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Week No 39 | 28/09/2022


Building bridges

Are you still finding people are falling out over the relatively small things they disagree over, rather than building bridges over the many more things that they are of like minds? We’re certainly continuing to see this, including in the natural health movement. But let’s recognise that if you’re looking for anyone to blame, those who’re falling out are probably not the culprits. They’re just the victims. The people who made it their business to ensure that the majority would buy into lockdowns, masks and mass vaccination are more likely the responsible party.

Over and above all our natural and covid news, we bring you:

  • My Substack that contains reflections from the ground-breaking behaviour and communications workshop we held last weekend
  • My interview and presentation with Health Alliance Australia on the Control Group findings

For all who are not in equatorial climes, enjoy the changing of the seasons. Let us change with them – letting go, like the leaves in Autumn, of the things we no longer need.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Our best shot could get us through this


We share a preview of Rob Verkerk PhD's latest Substack


Control group findings revealed Down Under


Rob Verkerk PhD presents to the Health Alliance Australia, sharing insights into the results of the analysis of Control Group untouched by the covid-19 'vaccines'


Covid News Unwrapped (week 39/2022)


Our curated roundup of global covid news and information continues as we document the effects of the coronavirus crisis and its ongoing legacy


Natural News Roundup (week 39/2022)


Saturated fat & heart disease; Chemsec open letter to EU; Vaping & kids; Sleep loss; UK government threatens nature payments


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 39/2022)


Upcoming events, conferences and existing courses


We know times are tough, which makes your continued support even more valued and appreciated.

Please consider a donation, whatever the size, or why not buy a copy of RESET EATING, some ANH merch or treat someone to a Pathfinder membership?


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)