
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • Codex moves closer to EU blueprint

    Joint release from the National Health Federation and the Alliance for Natural Health following the 29th Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Bad Neuenahr, Germany, November 2007

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  • Professor Ernst: master trickster of evidence-based medicine?

    ANH exposee of the methods used by Professor Edzard Ernst, Peninsular Medical School, Exeter University, to rubbish complementary medicine

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  • Getting Natural

    Find out why it's so important to think—and be—natural

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  • EU Commission's proposals to limit vitamin and mineral doses not fit for purpose

    ANH Press Release: EU Commission's proposals to limit vitamin and mineral doses not fit for purpose

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  • ANH Position Paper on Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs)

    The European Commission is in the process of finalising approaches that allow the determination of Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs) of vitamins and minerals for both food supplements and fortified foods. Read the ANH position on this fundamental aspect of the Food Supplements Directive.

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  • ANH Position Paper on MPLs

    This Position Paper clearly focuses on the weaknesses of the methodologies under consideration, explains why they are not fit for purpose, and provides commentary on the EC’s Orientation Paper, dated July 2007.

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  • ANH Position Paper: EU model for MPLs not fit for purpose

    This Position Paper focuses on the weaknesses of the methodologies under consideration, and provides a commentary on the EC’s Orientation Paper, dated July 2007.

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  • ANHIC Bulletin Sept Oct 2007

    ANH Innovators Club Bulletin - Sept/Oct 2007

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  • Mark Ridinger - Whose Meme is it Anyway

    Responding to stinging attack o nutraceutical industry by Dr Mark Ridinger, editor of the scientific journal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

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  • ANH comment on Guo, Canter & Ernst study (2007)

    Short comment by Dr Robert Verkerk on Guo, Canter and Ernst paper on individualised herbal medicine (Postgrad Med J 2007;83:633–637)

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