
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • Inquiry on GM foods and application of the precautionary principle in Europe

    Submission by Alliance for Natural Health International to the Science and Technology Committee's inquiry on GM foods and application of the precautionary principle in Europe.

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  • Press Release - 140326 ASA campaign press release

    Dr Alyssa Burns-Hill CAMpaign to close current Advertising Standards Authority in favour of a new Government regulated agency

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  • Minister of State for Justice wants to speed up the statutory regulation of UK practitioners

    Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes calls for secondary legislation for regulation of Traditional Medical Practitioners

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  • mTOR and caloric restriction: the ultimate weight loss/fitness gain protocol

    PDF of slides from Rob Verkerk's presentation at CAM Expo, 5th October 2013.

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  • Major conclusions of the EASAC report 'Planting The Future'

    Major conclusions of a report by the European Academies Science Advisory Council, including ANH-Intl comments

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  • Ib Pedersen slide presentation

    Danish pig farmer Ib Pedersen's slide presentation about his positive experiences after switching from GM to non-GM feed for his animals.

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  • BREAKING NEWS: Inaugural DorkingShift event moves to 2014

    Bite the Sun is moving its ground-breaking inaugural DorkingShift to 2014, following overwhelming interest to build an even bigger event with additional partners next year.

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  • ANH-Intl Press Release: Adding the 'Dirty Dozen' to the GM debate

    ‘GM Dirty Dozen’ delivered to Paterson in wake of Rothamsted speech

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  • Press Release - 130626 ANH GM 'Dirty Dozen'

    12 reasons to not research, cultivate or consume genetically modified crops

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