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Week No 26 | 01/07/2021


Calm before the storm: Vanden Bossche

Our video team has been working overtime this week so in keeping with a world that appears to want to watch and listen more than read, we’ve given you much more video than written content. That doesn’t make it any less important.

First off is our second interview with Belgian vaccinologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche. In it you’ll find Geert explaining why he believes we’re currently weathering the calm before the storm. The current mass vaccination program, says Dr Vanden Bossche, armed with data and information from molecular epidemiologists and other dissenting scientists, is setting things up perfectly for the emergence of variants that will at best keep us in a protracted ‘pandemic of variants’. It could also generate a ‘super-variant’ that Dr Vanden Bossche suggest could be capable of making what we’ve experienced so far look like a walk in the park.

We also bring you a video that pulls together all of the key concerns we’ve been voicing during our 7-week ‘Right to kNOw’ campaign. The USA and the UK, like many other supposed democracies, have delegated responsibility for decisions on how to respond to unvaccinated people to private companies and institutions. This is increasingly leading to discrimination according to vaccination status that can tear lives and careers apart. There is yet to be adequate consideration of medical justifications for avoiding covid vaccination, such as for those with autoimmune histories or profiles.      

You’ll then find a pastiche of footage from last Saturday’s Unite for Freedom march in London that relies heavily on footage we took. Almost without exception, a million people came together with peaceful and sound intentions to help express their desire for a world that was fairer, more proportionate and more respectful of people’s needs and freedoms. If you can, try to watch our video on a screen big enough to read the many placards. We open with one of my favourites of the day: ‘Fight for your freedom like you fought for toilet roll’.

In contrast to the extensive video, the weekly news is all text but no less interesting. From post-Brexit plans to strangle supplements in the UK, a junk food ad ban for kids, increasing heart inflammation reports post-vax, to long-term memory B cell immunity post-infection, gagging doctors – and much more.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


From ‘Pandemic’ to ‘Pandemic of Variants’


Second interview with vaccinologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche


Your Right to kNOw: Where the rubber meets the road


Find out who is or isn’t discriminating in our latest video


London's biggest Unite for Freedom rally: the video


Members of the ANH team joined a million others on Saturday 26 June calling for the respect of civil liberties and medical freedoms


Weekly news update (week 26, 2021)


Post Brexit regulatory changes for supplements; Junk food advertising to kids; Long covid & EBV; Myocarditis reports increase; Natural immunity following covid-19; Pandemic depression in children; Lisbon court challenges covid death toll; New ivermectin trial; Coronavirus genome sequences deleted; Covid censorship; Other news…


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