
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • Ms A Matrix

    Functional matrix for Ms A as part of the Practitioner's Toolkit package

    Download (11 MB)
  • Mr L Matrix

    Functional matrix for Mr L as part of the Practitioner's Toolkit package

    Download (10 MB)
  • When business isn’t so sweet

    24 January 2019

  • Fibre and diabetes wars

    16 January 2019

  • Sugar, screens and New Year madness

    09 January 2019

  • 181220 Wikipedia response email

    Download (52 KB)
  • 181219 Your terrain at xmas

    Download (5 MB)
  • 2018 natural wrap-up

    19 December 2018

  • ANH health system sustainability blueprint (UK) executive summary (Dec 2018)

    Executive Summary of ANH-Intl 'A blueprint for health system sustainability in the UK' (December 2018), Alliance for Natural Health Intl

    Download (470 KB)
  • Press Release - 181213 ANH-Intl Blueprint for Health Sustainability Launch

    NHS rescue plan built on sustainability principles delivered to UK Minister of Health Health system sustainability blueprint launched: tackling the UK’s chronic disease burden from the bottom-up

    Download (389 KB)