
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • ANH Briefing Paper on EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive

    ANH one-page Briefing Paper on the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (2004/24/EC), including ANH's key concerns about the Directive.

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  • ANH Briefing Paper on Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation

    ANH Briefing Paper about the Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation

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  • ANH Briefing Paper on EU Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs) - Feb 2010 update

    ANH Briefing Paper/Position Statement on the proposed imposition of harmonised EU-wide restrictions on maximimum permitted levels (MPLs) of vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods, including ANH's key concerns about the proposal.

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  • ANH summary of key challenges to nutritional and botanical forms of natural healthcare

    Summary of the key challenges to nutritional and botanical forms of natural healthcare, and the ANH's responses to these challenges

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  • ANH Briefing Paper on THMPD in German

    German translation of the ANH International Briefing paper for the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive

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  • Presentation on food supplements by Basil Mathioudakis from the European Commission

    Basil Mathioudakis heads up the food law unit at the European Commission and has been the key official responsible for the European Commission’s legislative proposals affecting natural health for over a decade.

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  • EFSA's role as a risk assessor and provider of scientific opinions

    Professor George Kass, senior scientific officer with EFSA and a member of the Unit on Food Additive and Nutrient Sources Added to Food (ANS Panel), talks about EFSA's role as a risk assessor and provider of scientific opinions.

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  • ANH's presentation at the European Parliament lunch seminar

    Dr Verkerk talks about moving towards a scientifically and legally rational regulatory approach to natural health

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  • Protect your rights to natural medicine!

    Robert Verkerk outlines why legal action is needed to stop regulators’ abuse of power over the public’s access to natural medicine in the US and Europe

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  • Sustainable Healthcare: working towards the paradigm shift

    A White Paper on Sustainable Healthcare by Alliance for Natural Health International

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