
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • ANH release: Detox works and is scientifically valid

    ANH release responding to Sense About Science's Debunking Detox campaign which claims "detox has has no meaning outside of the clinical treatment for drug addiction or poisoning." ANH dissects some of the irrational and non-scientific statements behind the Sense About Science campaign, which has been fuelled by new recruits in its affiliated organisation Voice of Young Scientists.

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  • ANH release: Cancer prevention study or study designed to prevent vitamin sales?

    Press release on ANH rebuttal to Dr Jennifer Lin and colleagues' study published on 7 January 2009 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute which claimed that vitamins don't prevent cancer. Key authors of rebuttal: Drs Robert Verkerk, Steve Hickey and Damien Downing.

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  • Another Trial Designed To Fail: ANH Critiques Lin's Cancer Prevention Study

    Read how yet another study has been designed to fail—or designed to prevent vitamin sales perhaps?

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  • Cookbook science: a half-baked approach

    Drs Steve Hickey and Robert Verkerk's comment which accompanied the longer critique released on 8 January 2009 of Dr Jennifer Lin and colleagues randomised controlled trial on vitamin supplements and cancer, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

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  • ANH Innovators Club Special Bulletin

    EU regulatory overview.

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  • ANHIC Special Bulletin Dec 2008

    ANH Innovators Club Special Bulletin - Dec 2008

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  • Codex Guidelines for Nutrition and Health Claims

    Codex guidelines for the use of nutrition and health claims, as amended 2009.

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  • Press Release - 081118 Faulty study targets vitamins C and E

    Released on 18th November 2008, jointly with the American Association for Health Freedom, drawing attention to the gross inadequacies of Howard Sesso and colleagues' Physicians' Health Study II in assessing the value of vitamins C and E in the prevention of heart disease.

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  • ANH rebuttal to PHSII: "Designed to fail—a trial without meaning"

    This is the ANH rebuttal to Sesso et al's findings from the Physicians' Health StudyII, published in JAMA in November 2008. The study generated international headlines suggesting that vitamin C and E supplements were ineffective for the prevention of heart disease.

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  • ANH rebuttal to PHSII: "Designed to fail—a trial without meaning" (1)

    This is the ANH rebuttal to Sesso et al's findings from the Physicians' Health StudyII, published in JAMA in November 2008. The study generated international headlines suggesting that vitamin C and E supplements were ineffective for the prevention of heart disease.

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