
"Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility." - Robin Morgan

From a young age, we are taught many things. Mathematics, foreign languages, geography, history. We learn about different religions and political systems. But so few of us are taught the fundamentals of how to live, and now our lack of life skills are threatening to destabilise health systems and even whole economies.

At ANH we help to pull together and make sense of the complex and often contradictory, science and practice around natural living. From information on our website through to our social media, our events, presentations or webinars, you'll find multiple opportunities to engage with our work and education. To learn live naturally and sustainably, whilst optimising our health.

We're passionate about helping as many people as possible to live with nature not against it, and in so doing, leave a more positive footprint for future generations.