs; ‘Fast carbs’ don’t cause weight gain; Covid legal actions; Covid origins; Healthcare workers speak out; It’s time to live with covid; Monsanto loses appeal bid; Open letter slams vaccination of children

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Weekly news update (week 32, 2021)

11 August 2021

Upholding liberty; UK government pushes mass water fluoridation; Erosion of digital privacy; Covid vaccine harms in children; Pesticides harm bee health; What we’re reading

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Weekly news update (week 31, 2021)

04 August 2021

Letter to the unvaccinated; UK National Food Strategy; Australia becomes a police state; UK public wants regulation of gene editing; Beyond Meat’s CEO calls for meat tax; Long covid in children rare; Drop in wellbeing; Covid vaccine news; Natural immunity protects against covid

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