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Week No 41 | 12/10/2023


Are you onboard to help avert the meta-crisis?

Greetings from Florida, in the wake of a cyclone. I’m here for the Winning the War on Cancer conference that starts tomorrow, organised by the Beljanski Foundation. This foundation exists to further the work of the now deceased, Serbian-French molecular biologist, Mirko Beljanski, who managed to turn the extracts of specific South American and West African plants into powerful chemotherapeutic agents that threatened the cancer establishment. So much so that the French government destroyed his lab after it became clear his products turned around prostate cancer in the incumbent President Mitterand of France in the mid-1990s. More on this in the next newsletter!

Along with wider news pertaining to natural health, this week we bring you two pieces from events we’ve recently participated in that bring to life our current predicament. The first relates to our involvement in a game changer of an event in Sweden held the week before last in which we collaborated to help identify problems and find solutions to the multiple crises we face in health, governance, media and economics.  

The second piece was about the inaugural Goodwood Health Summit – held at the Goodwood Estate near Chichester, West Sussex, UK. While we might not have agreed with the push on Diet Coke, it was deeply refreshing to find dissent and discourse being encouraged. That’s what true science is all about; embracing uncertainty and differing viewpoints. 

Dive in, and please share as if your life depended on it. Because it does…

In health, naturally,


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Counter culture revolution kicked off in Sweden


120 experts in the fields of health, governance, media and finance, including ANH's Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge, gathered in Sweden to protect inalienable rights and liberty as part of a unique workshop focusing on finding solutions to help counter the loss of liberties associated with the centralisation of global power


Goodwood Health Summit: scientific uncertainty, diverse views and common grounds


The Goodwood Health Summit brought together people from across the health care and business continuum for a discussion encompassing a diversity of views on the microbiome, the food industry, the body-mind connection and potential solutions to creating health.


ANH News Beat (week 41/2023)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 41/2023)


Upcoming events, conferences, available courses and replays


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