
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • EC response to MPL petitions

    Following the submission of 5 petitions regarding the unfair restrictions of vitamin and mineral levels, the EC has released this response.

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  • Press Release - 100427 ANH and IAHS keep European Parliament petition on vitamin max levels open

    European Parliament Petitions Committee agreed to keep the ANH and 4 other petitions open regarding the European Commission's proposals to limit dosages of vitamins and minerals across Europe.

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  • EU Legislation affecting natural health

    Our one-page A4 flyer outlining the main regulatory threats

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  • Promoting good science in the field of natural health

    Some of our key concerns and areas of work in this area

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  • ANH Briefing Paper on EU Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs) in German

    German translation of the ANH Intl Briefing paper on the EU Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs)

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  • Water Fluoridation in the EU

    Water Fluoridation in the EU: the European Commission’s 10 years of regulatory failure

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  • The Festival of Social Science Flyer

    The Festival of Social Science Flyer outlining venues, activities and dates

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  • Invitation to a workshop on the future of the Codex Alimentarius

    Invitation to a workshop on the future of the Codex Alimentarius at the Festival of Social Sciences hosted by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

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  • Food Standards Agency Update

    Update following discussions in commission working group on regulation (EC) 1924/2006 on nutrition and health, 15 January 2010

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  • Press Release - 091218 ‘United we are stronger’: ANH announces merger

    ANH International announces merger with the American Association of Health Freedom, renamed Alliance for Natural Health USA.

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