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Week No 31 | 04/08/2021


A new badge of honour?

Last night we joined the hallowed halls of the deplatformed when YouTube decided to delete our channel, lock, stock and barrel. Like so many others standing for freedom, we've known that our time may well come and have done our best to navigate round the ever choppier censorship waters. But like all the Big Tech giants swearing allegiance to the current narrative, YouTube doesn't play fair and sees fit to bend it's own rules whenever it suits. There's more detail in our first article, which is entitled "The silencing of dissenters". Ironically, not knowing we'd be joining the ranks later the same day, we were already writing this yesterday, as the suppression of free speech has ratcheted up a few more notches recently.

Not the kind of news Rob Verkerk needed on holiday, but as he says, “It’s deeply disappointing to see that YouTube chose to override even its own community guidelines when it decided to deplatform us. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America must be turning in their graves when they see that it’s US companies - Silicon Valley tech giants - that have been among the most dismissive of the underlying purpose of the First Amendment. These same US-based, global companies, leading the charge on the digitisation of the world and the creation of the Internet of Things, are now among the biggest obstacles to freedom of expression.”

Luckily, we have the perfect antidote to censorship stress (and other kinds of stress too) in our second article, which is also our second in the August Acceleration Series. Two very accessible, practical tools for helping you traverse these times with more ease and grace. We share why sovereignty is probably the most important concept to wrap your head around at this time, along with a daily breathwork practice and how to turn the great outdoors into your very own forest bathing session for the ultimate in nature therapy.

Our round up of current news reflects the challenges we are facing all over the globe, but please do come back to the tools in our Breathing and Bathing article to help you remain patient, strong and sovereign. Change of the magnitude of this global clean-up operation takes time and a commitment to be in it for the long haul. There are many of us now standing together and more joining daily. We will prevail. 

In health, naturally sovereign


Meleni Aldridge

Executive coordinator


The silencing of dissenters


The stakes against ‘misinformation’ are getting higher every day


August Acceleration: Sovereign breath and forest bathing


Step away from your devices! Here are two simple, practical tools to navigate your world with more ease and grace in these increasingly turbulent times


Weekly news update (week 31, 2021)


Letter to the unvaccinated; UK National Food Strategy; Australia becomes a police state; UK public wants regulation of gene editing; Beyond Meat’s CEO calls for meat tax; Long covid in children rare; Drop in wellbeing; Covid vaccine news; Natural immunity protects against covid


The stakes are getting higher against those speaking out. Your support has never been needed more than now

Your donations, whatever their size, allow us to continue to fight for everyone's health. You can also support us by becoming an ANH Pathfinder or purchasing some of our cool merch in the ANH shop! Thank you.


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