
News Alerts: Week 33, 2018

16 August 2018

Cancer increase in US children; What is dietary diversity?; Labour inducing; What’s in your food?; Cancer and artificial sweeteners; Glyphosate suspension in Brazil; Study challenges safety of GM crop

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News Alerts: Week 32, 2018

08 August 2018

Pesticide contamination in EU crops; Cornflakes damage health; Low n3 in farmed salmon; CBD oil hope for pancreatic cancer; Fracking increases air pollution; Cochrane & HPV vaccine controversy; US overturns ban on neonicotinoid use

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News Alerts: Week 31, 2018

01 August 2018

NHS and Brexit; Hide and seek with nuclear waste; Supplements under attack in US; Australia ‘no jab, no pay’ pain; Smart meters to hit UK wallets; Brazilians poisoned by pesticides; Food additives and children’s health

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News Alerts: Week 30, 2018

26 July 2018

Cannabis to be legalised in UK; No vaccine safety monitoring in US; Investigating ‘fake science’; CRISPR is a GMO; HPV jab for UK boys; Sri Lanka lifts glyphosate ban; EMFs and adolescent brains

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News Alerts: Week 28, 2018

11 July 2018

Anti-breastfeeding bullies; New Zealand supplement legislation; India restricts supplement ingredients; Medicinal cannabis; Diet and cancer drugs; Climate change and crop nutrients; Vaccination - Italy to believe parents;

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